Is it just me, or does it feel like forever since my last post?! Although it's only been a few days, it feels like it's been forever. Forever since I last wore normal clothes, forever since school even began... I always think it's funny how, at the beginning of the school year, it feels like time goes by so slowly. Then, all of a sudden, it's Christmas... March Break... Summer again! I'm always afraid that that's how my life is going to feel - like a continuous cycle.
Speaking of cycles (kind of. Not a really) - fall is coming around! Well, actually, there is no visual proof of this, as the leaves have yet to change and the weather has yet to cool. But (I just realized) my blouse is in fall colours. At last, a sign of the season to come! Hurrah! Hurrah! (I'm obsessed with fall. And signs. Refer to the last post. I think that's pretty much all I talked about.)

(Cardigan - Value Village $7, Blouse - Value Village $3, Shorts - Value Village $3, Belt - Thrifted $1, Tights - DIY, Shoes - Mum's)
Oh snap. Fall colours and a bow-tie? This is everything my blog stands for. (You know. Except, not.) NOTE: I don't even know why I'm referring to this outfit as "fall colours" when it's really not. Fluorescent fall leaves? Come on! But here's a wild thought: What if the world was made out of neon colours? Like in a Dr. Seuss book? I imagine it would be quite fun.
And, is it just me? Or, when you buy things second-hand/ thrifted/ vintage, you kind of expect that no one else will have it? Well, you can imagine my surprise (a few months back) when I was browsing fashion toast's shop and found the EXACT same bracelet that I have! Needless to say, my mouth literally dropped (which, really, isn't that unusual as I am a pretty expressive person...)
(Bracelet - Value Village $3)
This is Daisy. Daisy is a dog. She likes to watch other dogs, eat cheese, and and squirm away when I approach her with open arms and a camera.
Daisy, this is reader. Reader is a seriously awesome human being. Enough said.
I hope you guys have had a good week! I'm really sorry I haven't been able to post. This is on the account of, well, my uniform (which, by the way, I always get in trouble for it. Dear teachers, get a grip. A necklace does not distract from my appearance. Nor does an unbuttoned top-button.) Thanks so much for the comments. Honestly. After a long day, it's so awesome to come home to your nice words! :) I promise I get back to all of you!
Have a good week! Um, also, speaking of weeks.. Hellooooo, New York Fashion Week! Any favourites thus far?! I'm in love with Preen's Spring 2010. I don't know why it's getting hatin'... I want it all! What are you currently lusting over? Do spill!
I'm actually completely obsessed with your dog and the bow on your top. Like im not even kidding, I want them both. lol.
& im actually obsessed with Vivienne Tam's stuff, which I just did "coverage" as in, take screen caps of the live feed and get them up before anyone else blogged about it, and I really love her designs. CR was apparently really good too. I just look at the highlights on Fred Flare's blog, lol.
&yeah, I know what it's like to have like nothing to post about. bleh.
this will be such a long comment but i have missed you so muhc
sorry for a lot of things.
i feel so bad.
i havent been on blogspot for over a week and i havent kept up with your posts and i feel bad.
your phototaking skills have plumetted up to sky high
im so proud of you and im so glad i know you.
i really hope we can be friends for agesss.
your outfit here is something i would wear!
Nope...I AM IN LOVE WITH FALL!! No one else. Obviously, how can we call you the Girl with the Bow Tie if you didn't wear a bow tie? If the world was made of neon colors...I would go crazy! Neon colors are cool but they're wicked bright and blinding! Although I like it for clothing! I'm loving your new style of pictures...outside! Obviously not so new since this isn't the first post where you do it...but now I really am obsessed with it!
check out my trendy blog!
great outfit , great great great!!:)
love your tights, shorts, etc..:))
the jacket is really cute, and the blouse as well. very nice bright colors.
These outfit is so bright and colourful I love it, and I (of course) adore the big bow on your top! Daisy is gorgeous as well! I was wondering would you look like to swap links? xo
i lvoe bows too (drool)
i lvoe fall aswel :D
I adore this outfit, your use of colour is fantastic.
Beautiful pictures!
so colourfull.
