This title almost made me laugh out loud, because it's so cheesy. I didn't want to go with the generic "Q&A" and this is my attempt at being unique. Anyways, if you didn't get that...
Yay! Question and Answer time!
When did you become interested in fashion?I like to pretend that I’ve always had an interest in fashion. Like, “yeah, I’ve always known. Ever since I loved playing with dolls, playing dress-up, and making clothes on my easy-to-sew…” But that’s probably me just being a little girl. But, let me just say that I don’t remember ever not loving clothes, art, and fashion!
Around what age did you start to dress crazy and very unique like you do now? I think my style is very evolving. I went through this horrid phase in grade 7 where I wore all American Eagle and leggings, and pretty much what everyone else was wearing… But in grade 8, I think my style started to evolve. Believe it or not, I went through this huge boho phase and would only wear and buy browns and neutrals! But I definitely started dressing differently then and it’s progressively changing.
What or who inspired to become a fashion blogger? I’d been reading fashion blogs for a long time; probably about six months before I even started my blog. But I never had the guts or time to start one, especially because I was wearing a uniform (as I do now) five days a week! Finally, when summer came, I was like “Well, I’ve always wanted to and I don’t have a uniform, sooooo…” And that’s the story.
Who plays the piano? Haha. My sister. My dad and I are ex-piano players.
Favorite style icons and why?I always have and will love the Olsen twins. I loved them when I was little (Um, The New Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley, anyone? Olsen and Olsen Agency? Two of a Kind?)…And I love how they dress now. I don’t think that I necessarily model my outfits after them, but I definitely admire their risk-taking! I also love Gossip Girl and Blair Waldorf. I love Blair Waldorf.

They used to be such cutie-patuties!
Favorite fashion blogs and why?I read a lot of fashion blogs. The popular ones, like Sea of Shoes, Fashion Toast, The Stylish Wanderer, Karla’s Closet, Hand it over… Blogs you guys probably read too! I don’t know if they’re my favourite, but I always check them out, probably out of habit. Lala the Art Geek is hilarious, too. And Flying the Kite is always a sweet read. And I like reading your guys’ blogs, too!
Plans for the future?New York City + Fashion = The current dream. We will see :)
One country you'd love to go and live in.I love to travel. But to actually live in? Hmm… Probably a country in Europe, like France or Italy. There’s something really quaint about Europe. Europeans are so cute!
Favorite designers and why?I love Rodarte, McQueen, Preen… I think they are very innovative and prove that fashion is art. And Marc Jacobs is a genius. Enough said.
Favorite food?I love food! (I’m such a fatty!) But I’m always down for Italian – Pizza, Pasta, Ice Cream! Love it all.
What is your super-absolute favorite thing to eat for breakfast?Tough one. It always changes. But I love to eat oatmeal (but I have to be in the mood)..
Favorite article of clothing that you own?I don’t know if I have a favourite article of clothing. I’m not too attached to my clothes (or so I like to believe). But right now I’m really into my pleather patchwork vest from Peru. I like how it can spice up an outfit and is really versatile. I've definitely worn it lots of times on this blog!
Which fashion week would you love to be a part of?I’m down for any fashion week. Seriously, I allow you to invite me to any.
The story behind your blog name.Haha, I actually have to think about this.
Once upon a time there was a girl name Lexy. She loved fashion and had to wear a uniform to school. She was sad. She always gets in trouble at school for breaking the dress code. This is as she always wears jewelry and bowties. The end.
And that’s how my name came about!

