I woke up today and saw clouds. Instead of my normally pessimistic thought of "UGH" I thought "YAY!" Why? Because it was a chance to debut my new umbrella and (not-new) rainboots, of course!

I love wearing bright colours and fun patterns. I seriously think the world would be a happier place if everyone had fun with fashion; (happy) fashion is contagious! Can you imagine?

(Blazer - Value Village $7, Dress - Pacific Mall $15, Tights - H&M $5, Boots - Winners $30, Umbrella - Boutique $20)
I've had these boots for a long time - a good year, at least - but I've never worn them in an outfit! Only for rainy days or mucky field trips, when I'd wear them with my uniform. So, when I saw clouds, I knew I had to centre my outfit around them! Do you guys ever do that? Centre an outfit around an accessory or article of clothing?

Close up of rings - my new favourite piece of jewelry to wear!
(L to R - Peru Market, Peru Market, Exhibition, Vintage)
These photos were so much fun to take! I know that fall is supposed to be a time for darker colours and yadda-yadda... But, c'mon... You're only young once! Enjoy the neons of the world!
I hope you guys have all had a bright and cheery weekend! Just for the head's up - I probably won't be posting all week due to the fact that I have, well, a uniform and therefore no outfit posts! (You know, unless you're craving to see my grey kilt and blue button down... Tempting, I know...)
What are your favourite colours to wear? Thanks so much for stopping by! And commenting, if you do :)
Love the colors, Miss.
that umbrella is too cool. ;) and i love wearing crazy rain boots, it makes a boring rainy day that much more exciting!
WAY cool umbrella! I love love love your outfit, too! It reminds me a bit of Blair Waldorf. Sometimes, I actually do base my outfit on a certain article or accessory. Currently, my favourite colours to wear are fall colours like burgundy, navy blue, greys, and not specifically a colour...but fall florals! x
The mix of colors here is really so so beautiful !
Esp. those tights. The pink is really unique,bubblegum pink ! heeee
And adorable umbrella with those wellington boots and your dress is beautiful :)
Beautiful rings you have
very cute! Love all of your accessories - rings, umbrella! :)
Love your tights and your boots!
So glad to see you're dressing stylish for the rain... I just bitched on my blog about people who don't! :D
nahh .,.umbrella gurl.,
je adore ur fab boots nd pink legging, dress are cute :))
Thanks for the compliments, this outfit is very nice and whimsical Keep doing amazing posts!!
-brad Paige~
I love these photos! You are so adorable. The rain boots are super cute and those pink tights are lovely! The rings are super cool too, especially the turqoise one.
awww.. darling. you remind of of fun fall leaves fights and stomping in rain puddles. I miss home with the crisp leaves but instead, I am stuck in the concrete fashion jungle hong kong.
my new color? grey is the new black and beige as well. love it.
I want your boots.
your rings! <3 you have like millions?
i love the combination of the dress and tighst; nice that the pink is coming back!
thanks for your comments girl!
lol, i love reading your posts -theyre always so energetic and uplifting! haha, sweet umbrella too =)
Love The Boots.Cute Print!
The Umbrella Is Pretty,too
You are the cutest thing! And you're also Canadian :) Great outfit, sweetie. Love the bright pink tights and your rings are so nice.
I love my rain boots too, they're pink and with nice retro -shape.
juliet xxx
i love the colour purple, lavender purple because it has such girly yet gentle approach. I love that you just play with colours in fashion, your taste is like bubblegum sweet & bubbly LOL. i must find a pair of rainboots before next winter, i like them at ankle height, too high just looks too chunky..
I love your umbrella and boots (and everything else you're wearing :P)
hey lexy, passed a lil blog award to you. if you have time, kindly check it out. thanks! love your boots btw!
This is such a fun outfit, i would love to dress up like this if only the rain comes so often! I adore your pink tights and i think i just had a crush on your umbrella. LOVE IT!
My favourite colours to wear? Would have to say navy blue, gray, white , any pale colours and bright yellow and green. Gosh i can't make up my mind.
wow i love this look ! super fun ! your photos are also lovely :) what can i say ? they all look so great together ! haha . cute pink tights , lovely boots , great umbrella , beautiful dress , cool belt and chic blazer ? perfect . :D
ohhh I love your tights!
