Bonjour, mes amis! Oh! Right, I - I mean, Hello, my friends! Phew! Did you see that? Did you see how I accidentally spoke French to you? I'm obviously far too sophisticated and je-ne-sais-quoi for you petits amis, er, I mean little friends.
Now, I know what many of you are thinking: Lexy, you are by far the coolest. I mean, I always knew you were sophisticated and filled with je-ne-said-quoi, but this is uncanny. Please, oh please tell me how you got just oh-so French? I will respond with a modest chuckle, some pink flush will enter my cheeks and finally I will let out a whisper that goes along the lines of that's because I was in Montreal this weekend! (hehe.)
Now, I know what many of you are thinking: Lexy, you are by far the coolest. I mean, I always knew you were sophisticated and filled with je-ne-said-quoi, but this is uncanny. Please, oh please tell me how you got just oh-so French? I will respond with a modest chuckle, some pink flush will enter my cheeks and finally I will let out a whisper that goes along the lines of that's because I was in Montreal this weekend! (hehe.)

Yes, 'tis true. I spent four glorious days in the beautiful city of Montreal for a Model UN conference where I discovered that 1) I will never, ever be able to survive the real UN as I can't debate for my dear life (but that's okay, my mommy says I'm special) 2) I love big cities 3) I love french accents 4) I love meeting people 5) I really freaking love big cities.

I wore this outfit today. Today, I wore this outfit. Today, I walked around my boring town, went to Second Cup, went to the dentist (that's a whole other issue that I'm not going to get into), went to Value Village, and walked around my boring town. Walking around my boring, itsy bitsy town emphasized just how much I love big cities; there's such a difference in pace and atmosphere that makes me want to digest worms and pull out teeth while I'm here (in my boring town). So to speak, my hatred towards my town has been reemphasized. If you didn't already establish that.

I guess there's something about big cities that's so exciting! Maybe it has to do with being young. If so, I want to be young forever and ever and ever (like my grade 6 summer reading) (okay maybe not). Being able to look at the skyline and the big buildings and the excessive hipsterzzz and just sigh of happiness is just fabulous. It's decided: I'm infatuated with big cities. I want to draw hearts in my notebook with our initials together, whilst blasting some Taylor Swift. (datz truuu luv)

