HEY THAR KIDS AND OOMPA LOOMPAS. (I have the tendency to have slightly abnormal greetings. I mean, uh, Hey.) (That was supposed to be a very sly Hey. Like a, "Heyyyyyyyy." Like, picture a coke commercial and after the boy has a fresh sip of the bubbly goodness he's all "Heyyyyy" to the hot chick. Whom he TOTALLY gets.) (I'm not actually being endorsed by coke. I don't even like coke. Sprite FTW. Sprite ENDORSE ME.) (And Value Village! And Kinder Surprise! And everyone else! Join in on the fun and give me free stuff! Please...)

I hope that you've all had a wonderful post-Christmas. (How much do you LOVE December? First it's "Happy Birthday" (this may only pertain to myself . And fellow Sagzzzz. Whedddup?), then it's "Happy Holidays," then it's "Merry Christmas," then it's "Happy New Year." NEVER ENDING GOODNESS LIKE A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN OF DELIGHT YUMMY.)

I've spent the awkward lull between the "Aw man, Christmas is over" and the "HOLY MOLY IT'Z 2011 LETZ GO CUHRAZY" with the famjam (both immediate and extended). It's been a lot of fun. We've been eating rice and doing calculus (for fun, obv) and rocking ping pong tournaments and playing majong and I don't even know why I'm endorsing untrue racial stereotypes. But really, it has been a blast. I will now link my lacklustre Twitter because for those who may go onto ask "What has been a blast?" you can get an idea HERE. Woah! Blast to the past much?!

This head piece is a fantastic gift from Santa. I feel like I'm a character from Dr. Seuss. Obviously I love it.

(Dress, worn as top - Value Village $14, Skirt - Homemade, Tights - Unknown, Belt - Dad's, Shoes - Value Village $7, Necklace/ Bracelet - Pretty Chic, Headband - House of Hsueh)

I hope that you've all had a wonderful post-Christmas. (How much do you LOVE December? First it's "Happy Birthday" (this may only pertain to myself . And fellow Sagzzzz. Whedddup?), then it's "Happy Holidays," then it's "Merry Christmas," then it's "Happy New Year." NEVER ENDING GOODNESS LIKE A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN OF DELIGHT YUMMY.)

I've spent the awkward lull between the "Aw man, Christmas is over" and the "HOLY MOLY IT'Z 2011 LETZ GO CUHRAZY" with the famjam (both immediate and extended). It's been a lot of fun. We've been eating rice and doing calculus (for fun, obv) and rocking ping pong tournaments and playing majong and I don't even know why I'm endorsing untrue racial stereotypes. But really, it has been a blast. I will now link my lacklustre Twitter because for those who may go onto ask "What has been a blast?" you can get an idea HERE. Woah! Blast to the past much?!

This head piece is a fantastic gift from Santa. I feel like I'm a character from Dr. Seuss. Obviously I love it.

