Anyways, please forgive me and here's Sunday's outfit :)

(Dress [worn as shirt] - thrifted <$1, Belt - thrifted $1, Shorts - Value Village $3, Tights - DIY, Shoes - Mum's)
This "shirt" is actually a "mini-dress." And this "mini-dress" was actually a long dress (literally - to the floor!) before I hemmed it. It's really fun, despite kind of gaudy and medieval. I say this because it's made of this sparkly gold fabric and black velvet. I was rubbing my stomach all day. I hope that's not weird.
I like wearing this ring too. I think the best thing about it is that people compliment it, unknowing that it's really Halloween costume jewelry that I bought at Value Village for $3. It also came with this brass knuckle ring that's kind of like "BAM." It's kind of awesome to tell them that.
(Ring - Value Village $3)
My weeks and weekends are getting pretty chaotic, but I'm always reading your comments and will respond as soon as possible! You can always follow me on twitter if you're interested in, um, my life? I guess? Seriously, I love my followers :) Mostly because I feel less of an idiot documenting the random thoughts of my life on a computer screen.'m the kind of loser that doesn't get a ton of emails. I was flabergasted when I opened my email and saw that I had some regarding my blog! Seriously ecstatic. You can always contact me there, too! (Wow. I feel like such an arrogant dork...)
On the arrogant dork thing, I might as well go all the way. "*siiighhh* It feels like it was just a few posts ago (maybe because it was? I don't know) when I was celebrating my 50 followers. Here I am at 75..." (Okay, enough of that mumbo-jumbo...) I'm seriously so excited! In celebration, I am opening up a question and answer. (Actually, I am opening one because I secretly always answer questions on blogs/ facebook in my head and I think that it is fun. But let's just ignore that minor detail.) I feel like I won't get a lot, but I want to get some questions so
Please ask me any questions for some good ole' Q&A!
Have a good week everybody! I hope I can post soon and look forward to visiting all your blogs! As usual, you guys rock my purple socks off. (I say that because I just bought colourful socks and I'm kind of excited for my uniform-filled week to be over...) Tata ladies and gents!
Wow, what a cool outfit! Love the DIY slashed tights!!
You wear high-waisted really, really well. Great styling!
that top is so nice! especially in combination with the shorts. lovely :)
Would love to see that dress in its entirity soon... Is it just me or is this its first appearance on the blog?
BTW, love your blog. And your smile. ;)
I absolutely love how you wore the mini-dress.
Wow I love it! So different from the more girlie ones the slashed tights mkae it look so rock chick.
Kate x
Wow I love it! So different from the more girlie ones the slashed tights mkae it look so rock chick.
Kate x
wow this is a fantastic outfit.
Question: when did you become interested in fashion? (: The outfit is great as usual.
Love your outfit its really cool! oh and great header too!
WOW seriously very adorable. Very balmain-ish top very jealous very very very very very jealous!
Who plays the piano? Hahahahaha! I had to ask it because I trained myself like 2 years ago to check out the background in pictures first and then the people in them...yeah, I know, weird! Woah! Sundays clothing? I don't blame you at all! You know the Kid Cudi post I did..yeah well I died(literally) the next day because I went to bed around 2 that day and partly(mostly) because of that post! I follow you on twitter! I can't help but still admire your ripped tights! LOL! That's hilarious..the ring thing! I would laugh if I complemented someone on something and they told me a funny story like that! I like the ring but the story behind it is so funny! You look Chinese or Japanese from the belt one of those cool dresses originally made in China or Japan. I say China or Japan because I don't know which one, and I hate being ignorant and say something without knowing. First picture in my opinion is the absolute best!!! Thank's for the comment! It's good to know you check my blog out all the time! I do the same just as an FYI. I consider you more as a far away friend I have never met in my life but feel like I have at some point..hmmmm? My piano question was NOT my Q&A question. This is my Q&A question..Like around what age did you start to dress crazy and very unique like you do now? I have another Q&A question! What or who inspired to become a fashion blogger? Oh, by the way..I still want to know who plays the piano. (Thinking what else to say..) Oh, I know this is going to sound really creepy but I will just come out and say it..on twitter there is an option to follow people on twitter on your cell phone and I follow you on my phone just like a few others that I follow on my phone. So whenever you tweet after 12pm I get it on my phone...just letting you know.
check out my trendy blog!
i'm so sorry about your sore limbs. i know how you feel. school has been keeping me from doing things on the internet. (i need to blog more often!!)
