Disclaimer: Do not be fooled by the sunshine leaving its speckles in these photos. Rest assured that IT IS MERELY A TEASE. Did it snow after these pictures were taken? Pfft... why would you say that? YES IT DID. AM I BITTER? PFFT NOT AT ALL. (But seriously. It has sunshined, snowed, rained, snowed, sunshined, in the past 72 hours. Hello Canada, thank you for fulfilling your stereotype. Like, we all appreciate your indecisiveness. Like, just send us a freaking snow storm while you're at it. OH WAIT YOU ALREADY DID.) But you know, life is good and lalala wonderful words here. :)
And... outfit time. Hollla. I actually LOVE this dress. It's so voluminous and puffy and it makes me want to spin instead of walk and sing and instead of talk and yeah. You know. Spread joy and jumps and stuff. Er, anyways. I usually style it like this , but I was thinking, "Yo, let's change 'er up." And so I did. So , I'm basically full of surprises and great stories and depth, yeah?

Nothing significant happened in this outfit: first bike ride of the seasons (!!! highlight of the day. i lead an exciting lifestyle), chilled in a coffee shop for a few hours (by "chill"," I mean pretending to read Hamlet while simultaneously eavesdropping on some chick yapping about her sex life. love you strangers) and yeah. That's it. Oh, goodie - a guy told me I had "awesome style!!!" so cheers bro.

Felt is my new best friend. It reminds me of playing with felt dollies and make believe and things of that matter, which is sufficiently nostalgic and wonderful and thus I am content wearing it. I've also started making a bib from felt and yeah, this is fun news.

Nothing significant happened in this outfit: first bike ride of the seasons (!!! highlight of the day. i lead an exciting lifestyle), chilled in a coffee shop for a few hours (by "chill"," I mean pretending to read Hamlet while simultaneously eavesdropping on some chick yapping about her sex life. love you strangers) and yeah. That's it. Oh, goodie - a guy told me I had "awesome style!!!" so cheers bro.

Felt is my new best friend. It reminds me of playing with felt dollies and make believe and things of that matter, which is sufficiently nostalgic and wonderful and thus I am content wearing it. I've also started making a bib from felt and yeah, this is fun news.

