
squiggly wiggly

HEY THAR KIDS AND OOMPA LOOMPAS. (I have the tendency to have slightly abnormal greetings. I mean, uh, Hey.) (That was supposed to be a very sly Hey. Like a, "Heyyyyyyyy." Like, picture a coke commercial and after the boy has a fresh sip of the bubbly goodness he's all "Heyyyyy" to the hot chick. Whom he TOTALLY gets.) (I'm not actually being endorsed by coke. I don't even like coke. Sprite FTW. Sprite ENDORSE ME.) (And Value Village! And Kinder Surprise! And everyone else! Join in on the fun and give me free stuff! Please...)

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I hope that you've all had a wonderful post-Christmas. (How much do you LOVE December? First it's "Happy Birthday" (this may only pertain to myself . And fellow Sagzzzz. Whedddup?), then it's "Happy Holidays," then it's "Merry Christmas," then it's "Happy New Year." NEVER ENDING GOODNESS LIKE A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN OF DELIGHT YUMMY.)
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I've spent the awkward lull between the "Aw man, Christmas is over" and the "HOLY MOLY IT'Z 2011 LETZ GO CUHRAZY" with the famjam (both immediate and extended). It's been a lot of fun. We've been eating rice and doing calculus (for fun, obv) and rocking ping pong tournaments and playing majong and I don't even know why I'm endorsing untrue racial stereotypes. But really, it has been a blast. I will now link my lacklustre Twitter because for those who may go onto ask "What has been a blast?" you can get an idea HERE. Woah! Blast to the past much?!
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This head piece is a fantastic gift from Santa. I feel like I'm a character from Dr. Seuss. Obviously I love it.
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(Dress, worn as top - Value Village $14, Skirt - Homemade, Tights - Unknown, Belt - Dad's, Shoes - Value Village $7, Necklace/ Bracelet - Pretty Chic, Headband - House of Hsueh)

2011 is just around the corner. But I think I will stay hipster and pretend that it's not even happening, at least for another day or two. Because, well, I'm hipster and I stand out and I'm unique and I'm special and la-dee-da-dee-daaaa and (mostly) OH MY WORD IT'S ALREADY 2011?! I'm becoming acutely aware of just how quickly life occurs and it's freaking me out. Day after day after year after decade after OH HEY IT'S TIME TO DIE. Life is so kooky.

(I'm really not pessimistic about life and I recognize that the time between birth and death cannot be summarized with the phrase "Day after day after year after decade" (WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING?) buuut... (OBVIOUSLY I AM TIRED AND THAT IS ALL) (GOOD NIGHT MY SUGAR PLUMS))

What has been the fondest time of your life?
Because the year's almost over and we're supposed to reflect on things like this. You're welcome for changing your life.


because it's late and i just can't think of a title, gosh darn it.

1. My room is currently a mess. I have a ridiculous amount of artsy fartsy projects going on because, you know, that's integral for keeping up my "hipster" status. I'll possibly do a room tour. But possibly not. Because I really can't walk around my room without stumbling over books/ getting materials stuck on my feet/ running into unicorns (a girl can dream...)
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2. Haven't posted moleskin pages in a very, very, very long time. SO HEY! A moleskin page! The latest one.
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(pen and ink, December 2010)

Inspired by/ utilizing my new favourite quote.
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I love it so much. It's even one of my FAVOURITE QUOTES ON FACEBOOK. This is a big deal. Obviously. It's FACEBOOK.

What is in the world of your imagination?
Mine is inundated with unicorns (duh) and endless dreams and creativity and love and peace and happiness and funky reality and hugs and childish perceptions and NO ENGLISH ESSAYS DURING THE BREAK (really, I MEAN REALLY?!). And you?


oh hey, it's a merry day...

Hi. Is something going on today? Like, something special? Oh, it's Christmas? Ohhh. Right. Okay. Well, neat. I guess.