1. What got you into fashion
2. Favorite style icons and why
3. favorite fashion blogs and why
4. plans for the future
5. one country you'd love to go and live in
6. favorite designers and why
7. favorite food
8. favorite article of clothing that you own.
9. which fashion week would you love to be a part of.
10. the story behind your blog name.
keep me posted!
Great outfit! Love the shorts. =)
Awesome thing with the long to mini dress tucked in to your shorts. Mika is actually coming to Vancouver on my B-Day! That would be an awesome present. That or the Micheal Jackson movie which is another story.
1. What is your favorite article of clothing
2. If you could have a celebs number, who would it be?
5. Top five people you would love to go on a date with (Not really a question)
Thanks for all the comments!
i love this it screams 80s =]
You do love vintage and thrifting! Those are two of my favorite clearance of course! I have another give away that you eligible for even if you are in canada! It is on my sidebar on the left hadn side on my blog a little of the ways down! If that one interest you, you can sign up for it! Plus I have another giveaway coming soon that you can partake in as well! No worries! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I looove yours!
i love this outfit. umm ok questions...
why did you start blogging?
are you going to put up some more diy tutorials?
do you know how much i am obsessing over your gold top right now@#$@#^6
its frickin amaaaazzzzingg. i love this outfit so much kisses to this
Great outfit, I love the shredded tights! And your house is beautiful!
This is an other gorgeous outfit, i really like the top / dress and the DIY ripped tights looks amazing!
Oh i have a question for your Q and A- whats your favourite DIY piece of clothing? xo
ps yeah I wrote in the sand luckily the tide was quite far out!
You're great!
Ooh, Sunday's outfit may be my favorite of them all thus far - love the DIY, and the ring!
Question...what fashion trend can you absolutely not stand?
i love the 80's look! great top and i love the distressed cuffed shorts! =)
Ninth... I'm a youngster (:
Another question: what's your fashion pet peeve?
Cool photos! I love those shorts... they are awesome!
What's your favorite food?
the top is very interesting .... and i also love the smiles and pink skinny belt .... and how creative you are to wear the dress as shirt :D, xoxo
nice top :) hehe, the fabric sounds interesting. Ring looks cool too!
i love your dress! its so gaudy and shiny and fits oh so nicely :)
and no its not weird rubbing your tummy, velvet soft...
omg darling, love your blog. you are too funny with your dress. I would totally rub my tummy cookie monster style.
has the people at value village petitioned to move you away as a steady fixture?
"Girl from aisle 2, please stop attacking the poor women who picked up that 50cents skull ring first. Back off"
Freakin EXCELLENT ring, girl, i love it. &i'll hop right on that q&a the second anyone asks me one (my mom always asks me what's the difference between facebook and myspace, if you wanna attack that one... lol.)!
nom nom nom i could eat you all up.
ok question:
If you were on some kinda island, and you could only take 3 people with you (famous, ofcourse) who would you chose?
p.s do you wana swap links? :D
Glad I could be of assistance!
i love your tights
the tears are really good!
i cant get mine to rip properly!
how did you do it???
Loving the mini dress worn as shirt very creative and I looks fab!
One Love,
ok, love love love the entire outfit!! the top thingie is so cool, and the belt is to die for. :) anyway, enough gushing. after much thought, here are my questions:
what are your favorite blogs?
what is your super-absolute favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
what's your dream job?
and what movie could you watch again and again?
(ok, i know. pretty generic. lame. :p oh well...)
love with ur top nd denim shorts,.
awe tights at all !!
Are you Canadian? What sort of Camera do you use? Who takes the photos (very nice btw)?
nice top :) hehe, the fabric sounds interesting. Ring looks cool too!
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