(Jacket - Value Village $8, Dress - Thrifted $30, Shoes - Salvation Army $8, Scarf - Pashmina/ Gift, Tights - Pacific Mall, Accessories - Assorted)
Infatuation is good. I think. Or maybe I just like the word infatuation. Which is valid. (Other favourite words: serendipity, frothy, and percolate. Put all three in a sentence and I will kiss a frog and give you the prince charming.) But the feeling of "ahhhh" (as in a sigh of content, like when you have a big mug of hot chocolate, not as in an "ahhhh" of ZOMGZOMBIEZ (or something)) is fantastic. You know? When your heart is content, at least for a moment. And your lips are smiling, even at nothing in particular. I am to big cities as my Facebook friends are to Harry Potter. (That's a terrible analogy, but I wanted to add this so I would be able to say: GAH I'M GETTING SICK OF HARRY POTTER-RELATED STATUSES) (which might emphasize the ridiculousness of my analogy but shush...)
In conclusion, I love the world so much. But if there was a part that I didn't love as much as the others, it would be my itsy, bitsy, boring town. But, you know, I still love it. Kind of... uh...
Au revoir! *kiss on this cheek, kiss on the other cheek*
What are you currently infatuated with?
In conclusion, I love the world so much. But if there was a part that I didn't love as much as the others, it would be my itsy, bitsy, boring town. But, you know, I still love it. Kind of... uh...
Au revoir! *kiss on this cheek, kiss on the other cheek*
What are you currently infatuated with?
Oh how amusing and colourful you are. come a little closer *yoink: i steal your leggings and leg it!*
Bright Green Laces
OMG I LOVE BIG CITIES SO MUCH! THEY MAKE ME SOSOSO HAPPY! I live near San Francisco and I love walking around just soaking in the city feel. It's just indescribable and I can definitely see myself living in one REAL SOON!
P.S. YOU LOOK SO CUTE! You always make the most colorful, patterned, adorable things go together in ways I could never put together. SO JEALOUS!
P.P.S. I'm currently infatuated with being infatuated. I love loving things, it makes the world such a brighter place to be in.
-ANISA, thelaughslut,
the world is large, but the fun part is learning and visiting as much as possible!
this outfit is so cute, love the color explosion!
Love these pics! I totally adore your panties!!
i did model un in high school, but we didn't get to go to montreal :( you look adorable in these photos as usual!!!!
Woww.. congratz on your trip! Must be nice to go visit France!!
I think that you're ready for the christmas, looking at your red and green outfit..((:
Dreamy Princess
~I wonder what it's like to live in Paris~
Woww.. congratz on your trip! Must be nice to go visit France!!
I think that you're ready for the christmas, looking at your red and green outfit..((:
Dreamy Princess
~I wonder what it's like to live in Paris~
Woww.. congratz on your trip! Must be nice to go visit France!!
I think that you're ready for the christmas, looking at your red and green outfit..((:
Dreamy Princess
~I wonder what it's like to live in Paris~
Woww.. congratz on your trip! Must be nice to go visit France!!
I think that you're ready for the christmas, looking at your red and green outfit..((:
Dreamy Princess
~I wonder what it's like to live in Paris~
love these. adorable x hivennn.
That outfit makes me soo happy! The colours and layers are so fresh and wonderful! Really suits you!
god lexy !
i miss your blog SOOOOO MUCH ! its been too long since the last time i've been here ! im gonna check out all of your posts love !
really loving this bright outfit ! i love the fact that i can get pops of colors whenever i vvisit your blog :)
i love those rings !!! and the tights are just too fab for words :D
you're giving my dull winter some colour yaaay :D
Gah! I too really love big cities! And I think that you would be such a colorful addition to one!
I am currently infatuated with your tights - ohmigosh what a magnificent motif!! :)
Haha I wish I could speak French, it would be so fun to say things. Love your outfit - especially your dress!
I love the tights!
amazing tights! you are so unique. i think both your style and your personality are too big for a small town. you gotta get to a big city! :)
Be sure to enter my Jewelry & Makeup Holiday Giveaway!
I am currently infatuated with your amazing style!! Those tights may or may not have taken my breath away!
Bonjour, mon amie, j'adore ton ensemble. Eeeeet ca c'est tout le francais that I remember. xD It's such a pity too, I love speaking it, but I have to think so much on it that I can never get a sentence through! Anyway, now that we're back to English, I LOVE those tights as well. In fact, this whole outfit is tres belle in my opinion, it's very you (compliment!).
And pumpkin lattes are not too good for you in all honesty, but they're like cake or pie in that sense. Delicious, but if you eat too much, you just might burst. So drink with delicious caution! I don't know if you need the extra energy burst, though. :P
Toast with Charmalade
that is jsut as awesome outfit, I bet you stood out in that big city with those tights!
And it's okay, I remembered trying out for debating once when I was little and while everyone else was getting great comments they never said anything to me. I guess I was too good for words, lol (although I never made that debating team. . .)
awwwww, i love harry potter. harry potter is my big city (if i may say so, just to follow your analogy..hehehe)
yes, i love getting infatuated...i miss the feeling of teen infatuation! gah!
♥ vanilla ice cream ♥
Mismatched tights! Yah one of my favorite things ever! I love big cities as well, but I think living in a small boring town can be a great thing for your style. Because y'know, you feel all special when your the only one in your town walking around looking like a weirdo. Obfuscated is another word you should add to your favorite words! Tis cause it is my favorite.
Lovely style!
Nice pics!
u r amazing ^^ i love your clothes and ur outfit ^^ u have the most unqie style ever! I love u for it keep it up :)
aww i'm sure you will get out into the big city soon enough!
I love your color explosion today, especially your pink blazer!
Chic on the Cheap
Oh! I'm so glad you wandered over to my blog just now, because NOW I get to meet you! And, I get to stare in slack-jawed amazement at the awesomeness that is this confectionary riot of color! It's great I love all the layers of cascading color. It's no wonder you're smiling. Who could not when wearing so much fun?
And, in regards to your comment on my blog, I don't think it's morbid at all to think of such things as funeral dress. Like I said: I picture all black with lots and loads of colorful feathers in hats.
What adorable tights! You obviously have a tight fetish! Thanks girlie for visiting my blog! You have a wonderful and fun style.....I love how you use color! Come back soon and I'll bake cookies for you! ~Serene
Do big cities make you feel serendipitous like the serendipity coffee experiences when it is percolating into a frothy latte?! Boo-ya! Done and done haha! I love all the colors in your outfit, and I'm your newest follower! :)
I seriously love your outfit, and I'm so glad I found you're blog, your writing amuses me :)
hello there my dearest Lexy...I miss your happy and colorful character...
I love the different colors on the tights...and your smile as well...
Take care love...
love all the colors in your outfit!
You wear colours soo well babe! Happy Friday! Mwah xxx
you always make me giggle i love your outfit soo freaking color and the tight random---thats why i love it!
wow you manage to fit alot of thoughts into one post :L love how colourful your outfit is.
In response to your comment, my hat was only £5 at a vintage fair. Great purchase, but its now a bit worse for wear after our roadtrip in america this summer x
This outfit is far from awesome...
it's so far beyond awesome, it makes awesome look like a tiny dot on the cool spectrum ;)
Like seriously, wow, wow, wow and again WOW! The way you mix colours, it's so bold and whimsical I absolutely love it!
Great oufit as usual, love the tights!! I'm currently infatuated with Alexander Skarsgard, True Blood is too good!
Ahh! What cute photos! I love those crazy pants, and the demin-ish shirt you have underneath. And those bi-coloured tights! How cute! btw, I can't debate for my life either.
Hi Lexy! I like your clothes a lot and I wanted you to know I think I was at the same model UN conference you were, ssuns? what committee were you in?
your blog is always so fun and inspirational !
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