Attempt to take a picture of a typical bowtie on the car ride to school. Fail.
If you could have a celebs number, who would it be?Mary-Kate Olsen, though I’d probably be too intimidated to talk to her! (Plus, I don’t think she’d be all that approachable, to be honest…)
Top five people you would love to go on a date with.Michael Cera, Jon Heder, Obamaaaa!, Mary-Kate Olsen (Wow, I sound like such a stalker), Ellen Degenres
Note: not so much date, but meet
Note 2: This may not be possible. Ever.
Which 3 people would you want to be stuck on an island with? (famous, of course)The three Jonas Brothers. Solely for the purpose of their 09283013 billion female stalkers/ fans who would notice them missing and ensure that we were rescued. Oh snap, I’m smart.
Are you going to put up some more diy tutorials?Would you like more DIY tutorials? :) If so, for what? (Who’s asking the questions, now! Haha.)
What’s your favourite DIY piece of clothing?Hmm… Good one. I have a lot of failure DIY that I don’t really wear, but then again, there’s a lot that I do like and wear. I think the DIY that I’ve made the most use out of are my
puffy skirts. But the DIY I’m most proud about (though I haven’t even worn it yet!) is my
denim jacket.
What fashion trend can you absolutely not stand?I’ve never seen anyone rock the crocs. And trust me, I’ve seen
a lot of crocs in my day.
What's your fashion pet peeve?Clads of teenagers dressing the exact same. Need I say more?
What's the difference between facebook and myspace?Myspace is, like,
sooo three years ago. Haha. But really.
What is your favourite store to shop at?Value Village, thrifting, vintage… I also like to check out the clearance at H&M and Winners… And lust over the unaffordable clothing at Urban Outfitters. (Question: why do magazines always refer to UO as affordable? Like, “[insert name] is just like us. She loves the good bargains at UO.” Uh, I wish…)
Do your friends know about your blog???Nah, I kind of like having it to myself!
Do you prefer heels or flats?? If heels, how high of a heel would you wear??Flats, definitely. I only wear heels for special occasions. I’m definitely very much into comfort and I lack the skills and ability to teeter on heels! But sometimes I see really pretty shoes and my first thought is always “I wish I wore heels.”
Where would you like to live in the further?There’s many places I’d like to visit, but I don’t know if I’d like to live there! In Canada, I’d love to live in Vancouver. In America, I’d love to live in New York. And overseas, I’d love to live in Europe!
I know you wanted to be Lizzie McGuire, but who would you be now?Oh, god. That’s a tough one. To be honest, I can’t think of anyone I’d like to be. Just myself. Hahaha.
What's a perfect day like for you?Some kind of adventure, with a lot of laughing, friends, and family. And food. Oh, and roller coasters and amusement parks always make any day perfect!

Note: If you ever go to Toronto, you
must go on the Behemoth! Any readers done so?
What movie could you watch again and again?
Little Miss Sunshine. I love it so much, it's insane. Among others, but definitely my favourite!
Who is the biggest influence in your life?To be honest, I don’t even know. I’m influenced by many things and people – people I see, people I know, people I read about… I’m always inspired by people who aren’t afraid to be themselves and people who help others; I think that’s the best kind of people.
Thank you to everyone for asking me questions! It makes me happy, for real!
I know that I have a tendency to ramble on things people don't really care about... which is, essentially, what this entire post is. So, therefore, you must not fear as I have a quick outfit post...
This was on Tuesday, a dress down day. I always stand out, mainly because everyone is clad in skinnies and AA t-shirts. Which, you know, is awesome...? My art teacher claims that I am "Degrassi, circa 1993" so I will just leave the description at that.

(Blazer - VV $7, Shirt - California $15, Belt - H&M, Shorts - VV $3, Socks - H&M $2, Shoes - Thrifted $34)Note: My socks are actually purple. I don't know why, but purple has a tendency to not photograph well on my camera!
Thanks so much for stopping by, of course! And to all the commenters. You are all amazing and you have no idea how much I enjoy reading them as soon as I get home from school! :) Checking out your blogs very soon.
Now, I'm switching it up and I have 2 questions for anyone out there: 1) Who knows about your blog?
2) What's the best image hosting site? As you guys can probably tell, all my pictures load really slow and I'm a tad concerned. If your answer is Photobucket, then how do I get an account? I'm always unvalid to get one and I don't know why! What are your secrets? (Wow. That's like five questions in one!)
Haha. Okay. Thank you all so much! :)