Remember what I told you guys? What? You forget? Oh, you’re just kidding with me? OH YOU KIDDERS, YOU. Of course you remembered that I’d post my mediocre shopping outfit. You probably marked it on your calendar and everything. I am uncertain as to why I’m so narcissistic right now. So I should probably stop. Um, anyways. Yeah. Here it is. I say “mediocre” because it’s a winter rip-off of this outfit. But SHH... only my super stalkers were supposed to know that.

I don’t know why, but these leopard tights are suddenly looking very neutral to me. I experienced a moment of, “Should I wear black tights? Or should I wear leopard tights? Well, whatever. They’re basically the same thing.” (I so wish I could get away with this notion at school. Black Tights vs. Leopard tights + grey/ navy uniform = psh same thing/ golden.)

I’m seriously obsessed with this necklace. I have to warn you all: I kind of went overboard during the whole “shopping” thing in Nepal. I came home with four bags of stuff. FOUR BAGS! Can someone please react with me?! FOUR BAGS AH WUT GURL. (That's what I'm looking for.) But some of the goods were gifts! (By “some,” I mean one bag. Out of four. Meaning three bags are for me. AH I'M A SELFISH BRAT THAT CAN’T BE TAMED.)

But this necklace was seriously love at first site. We were walking around the market. I was my friends. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw it. Everything stopped. My worlds blurred. Suddenly, I heard my voice yell, “STOOOOP.” Every turned around, mouths slowly dropping. There I was, running in slow motion towards this display, the bull’s face glistening in the sunlight. There. Love, kids. Love. (Why do I always exaggerate my shopping experiences? Are you guys all like “this chick’s obsessed with shopping,” she’s therefore cool? Maybe that's what I'm going for? I need friendships?)