I'm so over being nonchalant and "cool." OH HUH-AY IT'S CHRISTMAS BAB-AY!!!!! I wish you all a fabulous holiday season filled with lots of presents laughter, cheesy smiles, time with family and friends, and partial family and friends that cross your path via awkward annual Christmas parties (PLEASE DON'T SAY THAT I'M THE ONLY ONE FORCED TO THESE).

You're all so fabulous and deserve an equally fabulous day. Awwwww.

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My school has an annual Christmas lunch. It's beyond cheesy. I want it to be my every day. This is what I wore. Several people asked me if I WAS Santa's elf. Kidding, that didn't happen. But I most certainly wish it did.
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This jacket makes me giggle. It's so Christmasy. However, (yes, THERE IS A CATCH!) I didn't buy it for Christmas. Therefore... IN MY WORLD, EVERY DAY IS CHRISTMAS. Yay!
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(Blazer - Value Village $7, Dress - Mum/ Banana Republic, Tights - H&M $5, Necklace - CNE $10, Belt - Thrifted $1, Jewlery - Assorted, Shoes - Winners)

Here's a happy little message. Disclaimer: I am not drunk (except for maybe on LIFE). I just have to PEE. (Note: the 7 second-ish area)

the most wonderful time of the year from quirky explosion on Vimeo.

How did you spend your Christmas morning? / What are your Christmas traditions?
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dots of polka

There are some things that are timelessly adorable: ferbies, baby cousins, snooki, joseph gordon-levitt and polka dots. And woah is me! What a coincidence! I'm wearing polka dots! I must be timelessly adorable. Slash not really. More like, OH LOOK! IT'S GRANDMA. (I love my Grandma, so this is basically the biggest compliment of my life. One I gave myself. That's normal.) Inspired by, um, also myself. Blast to the past to the Sibling and I's Grandma Shoot? This whole explanation is turning out to be a fail so I think I'll be all, "Just let the pictures speak for themselves." So, yeah. Just let the pictures speak for themselves...

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AND WOAH. Is that a long skirt? Is your computer melting? Are you going blind? (Try laser eye surgery!) But at last, your computer isn't melting, nor are you going blind (unless you are then, woah I'm psychic! Also, I'm sorry. That sucks.) I bought this skirt with the intention of hemming it. I've been too lazy. My style's been feeling a little static recently (hey now, it was school. then exams. then the holidays. I suck.) so I thought it'd be fun to experiment.
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I think it's mighty important to experiment with style. It's just clothes, it's just fashion. JUST HAVE FUN. You don't want to turn into a "I am a style drone. All I do is be safe." (That sentence made no sense. This is the reference. The sentence still doesn't make sense. But I thought I'd give the Office a shout out. I watched it again yesterday. I always forget how hilarious it is. I want to meet the real-life equivalent of Dwight. And Stanley. Stanley is so underrated. He's hilarious.)
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Meet __________ (below). It's a hottie. With a body. KIDDING. It doesn't have a body. Or a name. (Suggestions? Please? You're all such creative creatures.) It's beautiful, for real. Took me so long to decide which one to get. I didn't want to settle, you know? It was hard. Musing over all the possibilities. Different qualities of different ones stood out. How do you choose? It's hard. After hours and hours, I chose. I need a life. (Disclaimer: It wasn't really hours and hours.)
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It was a bizarre sensation wearing this outfit today. I wore it downtown, where the awesome vintage/ thrift stores inhabit (by that, I mean there are two). I felt totally comfortable and awesome. And then I wore it to the mall. I generally despise the mall. As in always. I did today. I felt awkward in my attire. I don't know what this means. Maybe I just hate malls?
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I always feel best in the more non-conforming parts of town (i.e. not the mall/school/etc). I guess it parallels to my style and outlook on life. There's something about the mall that feels really restraining and constricting. I don't like being restrained and constricted. This could be because I'm a Sagittarius. (Kidding, I don't usually play the "Astrology Card." I actually don't even know how to pronounce mine. (It sounds like a dinosaur.) But I was reading a book today. It was interesting. It said that I'm adventurous, love exploring and traveling, and hate being restrained. It made me feel good. It also said I liked sports. I laughed. Then decided Astrologies are accurate because I liked the former of the qualities. (A pick-and-choose dealio, y'know.))

