1. My room is currently a mess. I have a ridiculous amount of artsy fartsy projects going on because, you know, that's integral for keeping up my "hipster" status. I'll possibly do a room tour. But possibly not. Because I really can't walk around my room without stumbling over books/ getting materials stuck on my feet/ running into unicorns (a girl can dream...)

2. Haven't posted moleskin pages in a very, very, very long time. SO HEY! A moleskin page! The latest one.

(pen and ink, December 2010)
Inspired by/ utilizing my new favourite quote.

I love it so much. It's even one of my FAVOURITE QUOTES ON FACEBOOK. This is a big deal. Obviously. It's FACEBOOK.

2. Haven't posted moleskin pages in a very, very, very long time. SO HEY! A moleskin page! The latest one.

(pen and ink, December 2010)
Inspired by/ utilizing my new favourite quote.

I love it so much. It's even one of my FAVOURITE QUOTES ON FACEBOOK. This is a big deal. Obviously. It's FACEBOOK.
What is in the world of your imagination?
Mine is inundated with unicorns (duh) and endless dreams and creativity and love and peace and happiness and funky reality and hugs and childish perceptions and NO ENGLISH ESSAYS DURING THE BREAK (really, I MEAN REALLY?!). And you?
Mine is inundated with unicorns (duh) and endless dreams and creativity and love and peace and happiness and funky reality and hugs and childish perceptions and NO ENGLISH ESSAYS DURING THE BREAK (really, I MEAN REALLY?!). And you?
hey, Lexy! thanks for dropping comment on mine :D
wawww..goodluck for everythings you do, lex! and the picture is cute! <3
have a nice day yea!
Your moleskin pages are the SHIT! I love it, it's kind of creepy in a cool way, haha. My world of imagination... I have floating fishies and flower crowns and seaglass and walnuts and feathery winter birds and velvet grass and secret whirls of color and secret pond ripples and teacups and tea and secret blanket caves (i love them secret stuffs!) and kind of violent but still nice ocean sounds and elephants in thailand who dance with me in pajamas under twinkle lights that failed to amuse me in bangkok. I had to stop myself now, because then I'd never stop. Because I live in my world of imagination and I get weird stares for that, like all the time. Oh, and night earthy smiles.
teri at tintedseaglass.blogspot.com
"Night earthy smiles?" that didn't make sense. I meant earthy night smells. Hahaha.
i love this post, thanks for sharing!
Your room actually looks cool in a messy kind of way..ya know? haha. But really...I can't wait to see the projects though!:)
aw i like your art projects. keeping up the hipster image, i see ;) haha just teasing.
I wish unicorns would move into my room when it got messy.
but then i might never want to clean it.
Chic on the Cheap
oh, and i thought MY room is messy but obviously you beat me ! hahaha
i'm so jealous of you an your drawing skills ! & you should definitely do a room tour :)
OH WOW look at your room, it's awesome!~ tornado-y goodness at it's best right thar, yup yup. <3 I like that drawing, too, it's way cool and with a way neat quote! :D
I always love your commenter questions! They actually get me to think...
In the world of my imagination, people are always having interesting dreams, romance is happening all the time, and there's always an awesome song playing. :D
Haha and I was thinkinh my room was a mess! And I love that sketch you made! It's beautiful! Wish I could draw like that!
Your room is beautiful.
May I come over and play "Lost in a Wilderness" for hours and hours?" Does it sound creepy to say I find it fun to go through other people's things? LOOL. Okay.
MOLESKINS <3 Absolute love there.
I have yet to buy one. And doodle away in to it. I like yours though.
My imagination? Hmm
In my world, we have super powers and such. The weather is always sunny and ice cream is healthy (chyeaahhh!) Oh. And if we want to be doctors and what not; we just become them. We don't need to go through stupid tests and schools to get to it!
Thanks for this post, my room is a mess too!! ahh, it sucks.
Great post!
That quote is lovely!
awe, love your pre-comment-comment! really, really like you too and that quote is fab. thanks for sharing and visiting me. i'll be following along for sure. love your outfits and pretty colored tights (they are my weakness). cheers lades. ♥
looks like my room too. hey, we have something in common
Great room tour, LOL. Funny thing is I bet you know exactly where everything is....LMAO
i love your drawings :D and loooool my room is just as messy , i can never find the floor
in the world of my imagination there are rainbows , cakes , rainbows , cakes , rainbows , cakes , rainbows and more cakes ( ermmm i really like cakes )
hehehe...I like that quote ;)
Please post more moleskine pages!!!
In my world of imagination, I live in a penthouse in Paris. Oh how I wish that could be true.
Ps. Loved you Christmas outfit! THe combination of the striped dress and the blazer are fantastic.
Wow. You had better do something in post-secondary to utilize your artistic talents. SERIOUSLY. I love them as much as if they were my own children (um, okay, maybe too far. Creep factor is off the scale)!
English essays over the break? WHAT?! GROSS! >:( This makes me sad.
...Write one on unicorns?
- kyki xx
Wow! That drawing is totally amazing <33
for some odd reason I pictured your room that way (just kidding:) i like the charming messiness, rooms are meant to look dishevelled and cleaned once in a blue mooon. wow, what amazing artistic skills you possess, and that quote is kind of amazing partly cause its from facebook :)
That's an awesome quote. Kind of tounge twisty but I love imagination and day-light dreaming so it's classified as a 'awesome' quote.
And my imagination? It's filled with dragons, swords, supernaural powers, bad guys (to make the good guys look even gooder), creepy islands with creepy forests, swamp monsters, sky kingdoms. . . should I go on?
P.S: your drawing (um, moleskin) is awesome. You should start an art class and for every minute you can charge a dollar (penny? quarter? Sorry, I dont know Suth Hemishereper coins)
Love all the photos and your spirit in this post hahaha
your blog has been amazing and spreading positive energy
all the best in 2011
a beautiful disaster. your moleskin has inspired me. I just got one for the 2011 year for the first time and I'm excited to fill up all of the pages!!
You are an amazing drawer! You really are! The characters you draw are so expressive! Great job.
And what I adore too, it that little text, I adore it because it's true!
I wish you also a Happy New Year ^__^
From London & Paris
That is a very, very messy room indeed. Whoa, I finally met someone who beats me at messy rooms. :P
But the drawing is so sweet, I like it how you did that with the little note-thingy and the houses and the persons sitting on the houses and the mountain and.. oh well, I love it.
The world of my imagination? There's always yummeh fooooodah! :D (think: sushi, roasted marshmallows, macarons :D) And looads of gorgeous nature and peace and love an animals and ... such. (But seriously, you're lucky with just an english essay (you don't want to hear that, i know) but I have 9 exams after my break... FUN! :/)
wow, you're so talented! I've studied at an art highschool for 12 years and I can tell!
well, my imagination is all about fame and luxury :)) I know, superficial but true. A! and a red round bed like in the hotel in "Rainman":P
Ha, girl! I'm having so much fun reading your posts. I feel like I've met my other half in the blogosphere or something, if that's not too creepy! Haha! Seriously! You're so cool!
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