Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it. Unfortunately, I didn't know about the slut rule so I came to school looking like this...

Typical conversation:
Person: Oh, uh, hey Lexy. What are you?
Wait. Let me start that again...
Person: WHAT ARE YOU?!
Me: A haunted toy box. DUH.

So yes, there you have it, this past Halloween I decided to be awesome and dress up like a haunted toy box. I was often inundated with questions such as: "What are you?" "What's that?" and the occasional (by that, I mean one), "Are you a pet cemetery?!"

Allow me to explain the evolution of my outfit in the form of thought bubbles prior to the Wednesday Costume Day.
Monday evening: Hmm, a garbage can might be fun...
Tuesday morning: I've never been anything scary... Ooh, how about a HAUNTED garbage can?
Tuesday evening: [after hours of searching] No garbage cans with cut-able bottoms exist. I'm not impressed with the high-quality of garbage these days.
Tuesday (again) evening: Hmm. Why not be a haunted toybox?! [invades dollar store and childhood toys]
Tuesday (later evening): [makes haunted toybox]
Tuesday (even later evening): [completes haunted toybox]
Wednesday morning: [comes to school]

If you fail to comprehend the concept of "haunted toybox," here's the low-down: picture childhood toys RESURRECTED FROM THE DEAD. Mwahahah... Basically a true story.

Typical conversation:
Person: Oh, uh, hey Lexy. What are you?
Wait. Let me start that again...
Person: WHAT ARE YOU?!
Me: A haunted toy box. DUH.

So yes, there you have it, this past Halloween I decided to be awesome and dress up like a haunted toy box. I was often inundated with questions such as: "What are you?" "What's that?" and the occasional (by that, I mean one), "Are you a pet cemetery?!"

Allow me to explain the evolution of my outfit in the form of thought bubbles prior to the Wednesday Costume Day.
Monday evening: Hmm, a garbage can might be fun...
Tuesday morning: I've never been anything scary... Ooh, how about a HAUNTED garbage can?
Tuesday evening: [after hours of searching] No garbage cans with cut-able bottoms exist. I'm not impressed with the high-quality of garbage these days.
Tuesday (again) evening: Hmm. Why not be a haunted toybox?! [invades dollar store and childhood toys]
Tuesday (later evening): [makes haunted toybox]
Tuesday (even later evening): [completes haunted toybox]
Wednesday morning: [comes to school]

If you fail to comprehend the concept of "haunted toybox," here's the low-down: picture childhood toys RESURRECTED FROM THE DEAD. Mwahahah... Basically a true story.