P to the S...
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(Blouse - Value Village $3, Skirt - Value Village $3, Blazer - Value Village $7, Brooch - the Painted Lady $25, Shoes - Vintage $35, Scarf/ Headband - Value Village $3, Belts- Thrifted $1 Each, Tights - Unknown, Jewelry - Assorted)

When/Where do you feel most comfortable in your style?
(Or am I the only one that has the case of "Oh hey, this is slightly awkward?" When in doubt, throw your head in the air and speak in a funny accent. Just because funny accents are, you know, funny.)


double double toil and trouble

When I was younger, I ALWAYS wanted a twin. I thought that having someone that looked JUST LIKE ME was the trippy-est thing ever and would make for good pranks (I was very conniving) and good times. Of course, nowadays, I bump into hundreds of my twins on a regular basis due to the fact that "all asians look alike." (Note those quotations. ALL ASIANS DON'T LOOK ALIKE, FOO'.)

Also, I was mildly (read: extremely) obsessed with the Olsen twins, so I was basically their extra, modest twin. I was that quiet one, you know, in the back of their music videos and detective shows munching on crunchies and bopping my scrunchie-induced hair to their swagger and I don't even know what I'm saying. I just really liked the Olsen twins...

In conclusion, HEY LOOK IT'S MY TWIN!

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I still can't decide if this look is aesthetically pleasing or if I look like children's artwork vomited in clothing form. Probably the latter because, well, just because.
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Just as a "fun fact"... This dress is a size 10! Kids! Aw, aren't I cute?! It's one of those fabrics that stretches an unusual amount but SHH... you don't have to know that! I'm tiny. I'm a baby. I'm cute. Googoogaga. (I sometimes wish I were a baby. Babies bring out the children in adults, particularly evident with ridiculously st00pid baby sounds that, as basically a baby, I would find simultaneously hilarious and offensive and wonderful.)
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This is an exemplar of my essential "go to outfit." How does one conduct a "Lexy's go to outfit"? you may ask. "Well," I will answer with a modest smile, secretly pleased with your inquiry, "It simply requires bright tights, a dress, a bright blazer, piles of bangles and an optional scarf/ statement necklace. And then BAM, you be out the door in a flash. THEY WON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HIT THEM. BAM." (the second bam was for good measure to emphasize the go-to-ness (?) of said outfit. Bam. Bambambam.)
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(Dress - Value Village Kids $3, Blazer - Value Village $7, Scarf - Gift, Tights - Unknown, Shoes - Vintage $35, Jewelry - Assorted)

Hope life is feeling very merry! Get it? Merry? Because of, you know, Christmas? And you say "Merry Christmas"? No? Whatever. Evidently, my humour is FAR TOO SOPHISTICATED for you little people. Pfffft.

What's your go-to outfit?
(I know. A really deep question. Shed a few tears if you need to. I won't judge you.)


3.0 imagination, life is your creation

Dear Barbie clothes,
Sorry I neglected posting you. It's just that, well, I had pictures of me. And, you know how I love much myself.
You know you love me,
Lexy Girl
(You know? Like Gossip Girl? But with my name? LOLZ? No? WELL THEN DON'T BE A BYSTANDER. I need a cool name that's filled with alliterations. Suggestions? Don't say Loser Lexy. That will reduce me to tears. TEARS I TELL YA.)

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Had fun making this one. Primarily because I haven't got the slightest clue as to how one would construct triangular shoulder pads in non-miniature form (i.e. real life.) If you have any suggestions, please call the toll free number at the bottom of your screen (or, you know, comment.)
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This is "Gaga" barbie. Because she's got a mad poker face that will get you trapped in a bad romance where you'll just dance and everything will be okay. rah rah rah oh la la la laaaaa.
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I spy with my little eye... visible pins on Barbie in order to amp her "fierceness." My sister and I basically treat plastic toys better than we treat our pet animal (dog) (which my uncle recently called a "glorified cat." He's a weirdo.)
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Barbie's wearing homemade clothes by me, homeskillet. home dawg. home bro.

