I didn't lie to you all. THE BARBIE CLOTHES WILL KEEP ON COMING. In a few weeks time, you're brain will be exploding with miniature attire; so much that you'll be unsatisfied with your life until the day you BECOME Barbie! Except for this is the second last post. Out of three posts. But that is an irrelevant detail...

See the background? I HAND PLEATED THAT MELLOW YELLOW GOODNESS. Kidding! Gosh, I'm just full of over-exaggerated fun today! The background is, in fact, a dress of mine. It's only been on the blog once. WHO WILL FIND SAID DRESS?! Who loves me the most?! Who has the most time to go through my summer archives to find the post?! Who's even reading this?!

As you all know, I love mixing prints. So Barbie does, too. Because we're the same person! No, no we're not.

(Barbie is wearing clothes made by me)
Hope you enjoyed seeing how lacklustre my life is. I kid. These were made in the summer. Way back when I didn't have a life. Now? Now I really don't have a life. So much that I don't even have time for these kind of things that prove that I don't have a life. I miss it.
Entertain me. What's something about YOU that most human beings are unaware of? (i.e. Fun Fact regarding... yourself!) I feel like this is a good conversation starter, so maybe I'll come up with a list of things for when someone greets me with this question. Because that happens frequently. Well, that COULD happen frequently. And I'm preparing you for that day. YOU'RE WELCOME.
Entertain me. What's something about YOU that most human beings are unaware of? (i.e. Fun Fact regarding... yourself!) I feel like this is a good conversation starter, so maybe I'll come up with a list of things for when someone greets me with this question. Because that happens frequently. Well, that COULD happen frequently. And I'm preparing you for that day. YOU'RE WELCOME.
fun fact about this chick: I am 25 years old and have never, not once, ever, had even a sip of alcohol. I am a non drinker all the way to my core apparently. Unless my blood is made of alcohol ad I therefore have no craving for it since I always have it and that would also explain a lot of my weirdness...er I mean...awesomeness.
not even kidding, i have a skirt exactly like that.
It's really funny how Barbie fashion is becoming so real...
Adorable! Too bad I cant fit into barbie-sized clothes :(
Something about me that other people do not know about...I'm a memory hoarder. I keep receipts, movie tickets, napkins, straws, photos, random pens because they remind me of specific memories I may want to call upon in the future. teehee!
If I were a girl and also happened to be a Barbie I would most certainly wear that dress. Lol! I love it so so so much. The mixing of prints is absolutely perfect. Were the shoes made by you too? I once read about a current designer who said he started designing clothes for his sisters Barbie's as a very little boy and then decided he wanted to design clothing for people. This post just reminded me of that article I read.
check out my trendy blog!
Weird fact about me: I enjoyed being massaged. By anyone. And everyone.
I think it's amazing how you make this! I mean you have to work so precisly! Good job, I would defintely wear something like this!:D
Hah amazing.
Fun fact: when I was a child, my mum wouldn't let me hoard anyway. now , at 17 , I hoard everything. I have a stamp collection.
x enter my giveaway? six whole miss patina dresses to giveaway.
Barbie getting dressed up? I love her polka dots. fabulous! :)
Win our Perricone giveaway worth $150
Ooh, I love making clothes for Barbie's - though mine used to be crafted out of paper bags. Sad, but true. I'm not too swift with a sewing needle! :P
Ooh, something very few know about me...I am somewhat scared of driving, and don't have my driver's license yet. I have graduated from college, but I cannot drive. :P
fun fact: i can crack my wrists over and over again...it's endless.
love what barbie is wearing today. that top is super chic and her shoes are hot.
Hmmm something few people know about me..I hate fish?? Haha I can't think of anything more interesting! Awesome barbie clothes, I saw someone online making exact replica Gaga outfits for barbies the other day, making barbie clothes is definately an art!
Hey Lexy, just wrote a post about you, please comment on it!
You're so awesome!
omg i love doll dresses :3 i would love to get a blythe doll but they are too expensive :)
nice clothes for ur barbie ^^
Okay you have some amazing talent girl. You continue to blow me away every time i visit this blog.
Omg..The dress is so adorable...Can u turn me into a barbie??!! so that i can fit into that dress..
Barbie looks ever so pleased with her snazzy new attire ;) You should totally open up a barbie boutique and become a bajillionaire ;D (is bajillion even a real numer??) hehe
...Something about me that most people are unaware of? Hmm, that's a good question...
Well I seem quite ditzy most of the time so people are surprised when I actually come out with something clever. Oh and I used to do figure skating, but gave it up because I lacked confidence it takes to jump and spin simultaneously, tehe.
What about yourself m'dear? (:
Such creativity! Love the polka dot skirt. Keep designing Lexy. Such a talent. Did you make those shoes too ;)
Most humans are unaware that I can twist my tongue into a spoon. Is that a fun fact?! Hahaha Can't think of anything else at the moment. Now you have to share one about you!
You have such a talent babe!! : ) Hmmm, I write lists for any and everything! : ) xx
I was Barbie for Halloween ! So I love Barbies! Great job Barbie clothes designer!
um this is totally amazing!! it's a fine craft, not everyone (well no one!) can do this!
What - that's not you? that's a barbie?
well I don't believe you.
so there.
Chic on the Cheap
Love the outfit you made for Barbie, so chic!
most human beings are unaware of the fact that i'm a blogger! i like to keep my blogger life and my real life as separate as possible because if people saw how i'd really like to dress... i think they'd hunt me down with torches and pitchforks!
thank you for your very sweet comment :D!
x x x
most human beings are unaware of the fact that i'm a blogger! i like to keep my blogger life and my real life as separate as possible because if people saw how i'd really like to dress... i think they'd hunt me down with torches and pitchforks!
thank you for your very sweet comment :D!
x x x
the best barbie ever! i mean it haha
uhm i dont know i'm very shy and i like no i love 90s kid shows haha
I bet that the barbie likes what you've done to her wardrobe!;DD
Fun fact about me: I'm a sleepy head. I can sleep anywhere at anytime. I don't care if someone put the stereo beside my bad and makes the volume up to almost 100%. xp
Dreamy Princess
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