i love the boots and i think i'm going to buy colorful tights!!i think they r too cool!!
xoxo sara
I so envy the fact that you actually had a reason to wear rain boots and use an umbrella. I have waited for months for such an opportunity but none have arrived; therefore I've just begun wearing boots in 100-degree heat. The strange looks from random people don't even bother me anymore! :)
Love the colors you're wearing here. I wear a lot of navy blues, plums, olive greens, gray, black, white...okay, I guess I wear many different colors - but more deep than bright, I suppose. Oh yeah, I need your rings - they're just too fabulous not to be taking up space in my jewelry drawer! :)
Soooo cute!!!
i LOVE that you love color, way cute. i personally lean toward more pastel shades, i don't know, i'm in a phase. haha.
I'm not a cocktail ring girl, but yours look absolutely cute! Love the umbrella...I can see why you were anxious to show it to everyone!
I have the same tights! (: And yes, centering an outfit around one piece is super fun. Like today:
LAME-O GIRL AT SCHOOL: "If you're so hot, take off your blazer!"
Me: "NOOOOOOOO the blazer is the focal point of my whole outfit!!"
Okay, too long of an explanation for a short question. But still. You're not alone (:
P.S. Love the umbrella!
This umbrella is awesome
and yet these great tights + dress = amazing it looks
These are gorgeous photos! You look like a little beam of sunshine on such a cloudy day! So cute.... And my favorite color to wear? PINK! Hurray!
hey! so cute, love the pink tights,
gosh i wish i can always take happy pics like u , i always end up taking pics that either look weird or just scary!
oh and thx for always supporting my blog and giving me great advice tips and sweet comments
u r super nice! happy monday
I adore rainy days and sfashion is contagious and wellie boots are WAY brilliant!
i love your bright outfit and those rain boots and the umbrella. i was happy to bring out my lovely boots today too.
love those pics, you look really cute in that outfit
so colorful!
i lovethe boots and umbrella! you pretty girl!
your pink leggings just POP! you look very cute!!! :)
I don't mean to be a freak but I think I love you.
You.are.awsome.if.only.you.live.in.england.then.we.could.discuss.roald.dahl.and.our.love.of.two.of.a.kind. that, my friends, was the longest sentace in the world.
fab wellies! I got a lot of wear outta mine as it rains alot in Ireland :) I wouldnt mind seeing ur individual stamp on your school uniform, how you make it your own.
magpie-girl.blogspot.com xx
Really cute boots and I really like that umbrella
Love the cocktail rings!
Your wellies are amazing! Love this outfit, i think it brightens up a rainy day when you wear bright colours. Nice umbrella as well!xo
Loving that umbrella. I think it'd be enough for anyone to want it to rain!
And the rest of the outfit is really great too..
Thanks for the really lovely comment.
I love your colorful outfits! I just found your blog and you are so gorgeous! I love it =)
These are so cute!! You have great style, and always seem to find the best stuff at value v
totally loving those turquoise rings!!!
and that umbrella is the cutest
isn't playing in the rain the best?!???
Enter My Giveaway
Ahh, such a cute outfit, I love it <3
this post is utter and complete awesome. totally following!
i love the colours in this outfit, it works really, really well. my favourite colour to wear is either pink (although i own nothing pink, really) or grey. :)
Super cute outfit, love how the neon blue and pink go together. The umbrella is super sweet. =)
Umm my fave colors to wear are purples and yellows. =)
OMG! does your umbrella have people WITH UMBRELLAS on it?? :O:O thats totally wicked! and i love your boots! when i was small and living in HK, i was jealous of all my friends because they all had really pretty coloured rubber boots, like paddington bear and shiz. and i would beg my mum to buy me a pair, and she promised me but never kept her word. still hearbroken *sniff*
This is so cute! I love everything!
Lol nice pictures!
My favorite colours are black, pink and nude!
the outfit combo reminds me of candiesss !
pink tights with blue printed wellies is just too adorable.. and I like the way ur wellies match with ur rings also :)
may I ask where are u from ?? :)
I'm loving ur blog so much !
Even when the experts all agree, they may well be mistaken.
We can only love what we know and we can never know completely what we do not love.
Nature never deceives us; it is always us who deceive ourselves.
Time and tide wait for no man.
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