(Dress, worn as top - Value Village $14, Skirt - Homemade, Tights - Unknown, Belt - Dad's, Shoes - Value Village $7, Necklace/ Bracelet - Pretty Chic, Headband - House of Hsueh)
2011 is just around the corner. But I think I will stay hipster and pretend that it's not even happening, at least for another day or two. Because, well, I'm hipster and I stand out and I'm unique and I'm special and la-dee-da-dee-daaaa and (mostly) OH MY WORD IT'S ALREADY 2011?! I'm becoming acutely aware of just how quickly life occurs and it's freaking me out. Day after day after year after decade after OH HEY IT'S TIME TO DIE. Life is so kooky.
(I'm really not pessimistic about life and I recognize that the time between birth and death cannot be summarized with the phrase "Day after day after year after decade" (WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING?) buuut... (OBVIOUSLY I AM TIRED AND THAT IS ALL) (GOOD NIGHT MY SUGAR PLUMS))
What has been the fondest time of your life?
Because the year's almost over and we're supposed to reflect on things like this. You're welcome for changing your life.
(I'm really not pessimistic about life and I recognize that the time between birth and death cannot be summarized with the phrase "Day after day after year after decade" (WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING?) buuut... (OBVIOUSLY I AM TIRED AND THAT IS ALL) (GOOD NIGHT MY SUGAR PLUMS))
What has been the fondest time of your life?
Because the year's almost over and we're supposed to reflect on things like this. You're welcome for changing your life.
Santa picks out good headpieces, fer sure. You look awesome. Your puffy blue awesome shaped top reminds me of a majestic princess. Plus, you're gazing out a window of your tall tower.. Rapunzel, LET DOWN YOUR HAIR.
I like your skirt, tooo!!!~
You always look so cute and fabulous at the same time! Really wonderful look you have again. The skirt is sooooo pretty! And I adore your bow as well. But I must adore you bracelet! Sooooo beautiful!
I wish you already a happy New Year.
Loves, London & Paris
this little thing in your hair is delightful!
Awsome outfit! The skirt and top are perfect combination! And all your jewellery is sooooo stunning! I wanna have it!!
Happy New Year!!
Oh, this is wonderful. Your outfit is so lovely and cool! :D I am in love with the bracelet + hairpiece...
Have a very happy new year Lexy, may you blog as much as you did, post terrific drawings as always and get a lot of good new experiences! :D
My fondest memory, hahaha, amazing how little questions like those can put an instant smile on someone's face. :)
you are so freaking cool :) i love the dress/top and the hair piece.
fondest time of my life: all of 2009. best year ever!
I also do like creating AWESOMEabnormal names for friends and alike; but I try to refrain from using them on my blog just in case someone is all like "BLUEBERRY MUFFIN? ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT LIKE A MUFFIN?!?!" ;A;
Anyway, I love how your wardrobe always contrasts yet does not look oddly disgusting. Love the tights <3 ! And the man shoulders ! AND ENDLESS SUPPLY OF LOVE IN DECEMBER! LOVE IT. But I'm worried now that Jan is here. Cos that means, SCHOOL BE BACK SOON. Well Uni, in my case. But Still! ;A; /worries
Oh yeah.
Happy New Yearrrrrrr!!
Fondest time of my life? Eh. THE FONDEST TIMES KEEPS GETTING BEATEN BY OTHER FONDEST TIMES. Does that even make sense? Yeah it does. KAY. <3
GREETINGS! and a HAPPY 2011!!
I'd say, your blog has stirred something in me. It's let out my creative beast in me :) And I'll continue to read your blog in the upcoming year.
i am in love with your skirt
Ah Dr. Seuss headdress, that must be so funtastic to wear! Your necklace is so awesome! I love it!
The fondest time of my life... Wow that reminds me of Fluorescent Adolescent from the Arctic Monkeys "the best you ever hadd..." except that's completely sexual, and I don't know where this is going. Haha, the fondest time of my life. I am lucky enough to say I have many but right now the one that stands out is still... range camp. I just had my 11th dream about it last night. I think maybe I need a shrink.
Regarding the lovely comment you left for me: Ah, coral reefs. I love it, thank you!
teri at tintedseaglass.blogspot.com
I adore that headpiece that you were gifted - it's so quirky and cute!
xoxo ~ Courtney
So cute! I love your blog :D
Christine http://fancifulvision.blogspot.com
This is definitely another fun post with colorful pictures of yours! I just can't stop adoring your look. And those accessories are so pretty!
Sanny's Head to Heart
Fond is a funny word. Ive had some good times, some bad times, some fun times, but I don't know about fond. We'll see.
I love your 80's prom dress top, and the head piece- so quirky, so very you.
Have fun bringing in the new year!
These pictures are soooo cute! :D
I LOVE your post openings. They are always so random, and so funny! And wow, your December is a crazy one! So many things going on! I love your necklace...it goes so well with the entire outfit. And that hairpiece? So fun!
