Outfit from when knows when. Golly, time flies. This week has been a little insane, but I think insanity's good. It keeps things interesting. Spent this week working backstage at a play. I'm not *supposed* to (OMG, rebel much?!), but I like to peek from an inch-wide hole in the curtain and observe at the audience. Everyone else just lies around reading lines or murmuring amongst themselves, but I prefer to look at the audience and see the people, see what the response is. People are fascinating to me and it's sad how many people we see and how little we know about them.
Outfit from awhile back (deju vu! I said that before, oh snap! Snap! Snap!). The play has been fun to work on, but MAN - without the intention of sounding super arrogant - I've been stuck in all black outfits all week. SO WEIRD. An outer-body experience. ("Lexy, I've never seen you look so normal!" I take it as a compliment. Normal reads boring.)
The snow has been INSANE around here. Yet, still no snow day. Canadian weather is such a let down, eh? (Ha-ha. Get it? Eh? Canada? Yeah. It's late, i'm allowed. To re-use unfunny jokes, that is. See previous posts about Olympics and what not wherever they are.)
Oh, and by the wayyyy, Can I get a F? Can I get an I? Can I get and E? Can I get a R? Can I get a C? Can I get a E? What does that spell?!?! (I hope someone actually answers this. Typing all those letters was pretty exhaustin' for my fingertips.)
But yeah, top model here. I'd do Tyra proud, me thinks. (NOTE: sarcasm)
Some awkward tights formula. Purple tights + Pink tights + Black net tights = Magic? Um, maybe not quite. More like, a scrunched up texture at the belly and lots of strange looks. But, you know, same thing?!
Apparently "layering" was the theme of this outfit. Look at dem necklaces! Hey hoooo, whoopdeyyy woooahhh.
(Dress - Vintage $15, Blazer - Value Village $7, Pink and Purple tights - H&M $5 each, Black tights - Winners $7, Shoes - Mum's, Belt - Dad's, Accessories - Assorted)
Going back to my beginning ramblings, I guess I can sometimes borderline on anti-social. I'm often so engrossed in observing people. What makes them tick? Their heart flutter? Their energy explode? I like to look inside cars and homes (BUT I'M NOT AN UBER CREEP, I PROMISE) and wonder "what are their lives like?" I guess there's that air of mystery to life and the people that you meet, but it also makes you wonder how many people you DON'T meet or know, just because you don't ever crossed paths. There are so many interesting people beyond the bubble of my daily life and I really wish I could meet them all. Ugh.
Wow. Such a profound post...
Any thoughts to add? Because I'll feel like less of a loser. I mean, no, commenting your opinion WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.