This is the last of them Barbie series. I'd like to reiterate that these were sewn for my LITTLE COUSIN. I'm a good person! A nice cousin! Not a freak with way too much time on my hands to spend it sewing Barbie clothes PSSSSHHHHHHHT.

See you later, alligator!
Walk a mile, crocodile!
Not too soon, baboon!
Okee dokee, artichoke!
(Anyone interested in continuing this flirtation dialogue regarding our farewells? Quite frankly, I think you should add a line like "You're the best, Lexy" and I'll go "Yes, I know. Heehee." (Hypothetical example, obviously does not reflect my own views. OBVIOUSLY.))



Don't you ever wish life was a musical? Oh wait. IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. OH MY GOLLY. Do you see it? We're all doing the macarana (I don't know why. That's the only dance I know (save for Travolta and Troy (High school music reference for dem young 'uns))) and singing "REUUNITTTED AND IT FEEELS SO GOOOOD." (First time I heard that song? That's so Raven. Please tell me someone else saw that episode. Twas with Stanley. Man, Stanley had swagga that would rival even Mr. JBIEBZ.)

Sidetracked. In conclusion, this is your cue to, you know, start doing the macarana and commence singing Reunited... SO MUCH FUN. GO.

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Yes, I'm back! I know. After 10 days, 12 hours, and 37 minutes. But who's counting? Not me. (Really, not me. Those numbers would/ could be a TOTAL LIE. And you wouldn't know. Unless, of course, you have been counting. OH HAI THAR STALKER! *Insert awkward sideways heart symbol thing here*)
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Insignificant things that have occurred since I saw you all last: I completed six examinations, I almost missed one of them due to fake snow days (long story? yes), I definitely lost my arm circulation due to ridiculously long history exam, and I'm ON HOLIDAY. Can I get a falalala? Please? (Someone comment a "falalala" so I know that we are soulm8z.)
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So crazy that it's already the HOLIDAYS. Time has flown by like no other. It feels like school was just starting yesterday. Before I know it, I'll be an old lady glued onto my ancient macbook with my little grandbabies going, "Grandma, what are you doing?" and I'll be like, "Oh, darlings, just this silly ole' blog granny has had since she was child to compensate for her lack of life." They will grant me a strange look of "WTF IS A BLOG?" before proceeding to play on their iphone 9000 or spaceship or whatever's all that in the future.
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Oh, yeah, another thing that seemed to happen since I saw you last... I turned seventeen. I'm feeling bizarrely old, which is definitely a sign that I'm due for a midlife crisis by the time I'm twenty. Whatever. It's just that seventeen's such an awkward number. Something to do with not being divisable. And that I can't even drive. I mean, that was a joke. Pfft. (IT'S NOT MY FAULT I'M ONLY ALLOWED TO DRIVE IN EMPTY PARKING LOTS. PARKING LOTS AREN'T EMPTY UNTIL AFTER 6. I'M NOT ALLOWED TO DRIVE IN THE DARK. IT'S DARK AFTER 6. WHY AM I SHOUTING? sothere.)

I find gifts and birthdays somewhat unnecessary (especially if the latter is squished in the middle of examinations leading to a less-then-celebratory-mood.) But mommy dearest was very kind! In addition to some jewelry, I got this giant portfolio that will only contribute to my air of hipster-ness (duh) and an Alexander McQueen book. AHH SO MUCH BEAUTY. Does McQueen make anyone else cry? I want to indulge him all day, err' day.