And don't know if you saw my last comment, but I nominated you for the Stylish Blogger Award! Come pick it up!
haha your posts always make me smile though, and i say that in the least creepy way possible.
ANYways, i live about 2 hours away from niagara falls too... so i have a feeling that we're not really too far away from each other. haha so where actually are you from? (again, least creepy way possible..)
in the meantime,
cheers to 2011 :)
the best of the best outfits i love falling for that drees worn as a top and jewelry soo cute
I think I have said everything in my recent post Lexy....and thank you for being part of it...you always bring a smile in my face...your joyful character and candid nature makes my blogging days so happy...
and truly you are such an inspiration not only to me but to others...
I love your head accessory plus your outfit is simply gorgeous...you really played it well darling!!!
your necklace reminds me of my aunt's jewelry line she loves these kind of materials....
Love the skirt paired with the colors! chic!
Happy News Years! You're looking FABOUSH (your words, not mine) as usual. But that's a given, doi.
The fondest time of my life? Well.
This is a round of Truth or Dare, si it? I'll have you know, I am TERRIBLE at this game. I'm also terrible at anything related to athletics. Errrrr, I've gone off on a terrific tangent, haven't I?
It's kind of lame, but there's a blogger award with your name on it on my blog! it's my first blogger award so I had to participate, so hush now! And 'course I had to tag ya! ;)
oh wow what a gorgeous, fun outfit!
what a cute outfit! i love all your accessories.
happy new year!!
Thanks for the sweet comment! I'm pretty much creepy obsessed with Dr. Seuss, so naturally I love the reference and your headband.
And my fondest moment would have been when I walked down the isle on my wedding day (SUPER cheesy, I apologize, but it's true).
Great post! Love your outfit. Hope you had a Happy New Year! And last year has been pretty good so I may pick that as fondest period -- we have to see what 2011 offers! xo style, she wrote
i wish i could pull this off.
so jealous.
what a beautiful color for a dress, I love it!!
What the hell is in your hair?!?! What what what is it?!?! Ohhhh maybe I should read the outfit description instead of screaming at you? Yeah, I got it. But really I do love it. You must have been very good this year and I must have been very bad, hence the weird gifts santa gave me and the amazing one you got.
P.s. love the new header.
OMG, YOU CHANGED YO BANNER GIRL! Hahah, its so .. quirky.. and explosive. HAHA, but the headband is adorable. YOU ROCK THAT.
wow, I really. really. really. like. you. too.
How's that for creepy? Haha, happy new year darling!
xoxo Tami at tamijam.blogspot.com
I absolutely love your entire outfit :) Hope you had a wonderful New Year!
time only passes by faster and faster.. sigh
Gah! You are just incredible in this holiday look, Lexy - and I love the fashionable prezzies Santa brought especially for you.
Happy, Happy New Year, my love!! :)
Love the outfit, but now you have me lusting over the headband. It seems like such a head turner...well obviously, it's a "head" band, haha, see what i did there, yeah, okay, good. :)
Umm anywho, happy new year!!!!! Hope you're having a fantastalastic time.
I think the fondest time of my life was when I finished 1st year university with really good grades. It was like awww yeahhhh. Haha, but actually I dunno, I've had a lot of good moments.
Love the outfit! It's so quirky! haha :) I'm now following!
Hope you can do the same!
hello there i just happened upon your blog and absolutely love it!(: looking at your pictures from previous posts and all you have to offer is just wonderful!
if you would ever like to consider being featured on my blog i would absolutely love to do a post on yours! i know some of my followers haven't heard about you yet and i would love to share your blog with them! please let me know!
i wish you this best with all that 2011 has to offer(:
I like the new look, the banner is fantastical!! you are such a unique gem, (leather?) skirt, shoulderpadded top. you are too awesome! how time passes really freaks me out too!
figures you'd have ping pong tournaments ;P
tooooooo cute! love the pink tights and your headband is epic girl! what a great gift, santa did a good job with that one. sounds like you've been having a super fun time, wishes to you for a continued joy this new year. i had a pretty "fond" time just yesterday, spending the whole day & evening with lovely friends, the boyf, good food and fireplace warmth. i just love new year beginnings like that. ♥
pea ess: thanks for visiting and your sweet comment, Mylo thanks you too for not being scared away by his furry cat-ness ; ) cheers lovely!
I want your clothes. This outfit is so feminine and so pretty!
I hope 2011 brings you and your lovely blog nothing but joy and happiness!
I love the bright colors of your outfit and your shoes are amazing! What a fun outfit!
gorgeous look! love top and skirt <3
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