The bow tie shirt is gorgeous! Lovely outfit as always.
how darling are you??? i love everything about this ... and yes, New york fashion show is here and i am busy, capturing some backstage pics ... xoxo
this color combination is absolutely GORGEOUS! fall is definitely the best time of the year to be playful with colors, textures and layers.
oh em gee that's all so cool! your dog looks like my dogs prettier sister haha, xxx
Love your outfit:)!! The colours are great!
love your clothes so cute!!!
and thanks for your sweet comments >_< your so nice
really love your style
i tagged u
ohh i LOVE your outfit! it's so wonderfully colorful :D
darling, you are too cute for school. Love how all your outfits are sooo pulled together. and that blue sweater? LOVE IT!
Oh what a wonderful outfit! You look so cute, I esp love that blouse and those tattered tights!!
they're cheap in price but look incredibly amazing on you.
the blue cardigan and the orange blouse, yesyesyes! you just pull'em off so easy and perfect! i like it:]
So jealous your outfits are always so great!
Kate x
The outfit is ace. I love how you put lots of brights together without making it look gaudy.
And, the new header's fab!
I'm back ;)
Due to the fact that I adore making up words, I commend you for concocting contrastic - so fun. Possibly as fun as your ensemble. I so need to find a Value Village near me!
NYFW...Vivienne Tam, Jason Wu, Charlotte Ronson...those are just a few of my runway favorites at the moment! :)
aww your poppy is sooo cute.. and I like your style! great mix of chic and grunge!
GORGEOUS! You can really work colour girl!
I loved preens colection, your dog, and all your colours. If the world was technicolour my that would be amazing!
Aww, Daisy is ADORABLE!
Your outfit is soo cool. I am in love with those shorts!
I'm so in awe of all your bright bright bright outfits. I mainly dress in black and grey so it's totally different for me!
I wish the world was like Dr Seuss! It'd just all seem so much happier!
Awww your dog is so adorable!!! I have a dog called Strawberry Cupcake =D
I adore your outfit, you put together the most amazing combinations, you deff have your own style!! I LOVE that bow top wow!!
I adore that you wear so many bright colors.
aww your dog is so cute!! love the cardy also!! ps i just gace you an award on my blog! hopefully when your not gettin trouble for ur uniform you can check it out and put it on your blog too!! :)
much love!
Cute Dog! And my principal freaks when someone shirt isn't tucked in or the cuffs of a sweater isn't folded or when a girl is wearing nail polish (It's torture when I can't where the cute yellow polish have) or when someone forgot their tie (Yes, I have to wear a tie and it's one of the ugliest tie's out there).
Awesome outfit by the way and I haven't been drooling over any collection. I've been drooling over the hot guy in Vampire Diaries which you should watch!
i love this outfit. every single part of it, especially the cardigan which is such a lovely shade that i wish i had it.
ps. your dog is so cute.
That top is straight up adorable!
still in love with your cardigan, like i feel as if im subconsiously planning a way to get it.... PLEASE DONT GET CREEPED OUT BY ME! :( im weird like that, i think it could lead to a problem in the future...
and i cant believe you got that bracelet so cheap and fashiontoast is selling it for how much! amazingnessssssss(oh yes i do like to make up words that sound cool)
i love the way you write... it's like i can hear you talking. (not that i ever have. or anything. i'm not a stalker, i promise...) and the tights/shorts combo is the best ever. :)
lin love with a pink shorts,coolest blue jacket nd ur awe blouse <3 <3 <3
kisses xoxoxox
WOW! i really like your blog!! and guess what?? i have that bracelet to, i got it from my grandma!! ahh i love your blog, its awesome <3
beautiful outfit !
Value Villages clothes are so cheap! Why the hell dont we have them in the UK?! Argh!!
very bright and cute outfit. Love.
A man is not old as long as he is seeking something.A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.
If you smile when one is around,you really mean it.
Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.
Steam systems are different. Smokers tend to incur more medical costs, to see physicians more often in the outpatient setting, and to be admitted to the hospital more often and for longer periods than non-smokers. Neurotic writers sometimes use the circle to "protect" themselves against the "outside forces" that cause their neurotic f ears and anxieties, and in such cases they draw a circle or circles around their name. It is as easy as ABC.
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