The sun and I have decided to fix our relationship, as I know it will only last a few more weeks. We have communicated, and I must embrace him for what he is. In result, I dressed sunnily.

I pretty much lack modelling skills by all means. My sister lacks directer skills. We honestly don't know what we're doing. We like to feign inspiration (seriously, we once went to a boring museum and did that for hours). Result? I am "inspired by the sun" as my sister directed...

(Blouse - Thrifted <$1, Skirt - Thrifted $5, Belt - "Pacific Mall" $10, Shoes - Keds, Hat - F21 $14)
Close-up of the patterns

Shoulder pads and huge hats are muchos fun! Admittedly, I was longing for my heart-shaped sunglasses.. Is that pathetic? Yes, probably.

My sister loves being in front of the camera. Literally. I bet that if you stalked her on facebook (please don't, that's, um, a little creepy), you'd find that she seems to pop into every good picture. Needless to say, I snapped several pictures of her and promised I would post one. I also promised I would give her credit. Behold, my 13-year-old photographer/sister. Happy, sis?

(Shirt - F21 [ahem, my ex-shirt!], shorts - old navy, belt - thrifted]
I like to pretend that I can take good photos on my little, pink digital camera. Flowers are my favourite. Please enjoy my lack of skills and refrain from insulting them :)

Hope you guys are enjoying the last of sunny weather! I know I'm ready for fall. Thanks for all the comments - if the internet holds up, I will definitely be visiting your blogs tonight! :) I will post an skirt tutorial (sorry for the delay!) - I would have had it ready, but my internet has been down all day. But soon. Comments on the photos? Or do you prefer the other ones? :)
Beautiful !
I wish it was sunny here in Vancouver. It's rainy and windy !
& love the outfit by the way.
Aw, I suck at taking photos too, don't worry- I'm not a model at all hahaha. xxx
There are definitely no models at my house either :) I like to pretend that I have a SLR camera and take photos of my street but when the photo comes out it sucks. HARD.
I love that blouse. Jealous as always.
I think your modeling skills are quite perfect!
Are you still stuck with summer weather and heat? Apparently here in Massachusetts the weather has decided to skip the last weeks of a season and go straight into fall! Of course for me..that's not really a bad thing because I LOVE FALL! Your flower photos are astounding! I love the picture you took of them from below. I like how now you have the big pictures and took it to the backyard! LOL. A bit(actually a lot) creative! I like how you and your sister are so tight, because me and my oldest sister are the same way! Your outfit kind of reminds me of Minnie(I think that's how you spell it) Mouse! Really cute! Loving the post like always! Actually talking about change...go check out the change done to my blog and please let me know what you think!
check out my trendy blog!
i srsly love your new set! and your sister's pretty good at taking pictures! you two look alike :)
but yes, i am ready for the fall. i cannot wait to wear tights and sweaters and cardigans again!
L O V E the outfit - bright and summery - just gorgeous!
THANKYOU for your sweet comment!
gorgeous post btw-- love that shirt!! you rock the huge shoulders!!!!
that hat is super cute as well
and your photos of the flowers are really good- so i have no idea what you mean by lack of talent haha
oh i am loving that skirt!
still cant believe the deals you get on your clothes ;)
how cute, that belt and those shoulders!
Your sister is cute. Love the colourful outfit, and I think you make a great model :)
Lovely photos + belt, if you hadn't said it was a pink digital camera you could have never told!
that's such an awesome belt! and posing on a spiral staircase makes all your pictures seem so professional. ;) finally, the pictures of the daisies from below reminds me of alice in wonderland, when she's all tiny. great shots!
nice mix of patterns... you are so cute. and hey, i love the flower photos. you have the eye girl.
I love, love, love your outfit! It's so fabulously colorful and fun.
Would you like to exchange links?
what a great outfit for september's "new start"!!! it's sooooooo colorful! i wish i was daring enough to wear so many bright colors! you totally pull it off!
your pictures are so NOT amateur!!! they're really good! i have a pink digital camera too!
Cute, cute! Love the colors and your posing. ;)
cute outfit!
primary colours :)
I'm in love with the yellow belt! It's hard to pull off so many bright colors, but you do it perfectly.
lovely outfit :)
love your blog!
all i can say i wow. wow wow wow. that is print clashing at its very most bestest. i think im in love.
LOVE the outfit :) I really need to start thrifting. Haha, I really want your top! I love shoulder pads as lame as that may seem. :) and the photos are good (Y)
absolutely gorgeous photos!! I love love that blouse your wearing!! We have had nothing but rain in Ireland, please send some sun here!!
thank you for your lovely comment :)
ps I have photos up from my trip to Paris! Check it out if you have the time xx
Aww whos sister is a cutie?
Great outfit - I'd never put that together but it looks fab.
Girl with the ...
Thanks so much for your comment, I really appreciate it as I love drawing so yeah, haha. :)
Aww and thanks, yeah I'll try to post a picture of me in the dress soon, I'm just so swamped with school!
oh wow, such beautiful pictures in the sun!! I'm loving your cheerful, colourful outfit, your hat is perfect!
And your sis is such cutie, she's also a great photographer:)
Am following you!!
aww this is such a lovely post! with the flowers and your too cute of an outfit!love your sister's shoes! maybe i might just stalk her... okay im kidding, although i tend to tell people with nice shoes that ill stalk them (its a problem D:)
oh and im very jealous of you, because while your weather has brightened up, my weather just gave up on me, and its now raining everyday! boo :(
You have very nice legs. I hope you no mind me say : )
Those pictures are gorgeous, I do love flowers! Your outfits are just too sweet!!
Your sister is absolutely adorable. Both of you are. Personally, I like all of the pictures you post. No matter where you take them, you always steal the show with your ensembles.
I just have to say, you take chances with fashion, and I love it. I adore the way you mix prints and colors - you always wind up looking fabulous! :)
You and your sister are both awesome.
Love the new photos! Looks like you and your sister had a fun time! I really like your outfit, the bow belt is awesome (I love bows..seriosuly anything with a bow I will instantly love!) xo
Hi, I am new to your blog but the pictures are amazing - your modeling skills look great! I love the outfit too
Kate x
Aww, you and your sister are so adorable. You guys look a lot alike! As much as I loved your beige wall photos, these are so beautiful!
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