(Blazer - Value Village/ Thrifted $7, Dress - Thrifted $30, Tights - Unknown, Shoes - Value Village/ Thrifted $7, Felt Broaches - Nepal, Ring - F21)
Despite the gray skies (literally. hah. that's not even remotely witty?), I am feeling sunny and joyous. I am feeling very inspired out of late, which is a nice change of pace. I'm not even sure what it is particularly, but I have huge urges to wear voluminous skirts and bright tights and patterned attire and oh hey what's new? Also, to just smile a lot and laugh at unfunny jokes and stuff of that matter? Maybe it's the sign of the sunshine and summer and graduation drawing near...
I think that that is one of the fun things about being inside my head: I am easily inspired. Like, extremely easily. (With the exception of school and/or when I am tired. Which is 90% of my life, so "easily" may be a weeeee bit of a stretch.) I love looking at things and imagining how it could be or how things might be or how things will be. I encounter a lot of "oohhhh, that's so beautiful, I could cry moments" and it's so, so great. I love living and being able to smile about living.
What inspires you, my friend? A person? A place? A parrot? (Alliteration, yo. I'm curious. Do spill.)
P.S. Thank you for all your comments in the past few weeks. I forgot how much I adore you all. Kidding. I show no emotions. Stoic face. (I feel like I should reference Angela from the Office right now. So hi. Reference.) I don't know why these words are being sputtered from my lips. er. Fingers...
I think that that is one of the fun things about being inside my head: I am easily inspired. Like, extremely easily. (With the exception of school and/or when I am tired. Which is 90% of my life, so "easily" may be a weeeee bit of a stretch.) I love looking at things and imagining how it could be or how things might be or how things will be. I encounter a lot of "oohhhh, that's so beautiful, I could cry moments" and it's so, so great. I love living and being able to smile about living.
What inspires you, my friend? A person? A place? A parrot? (Alliteration, yo. I'm curious. Do spill.)
P.S. Thank you for all your comments in the past few weeks. I forgot how much I adore you all. Kidding. I show no emotions. Stoic face. (I feel like I should reference Angela from the Office right now. So hi. Reference.) I don't know why these words are being sputtered from my lips. er. Fingers...
oh my gosh, have I told you that I adore you. This is such a Quirky Explosion look :D I love all the colors!
an explosion of colours! the dresss makes me so happy by the sight of it. felt acccessories- i like!
Okay, gonna be honest, I didn't read the post itself. However, you look so happy and full of life in your pictures! I admire you for your joie de vivre!
Hi Lexy! Glad that you back safely from Nepal. I want to greet you in prev post, but my connection down again. So.. I greet you here(: Glad you're back!
I like your blazer and flanel brooch. LOVELY!!
Well, hope the sunshine stays longer there. I always have sunshine here. Kinda boring.. xp
I think movies inspire me a lot. I'm such a movie freakk!!
Dreamy Princess
the shoes are amazing and wooow it snowed after those photos :(?
love these pics, I really like the sun in these pics actually!
and your dress is to cute , i'm so loving it!
I always get inspired by other bloggers ! love to see how they use the trends of the season to mix with there own style. Oh and good editorials are also really awesome inspiration!:)
Lexy, I confess. Lately its been you. Especially post like these. You make me want to wear whatever I want and not care about if people might find it stupid/idiotic/crazy/etc. And that is a bloody good thing, because now I walk in high heels all the time, wear midi skirts and I'm growing my hair. Yes. Okay, well I must say that it's not only you who inspires me to do that, but you sort of encourage me to keep doing so. If you know what I mean...
Wow, how is it possible I also post such long comments on your blogs?! ANYWAY. I love your comment on the weather, beautiful words indeed! ;)
Oh yes Canada! It was snowing over here too. But I on the other hand, and super bitter and mad and disappointed!!! GRRR sunshine please!!! Inspiration....I'd say life is my inspiration.
Your blog! xo style, she wrote
You are amazing with your adorable style and your gorgeous smile!
I love your outfits little girl...enjoy life!
You and your colours hun, I have missed u : )
You look amazing! I love your outfit, it's so cute! It must be weird to be back in normal clothes after your trip.
I think I'm inspired by the weather, that is, the weather I want it to be. I so do not dress for the weather. I've spent the last couple of days freezing in my thing coats because I refuse to accept that it is not that warm yet.
What a cute dress! Love the happiness that just shines out of these pics.
fun outfit!! i love the floral and checkers together <3 you look great and lovely photos!!
I was born and raised therein Kathmandu. yes i know chisopani. i just came to New York seven years ago. hehehehe My mom visited last summer and she said that everything has changed. yes i know some villages you mentioned. BTW did you buy anything. ??
I miss Nepal a lot.. and your pics were just wonderful..
i am glad that you loved my country..
I looove this outfit! You're SO RIGHT, whenever I wear a voluminous or fluffy skirt I just have to spin around and dance all day long! Love it, girl!
Thanks for your commento!! :))
chloe ** http://flowerponychloe.blogspot.com
WHAT?!?! Lady you are fucking amazing. This outfit is aces from top to bottom. As soon as I am done with this comment I am going to click follow and proceed to stalk the hell out of your blog. Holy crap. Thank you for existing.
I love the dress, and the super awesome lens flare!
Sorry about the snow, what a nuisance! I know EVERYONE has had their fill by now!
Chic on the Cheap
Gorgeous outfit, I'm really liking that dress! Haha, I eavesdrop occasionally when I'm at a coffeeshop too - it's hard not to, especially if he or she is talking loudly.
dude, where have you been?!? i really miss your brightness haha
your outfit is too fucking AWESOME! i love your dress it really pops out haha and it looks great with that blazer with more... and with the pink tights sweet
this is indeed quirky, sorry to know your papa forgot to fetch you=) but your outfit itself is significant for me, the prints and the mix are ssssoooooo adorable, i love it a lot! esp that dress in oxfords.!
WOOW! This looks is sooo amazing :D
I love it! so colorful and cheerful :D It makes me happy to look at it :D
And the photographs are lovely! :D I adore the spots from the sunlight :D
xxx London & Paris
Beautiful outfit. Love all of the colour explosions you so adorable! Hope it'll be sunnier in Canada <3
i just love your enegry in these photos!! and the colours in your outfits are always SO AWESOME!!
you are always such a bright bulb of goodness, the hilarity of your posts really cheer my day up lades. i believe those light orbs are following you cos you're so magnetic!
hope the weather gets warmer soon for you and grad time begins - yah!
lately my insp has been coming through a bunch of quotes i read daily, they are rather random but sure do help me to balance a bit better. happy weekend wishes. ♥
pea ess: glad you liked the youtube post, i know what you mean about being drawn in by bams, pows & biffs. baha!
awww at least you looked great when being forgoteen :) looool xoxo
Love those tights with your shoes..very 90s girlish grunge ;-)
strawberry freckleface
I'm glad your back from you're trip! I've been missing your awesome-filled posts!
I really love this outfit, it's so colourful - definately something which you should wear during the winter when everything's wet, cold and people are wearing plain stuff :)
love your dress and blog! You're so creative and colorful :D
These photos are adorable! That dress is amazing
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