(Shirt dress - Salvation Army $3, Blazer - Salvation Army $8, Shoes - Salvation Army $7, Leopard Tights - Pacific Mall $5, Necklace - Nepal, Jewelry - Assorted)
I actually chatted today with my old math teacher about my trip to Nepal (she went a few years ago) (aw, bonding moment with ex-math teachers, I’m so social). We were talking about the Everest flight which, to be honest, was a little, “Blah, well, I guess I can say I’ve been to Everest. Boo yeah.” But she said she loved the atmosphere: the quiet excitement/ anticipation from all the passengers. You know what? It's true. That feeling is magic. Magic. When everybody seems to be on the same page, in spite of who they are or where they came from or how they got there. Everyone seems to be feeling the same. Connected by this feeling. There are those moments when it's like, you know what, we really are all the same.
A specific moment I remember is at a Leadership Conference I went to last year. It was fun times. I met lots of cool peoples from around the crib (by "crib," I mean Canada. Aw gangstah swagga, lexdawg.) It was only four days, but I felt like I forged many relationships and it was certainly sad to say "good bye." We had a final dance (you know it's high school when...). There was one specific moment where I suddenly felt so alive. Here I was, in a big circle, jumping up and down with people I'd only known for a few days. We were basically strangers, but it was so amazing. Just jumping up and down in tune to a beat. Connected by music? The past four days? I'm not sure. Just something.
That's another thing that amazes me about fashion and art. I've never been to a fashion show, but I certainly picture many in my head, as I scroll down runways on, mouth agape. I feel like there's a sense of purpose. Everyone is joined together by beauty and passion and love and belief. Isn't that what makes life worth living? Purpose, beauty, passion, love, and belief? I think so. I think that's why art is so beautiful: all these characteristics are apparent - amongst the creators, the viewers...
The world is certainly different and people are certainly vast and all over the place. But I do believe that the core of people are essentially the same. I think that everybody is compatible with everybody: it's simply a matter of trying, rather than judging. Unfortunately, many people stick to the latter. It's easy. We are lazy.
My blog is filled of thought bubbles these days. Sorry, friends. Let's eat some apple pie and chat.
What is your most favourite "atmosphere" in the entire world?
yup, leopard is a neutral now. so is red I feel. This outfit kills me, I love how it all freaking works. I don't think I've ever seen another fashion blogger like you, it's freaking fantastic. Also, that necklace is A-mazing!
I went to my first fashion show/competition just last month. I'm not well versed in the fashion world, but when the show started it was so exciting. The music and the models down the's literally edge-of-your-seat and eyes-wide-open experience.
And seeing your bold styles and interest in fashion, you must must must go to one in the future!! I know you'll definitely enjoy it.
love your blazer!
nothing beats a hot late afternoon/early evening in summer, whether it be somewhere far away traveling, at the gorgeous seaside of our neighbouring country, or even right here in my city!
p.s. your bull necklace = a whole new level of fabulousness! (or is it fabulosity? :D)
lexy. been ages since the last time i went to your blog ! im gonna catch up with ur archives now :D
anyway, you're still the best when it comes to matching different prints / colors altogether.. ive only started a wee bit by combining pink and green.. lol
i also agree that the core of people are same.. there wouldnt be human studies if there arent any similarity between all of us :)
OMG I love everything in your outfit!
apple pie :3 and i lveo the shirt dress! i want it :3 and nice necklace i love it too :p
you really are very, very, very clever....avant-guarde yet intelligent personal style blog i have come across in a while..following for sure....
come visit me at
beautiful clash. so many patterns colours and killer prints. love it man. that necklace has to be one of the finest pieces of jewlerry! I can see the "the bull’s face glistening in the sunlight" as you reached to grab on to this treasure (your a great story teller). we really are the same to the core of human beings, you have such heart-warming experiences!
Your blog is adorable! I absolutely love it!!!!
Your outfit is soo cut- the jacket is to die for!
following on bloglovin!
Oh, okay don't see bloglovin link haha. follow you on google :)
that necklace is freakin' fantastic! i think i like this blazer in both posts!
gah! you rock my socks Lexy!
Somehow I feel like I don't see your outfits anymore every time I visit your blog
Instead, I got sucked into your thoughts and how you interpret them in such a funny yet meaningful way
kudos for you!
Nepal sounds like a blast!
My favorite atmosphere in the entire world is definitely the atmosphere of home
Such a dork, I know!
But I was fortunate enough to get a chance to be away from my family to study and it's just such a peaceful feeling to be back in the place where you know you are loved no matter what
I love everything about your outfit, especially that dress! That necklace is amazing; what a great buy :)
I don't know how you make this work. you are seriously the only person this looks incredible on. I ADORE your style! as for atmosphere...I'm a coffeehouse girl :)
I love the energy of your posts and your outfit! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me such a lovely comment. You are awesome and that necklace is Amazing. Seriously.
I love the energy of your posts and your outfit! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me such a lovely comment. You are awesome and that necklace is Amazing. Seriously.
Love the quirky explosions going on in your outfit. omg your going to Nepal? i'm from there haven't been there for so long Have a blast deary.
Your necklace is rad <3
Still love the outfit, even though it's a winter rip-off. I feel kind of stalker-ish right now as I recognized the shoes and the dress and everything. Whoops.
My favorite atmosphere must be in the Waterstones shop in Amsterdam. I feel always as if I came home when I enter that bookshop. I can spend hours and hours there. The staff would probably think I am mad. Good thing I moved because now I won't come there every single week but probably 1 time in 2 or 3 months. Oh but I don't care, they might even think I'm mad. That's cool. I often think that as well.
/reply/ i wish i could rl knitting buddies with u :p
sooooo nice nice outfit with all you got!! and that necklace,...omg,, who would'nt love it?? huge and eye catching!!!and lucky you on the trip to Nepal!! about my boy..that's why I don't like to make more babies so I can give my full attn and what he needs will be outfits..=) he will be a very well dressed boy...=)Ill update you when he becomes older....thank you so much for the support on his fashion=)
the mix of prints is seriously brilliantly done.
Cool mix of patterns! Love it! xo style, she wrote
You look very nice. Maybe we can follow each other?
I absolutely love this outfit and the fun pictures!
woooow the necklace is incredible !!! and you look so fab as usuall :) xoxo
Can I have, oh I don't know...everything in the pictures?!?!
Peas out :P
Oh, and the answer to your question: The lithosphere of course!
I love how you described the anticipation on the Everest flight. My favorite atmosphere in the world would have to be... uh... good question!!
Absolutely love your outfit!!!! Those tights are just so incredible, and the shoes and the jacket...ok I LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!
My favourite atmosphere has got to be ....i dunno, something sunny with lots of flowers, a cool breeze blowing...hmmm actually i don't know...something to think about.
This outfit screams "quirky explosion!" I love it.
I dont know if you guys get NPR (national public radio) probably not since it's american, but there is a show on it that is called This American Life (which is amazing, you'd love it even if you werent American). And they talked about how closely kids bonded during camp, as in life long bonds. I wonder if this is the same sort of feeling you're describing.
omg im in love with this necklace!
ahhh i love how you use all your prints together!
so colorful!!
check out my blog!
I loved your comment on my blog..too sweet and you're pretty freakin amazing yourself! This outfit is OFF THE WALL!! Soo cool! Where do I start? The colors, the mix of patterns, the funky jewerly, the tights!! Too cool! Oh, and don't get me started on the organge loafters!! I'm in love with orange!!!! Follow each other???
I love the print mixing here! So perfect! Really really dig this.
You weren't kidding when you told me you like to mix patterns. That's the truth. You should get a striped blazer because I wasn't even planning on buying one when I found it and had to once I saw it. I'm sure you understand.
I could never, ever mix patterns like you do, but somehow you're making it work. I love your pieces individually, but couldn't dream up the combinations you have.
Also, that necklace is fantastic. Even if your recollection was highly dramatized, it works and I can so picture it. Going to Nepal would be amazing.
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