I love Halloween. Am I too old for trick-or-treating? Definitely. Did I go anyways? DEFINITELY. Did I go trick-or-treating with my sister and her friends? Um, no comment. (In regards to the latter of the questions, this situation can be twisted to emphasize my awesomeness. Why? Because my LITTLE sibling wasn't going to go trick-or-treating because the LITTLE 'un felt "too old." Fortunately, I convinced her - yes, I realize the major reversed role situation - and she, in turn, convinced her LITTLE friends. Obviously I am a role model for the young and cool.)
Rest assured that Halloween is my favourite holiday and child obesity is a growing problem.
How was YOUR Halloween? What did you go as? Favourite Halloween moment EVER?!
How was YOUR Halloween? What did you go as? Favourite Halloween moment EVER?!
P.S. How much do you want to steal one of those adorable babies that go around grasping on their parental's hand and squealing TRICK-OR-TREAT (or, in my case, shield their eyes and cry. Kidding.)? I wanted to stuff one in my bag and eat 'er up...
WHAT THE HECK. You are the greatest Halloween costume I have ever seen ever by far EVER. THIS IS GENIUS. I applaud you immensely.
I MISSED YOUR BLOGGGG!!!!! school has taken over my life. uggggghhh.
You have the most awesome costume ever. Once you get to university girls start dressing like one night stands. Yeah i know. :S Next year I'm gonna be an STI and chase them all over and stick stickers on them that say STI. I'm very mature :D
Haha, anyways. Awesome costume. I dressed up as Gaga to hand out candy. WOot!
WOW that is one creative, and not to mention very creepy costume! Haha, you're so right about the slut thing. Halloween comes around, and you see short skirts and heels all over the school.
THAT...is awesome. Enough said!
WHOA! Too cool for words! Makes mine seem...well you know lol. ^^
Come by again soon!
Mummy my toybox has a creepy girl in it!
Bright Green Laces
love it!
That is awesome! You are so creative!
Stacey Kay
“Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”
Military Utilitarianism-Thrifted
I love your costuum! So original!
Haha and the beginning is from mean girls right?
At least, that was what I was thinking! But greatjob!
You are looking so amazing!
the idea is perfect! Also your make up is creepy!
I didn't do anything at halloween. It isn't famous here in Belgium :P
yes I like photo-albums, It remembers you to the things that you have forgotten.
Wow wow im amazed with yout costume!! Creative and inspiring :) where do you celebrate halloween?
ypur idea was really original and amazing! good work girl!
you're unique, and no one can defeat that.
Haha, omg it's so great and all over the place! xD Love it!
Unfortuantely people don't celebrate Halloween where I live.. :(
ZOMG amazing costume!!! ur so original i love it <3 ^^
and tehe go trick or treating ^^
Ahhh this is amazing!! You are the most original person everrrr!!!
oh goodness this is awesome so fucking different! love love love love love it! this is halloween!
Oh my god, you are so awesome.
quite possibly the best costume i've seen this year.
(back when i was in school i went as a box of puppies for sale. simiarl concept in that i wore a card board box full of stuffed animals and that no one knew what i was)
but yours is better and far more halloweeny and I love that quote, I was just watching mean girls before i read this haha.
Chic on the Cheap
I love it! My friends and I were like the oldest kids trick-or-treating but it was amazing. Not even going to lie. I COULD NOT STOP HOWLING AND MAKING SEXUAL JOKES. hehe okay.
teri at tintedseaglass.blogspot.com
WHAT WHAT WHAT?!?! This is like, the greatest idea for a costume like, ever. Like, I want to talk like an annoying valley girl right now because I like, can't speak with proper grammer. I'm just too amazed by this. It is quite reminiscent of Pet Cemetary and seeing as I love that movie, I love this!
I accidentially slept through halloween because I'm lame.
p.s. Can you please do your hair like that everyday? I'm serious, it really is awesome.
GIRL! YOU LOOK AWESOME! I wish I was as creative as you, dayyyymnnn! TOTALLLYY DIG IT!
ohmyyyy, i think you was awesome! hahaha great great great photos! my halloween is 'nothing' ;)
♥ Selvi,
ps: check my new post!
that is absolutely awesome!!
toys ressurected from the dead, such a genius idea.
I went a Joan Jett and my friend went as Cherie Currie. :)
I WISH I could have gone trick or treating but a bunch of lairy, drunk students appearing on your doorstep is probably more scary than halloween itself!
If only I had a baby sister as an excuse...
sooooooo creative! i love it. i did the slutty thing once or twice, now i realize how silly that all is.
i had food poisoning most of the weekend but on halloween did a spooky photoshoot. it's posted on my blog if you care to see!
Amazing costume! So creative :)
You are my new hero, Lexy; that costume is so incredibly phenomenal - and creative! :)
I loved your post! I love how the name of your blog matches you, quirky. Your costume is definately original! I was a plain, boring black cat, and your never too old for trick-or-treating, I did and got rewarded with tons of sweets for being so bold
i think i went for halloween as a 1940s ghost but i'm still not sure :') you look AWESOME. i've never seen any kind of effort like that put into any outfit, and that is a good. thing.
x x x
OMG. do you know how awesome you are?! The answer is VERY! hehe. This is THE BEST halloween costume... Not just this year, but like ever, you're so creative it litrually astounds me. Your blog rocks, infact you rock, because you are you blog :D
(p.s. I love the means girls reference ;)
amazing costume and definitely scary for me...
that´s a great Halloween costume, love the make-up.
The slut rule reminds me of 'How I met your mother'
your costume is major!!! so creaive and uniquee :D
Your halloween outfit is way better than dressing as a slut by a infity plus one! I love the makeup design. My school didn't do any cool halloween outfit day. Which sucked since I didn't do anything for halloween and it would have been fun.
Love the 'haunted toy-box' idea, btw.
oh my god. you keep getting better.
i've never seen a haunted toy box look this good. love your hair and makeup! wonderful idea and costume Lexy!
wait this is SO AWESOME. you are too cool for school.
lol! you really looked scary. Good job in make up. :)
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When I read the first two lines I laughed for like 10 minutes without stopping! It reminded me about Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls when she goes at her first Halloween party dressed pretty much as scary as you and all the girls over there were dressed as total sluts (playmates catwomen etc)ahaha! Your costume is amazing! When you got back home did you scare someone by entering the house? ihih
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