The summer heat leaves very little room for layering, but this outfit was my attempt to do so, without facing the scary wrath of the sun! (Wow, I'm pretty much obsessed with my sun - been in the last two posts! Maybe it's a sign.. of something..)

(Hat - Value Village $3, Vest - Peru $17, Zebra Tank - F21 $12, Denim Skirt - Homemade, Purse - Flea Market $1)
First time wearing this hat I purchased a few months ago! How could I have forgotten about it? It's texture is awesome. Reminds me of a pink bunny rabbit. Easter bunny, perhaps?
Since layering clothes has proven to be a bit of a challenge in great heat, I've discovered a newfound adoration for layering jewelry!

Here's the homemade jean skirt that I made a week or so ago! Hope you like it. It pretty much changed completely from the original design. I'm such a fool and, once again, bought a sparse amount of fabric. Fortunately, I found some old denim and since the wash was slightly different, I reversed it. That's what the light denim is, just, you know, in case you were curious... Yeah, okay..

Heads up for the blog -- school starts tomorrow. Sadly, this means that I will return to being uniform clad and homework indosed. I'm definitely going to find time for this blog (I love blogging!), but posts are likely to be more sparse! Also, my internet has been down, so I will probably have to visit your blogs within the next week, once it doesn't keep shutting down every 20 minutes!! (I'm slightly agitated. Though content and mildly - as in very - proud that I sped wrote, uploaded pictures, and published this post in the given amount of time I have! I call it skill...)
Thanks so much for stopping by and all your comments! I seriously appreciate them! How's your first days of school been? Any funny stories? (Wouldn't mind reading them during class!)
Anyone who is interested in the skirt tutorial - CLICK HERE! (I don't know why it's so far behind!)
My first day of school was a success in some ways. I hate my uniform though. I wish I went to a school like gossip girl where you can dress up your uniform.
LOVE LOVE LOVE that skirt!
Really cute outfit ! I ABSONLUTLY LOVE THAT SKIRT! It's amazing ! <3 I'm going to try to make it ( once I get the matireals and learn to sew. :p) You're blog is always so fun and inspirational ! Thank you. <33
Great outfit! I love that cute skirt and all those great accessories. I have a hat that is very similar and I love it too! though, the little fuzzies get stuck my hair haha
I hope you had a great first day!
hehe, cute pictures. And nice skirt you did!
omg so cute!!!! love your outfit and all the cute jewelry your wearing
love that patched, zipper denim skirt! its so cute, and i would never have thought of zebra and denim, what a great combo!!! you look really cute!
I love love your skirt I thought it was like designer.....I adore your blog and would really appreciate if you would PLEASE check out my blog - - become a follower, add me to your blogroll
you look flawless
love this!
check out my blog @
Your skirt is so cute... I thought it was a designer piece first when I saw the picture!
Great picture!
so your skirt is actually homemade? now, that's what i'll call skirt. impressing. all the best to your schooling
That skirt is KILLER!
One Love,
well my school started WAYYYY back in june, so yeah.... everyone was all caught up in the swine flu thing, we had this weird survey thing where they would ask us "have you been in contact with anyone who arrived from a abroad in the past 10 days" and random shiz like that. oh and everyday for like a month, we would have to have our temperature checked before school. not cool man, not cool.
cute! nice rings!
What an adorable skirt and hat! I love it!!
Would you like to check out my blog sometime? Exchange links, maybe? :] Check me out!
wow skirt is so well made!! and that hat is adorable!! good luck goin back to school..
i love the hat, bag and all that wonderful jewelry! =)
great crafsmanship, very chic.
You made this? My god wow. Period thats it life is unfair.
that is such a gorgeous outfit and i love this skirt. i definitely want to try it sometime.
i agree., fall is definitely a fashionistas dream season.
and your vest is perfect!
you look great! :)
looking gorgeous
Your skirt is gorgeous. Very Project Runway-y. Great job!
aww i'm in love with your vest,
and as always, a great pleasure to see one of your homemade pieces. the skirt is absolutely gorgeous; i just can't get over how perfect the seams are and everything else.
keep up the great work.
i can't wait to see YOU get famous! ;]
cute skirt and agreed autumn is the best season for fashion x
Love all the jewelry. Good luck on the first day (though I'm quite sure it's already passed... I forgot to check the date of the blog). Anyway, I really appreciate all the comments, but you really don't need to feel obliged to post a comment-for-a-comment. (:
Good luck with the school year! You'll just have more clothes to play around with for he weekend. : )
ZOMG ZOMG WHATTHELUCKYSOSANDSO i want your skirt so badly. when you dont want it anymore you know where to come.
you look so great as per usual
your so talented lexy HAHAHA
i just love how you make so many skirts
i'm attempting to make a few skirts too on the holidays,
when i finish school, you start school, enjoy homework, its hell to be honest!
love cathy
Gorgeous photos~! That skirt is gorgeous and I am in LOVE with that hat!
Love. That. Skirt. I want. But your accessories? They're making me giddy. Those rings...I die! :)
I love the idea of layering jewelry!
love those bracelets on your arm and rings on your fingers. very cute
You look great, I love your jewelry!
Love the outfit - you look amazing. Plus I am so jealous I want that hat!
Kate xx
cute skirt!
Great Jewellery!
oh wow, i've been checking out a lot of blogs and yours is just amazing, honestly:)
i love your style and your blogs are really great!
if you'd stop by my blog, i'd really appreciate it:
the detail on the skirt is awesome! and love your jewelry
What an awesome skirt! I like it very much (:
honestly, comparing myself to you, i think i UNDERaccessorize :D i need to start buying more jewelry and piling them up like you always do. nice pictures and i'm gonna steal that furry hat from you one day :DD
everything you make always seems to turn out so well! it's not fair.
hi, i love the post!
and oh btw i have changed my blog address to :)
you made your skirt? it is incredibly epic, good job!
cute bag.awesome ur vest ,nice skirt nd shirt :))
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