Daddy dearest truly outdid himself this year. Really. He is the type to quip up "Oh yeah... well, I paid for your gift!" which I adore. But this year he GOT ME LINDT CHOCOLATES! From Swiss Chalet! Which he got free. From his colleague. His words exactly, "Yeah, he bought me a lunch. I was going to give you the Swiss Chalet bun too (!!!) because I know you like it. But then I ate it because I was hungry." My dad is seriously awesome.
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(Shirt - Value Village $3, Pants - Value Village $6, Belts - Thrifted $1 each, Shoes - Value Village $7, Jewelry - Assorted)

Anyways, I'm back! And the holidays are here! I'm ridiculously excited. I know that they'll be over in a blink and I'll go back to this post and be all "And I said that they'd be over in the blink" (my Raven-tendencies are uncanny.) Creative gremlins are already exuding from my temples and I can't wait. Hopefully lots of posts filled with the things I love. Namely, myself. Kidding. Kidding. Kind of. (But I'm feeling very narcissistic with the amount of "me" that goes in this blog. But whatever. ITZ MY BLOG SUCKERZ.) (that was mature.)

How has life been as of late? Extra points for a pun. I was going to say "awesome" pun. But I didn't. Because ANY pun is an awesome pun! Just... say a pun. (Fact 8213 you should know about me: I love puns. They're so... punny. Hah!)


sparks ignite

Arthur epitomizes my childhood much like Fire epitomizes my winter. (Okay, that's a terrible analogy but I felt it NECESSARY to have some ARTHUR REPPIN' due to the copious amounts of Pokemon pictures invading my Facebook newsfeed. I'm in a slight state of confusion, but don't mind me here.) (OKAY MIND ME. SOMEONE EXPLAIN IT TO ME ALREADY.)

I've been roasting by the fire for countless hours this week doing my favourite past time (besides watching Arthur, of course): STUDYING FOR EXAMINATIONS. Oh, hi sarcasm.

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I've been sufficiently un-motivated to study for exams. Ironic as it's the singular year in my entire lifetime where these exams ACTUALLY count for, you know, the future. There's just something so irrelevant about what I'm learning in school right now that makes me want to scream. I wish we were in primary school where we were taught about beauty and love, not rational functions and Spanish revolutions.
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I definitely value education and enjoy many of my classes. But sometimes I can't help but to question why regurgitating information is such a common thread in learning? I understand that math is important but NO, I'm not planning to jump of a building in a perfect parabola and calculate the time it will take me to land. (Though I'd nail that shizzz it if that ever came up. Provided I had a graphing calculator with me prior to the jump.)
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I'm weary to calculate the amount of hours I've done studying and forgetting things that clearly have no relevance to my life. Can I get a "LIFE'S TOO SHORT"?! Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader taught me that a) adults are, generally, NOT smarter than a fifth grader b) but that's only because what you're taught in fifth grade really has no relevance to life.
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But anyways, I guess that's life. You learn something new each day! Hip hip hooray! (I added that rhyming bit.) And so little of it actually resonates with you. But some of it DOES stick. And that's how you really learn and really discover and really create who you are and what you love and what you believe. Friday taught me many new things, but I won't go into that now... (How intrigued are you regarding my AURA OF MYSTERY? oooh...)
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Anyways, in case you haven't noticed, Welcome to Lexy's Wardrobe circa Examination Time. This is my equivalent of sweatpants and sweatshirts. Barney would approve of the colour combination. No one would improve of anything else. But whatever. IT'S EXAMS I CAN GET AWAY WITH IT NANANA BOO BOO. (The Barney-lovin'-five-year-old-me clearly just came out... Mature? Yes.)
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(Purple Sweater - Value Village $3, Pants - Value Village $5, Daisy Sweater - Mum's, Jewelry - Assorted, Rings - Peru)

Teachers aren't allowed to teach new things right before exams. So I guess I'm not learning something new every day, after all? (Actually, I am. Just not with respect to schoolughh. (That is now one word.)) But anyways. Since I'm pretending that I'm not learning something new every day...
TEACH ME SOMETHING NEW. About anything. About yourself. About life. About Arthur. Whatever way, I smooch your little aardvark face. Yes, you are now aardvarks. This is officially the biggest compliment of your life.

P.S. Muchos gracious for all the comments and new followers! You're all so rad and I'm sorry to inform that I'll be neglecting your beautiful blogs for the next week or so. I'll visit them STAT. I know. Priorities SUCKS.