
papa bearo

There's no way that I can beat my mother's day awesome awkward introduction, so I won't even try. Therefore, pretend I just said something super witty (though "awkward" may be a more accurate adjective but shh...) and now we're giggling together, having a moment, you know, and I discreetly transition on to say HAPPY FATHER'S DAY. Because, you know, today is father's day.

So yeah. I know that I don't have a lot of male readership (y dnt n e boiz lyk meee?), let alone any fathers reading this. But, nonetheless. Let this blog post be a sort of telepathic message to all the daddys out there. Dads? I'm telepathically telling ya'll: you go, dude! Or. You know. Something.

Anyways. Here's what a made for my dad.

1. My dad has the weirdest antics out there and you REALLY can't appreciate it unless you live in my house hold. Literally. All he does is: watch Mandarin movies (F), do math puzzles (A), "pump iron" (T) (legit. it's quite disturbing/ hilarious), play basketball with his "chinesey" friends (H), nap (E), and work (R) (xray). Obviously, I get a lot of genes from him... (sarcasmlolz.) He's legitimately the weirdest human being I know, and I say that with utmost love and respect... He's the best! :)
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2. Rip off of my mom's gift? Errr, not at all... But aren't we cute? And more importantly AREN'T HIS GLASSES CUTE? (while I'm being sarcastic, I actually do love Grandma style glasses, so augh, gosh, I don't know! I am just oh, so torn! How do I really feel? What am I do with my liiiife? melodramz wailing ensues.)
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So yeah. I hope you all had a marvelous Weekend, and an especially splendid Sunday with "the old man." (I put that in quotations in case my dad ever reads this. (he won't. I definitely get my "I fail at technology wahhh" genes from him.) HI DAD, YOU ARE NOT AN OLD MAN. That is merely an expression!)

How was your weekend? What were you up to?


Style, She Wrote said...

Very honest post. Sorry your Dad doesn't read your posts -- they are awesome!!! And we mostly relaxed with our pops. Nothing as creative as your designs! :) xo style, she wrote

Angelic said...

This is just amazing! What i would do if i could draw like you!

LyddieGal said...

You've got a pretty lucky dad with a pretty amazing daughter.

my dad just got a card with $10 of scratch off lotto tickets in it.

Chic on the Cheap

Eli said...

This is so cool too! The letters depicting what he does is amazing, it made me smile :) Enjoy this time with your papa!

(Mine lives far away so I only was able to call him, boooo)

Elizabeth Faraday said...

awe that is so cute!! you are really talented (:
i got my dad some clothes for fathers day, haha typical!

Journal De Mode

Olive Tee said...

naaw that is the cutest thing! You are such an amazing drawer and painter!!

April said...

Gosh. You're so talented. I'm sure your dad was secretly wanting to cry when he saw the amazing things you did.

And also, I have no male readership at all. Kinda lame. The first time I had a guy comment on my page I was like "ASHFSHFSAJFSAIOFZOMG!" but he didn't follow :(
So sad.

LadyNansei said...

That's an awesome card...present...gift...thing... I actually thought that the "E" was your dad doing a sack race before I read it. Oops.
And my weekend? I spent it going to my friend's house, playing Halo, Halo Reach then went home, snoozed and played Mine Craft, Sims and Terraria. (In a nutshell: I spent my weekend playing games).

mispapelicos said...

Wonderful drawings, my friend.

Bel said...

Woahhhh those drawings are amazing!!! I love them!!

<3 Belly B

Hello Naka said...

awh amazing drawing! I feel bad for just getting my dad a card XD

I've just gotten back into drawing, but I'll never be up to you're standard! You're great!

Anonymous said...

you. are so cool. your mom too. ♥

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous picture of you and your dad! do you mind me asking how you did it - was it watercolour and ink or something? x


@Anonymous (sorry - I don't know if you'll read this, but there's no way I can contact you, haha.) It's watercolour for the base, and then I outlined/ shaded it with pencil. It's fun! Thanks!

Shayla said...

Wow. YOU MADE THIS?! You are fantastic at creating...and nice imagination for the Father's Day part. I am so digging this.