I like gray days. Perfect lazy days because you feel obligated to be lazy and therefore you don't feel guilty for being lazy. Win-win.
And on the note of technology and changes, what ever happened to mailing letters?! I used to be part of a sticker club (obviously, I was cool), where you'd send/ receive stickers to/ from your friends in the mail! The good ole' days. Now the only mail I get are magazine subscriptions and "Happy Birthday from your friends at the Orthodontist!" Real personal.
Oh, and um FINALLY, the skirt that I meant to post a billion years ago is now being posted! A pain to make, but I'm satisfied so yay. Next time: 1) buy a dress form, 2) buy a pattern. The whole "winging it, pinning pins on your body and a ton of stitchrippin'" thing doesn't work real swell.
Minus the sweater, I was basically a walking and talking DIY. So yay for self-promotion?

(Sweater - Value Village $3.50, Shirt - DIY, Skirt - Homemade, Belt - Dad's, Tights - H&M $6, Shoes - Mum's, Jewelry - Assorted)
So for the 1% of you who potentially read my actual words of ramblings (don't worry, I still like you if you don't care about me on the inside. You only care for me on the outside. *Weeeep.*), I guess the moral of my ramblings is that I miss some elements of childhood. This includes: Barbies, Arthur, Barney, ZOOM, Flat Stanley, Bernstein Bears, Lizzie McGuire, calling my and my bffs (at the time) "the Puppy Pals," playing school with my sister and our stuffed animals, making plastercine dolls, painting the bathtub, making up stupid poems, getting loot bags at birthday parties, etc.
What do you miss from childhood?
Sorry for the lack of posts. I've been BUSY LIKE A BEE (props to everyone that got it right in the last post! Geniuses.). And to add onto that, my computer literally has NO space (something to do with 8000 photos, perhaps?), so I'm trying to burn it, but my computer keeps on throwing up the DVDs I insert. This wasn't even planned, but totally an exemplar of why technology is a pain in the bum. But I still love it. I mean, I wouldn't have "met" you all without it? AWWW, mussshyyyy.
Thanks for stopping by!
This outfit is absolutely BRILL.
Which is a fancy, aristocratic, abbreviated way of saying 'Brilliant'.
I came up with that.
ALSO, the 90's were HAPPENIN'.
And, first comment. Sweet. This thrills me in ways it shouldn't.
it's not fair, why are you so good at diys?! ;) and i think now i appreciate letters so much more now...
Wowow, I love your shirt! It's amazing that you made that! Can I asked what kind of shirt/marker you used to make that? I always wanted to draw tees for myself, but never knew what to use!
Lol! Part of that 1% that reads your ramblings! Just had to say, haha.
Humm, definitely miss that Arthur, Barbies, sleeping 'til noon on Saturdays part of my childhood. =)
Oh, I miss actual letters. I'm the the kind of person that gets extremely excited to get mail...but I don't get any. Sad really. Emails don't hold the same thrill.
Oh, and by the way I love your sweater.
you're really funny when you ramble..hehe. and i am an 80's love child so i did go through 90's with significantly 90's memories -- tapes, the boom box, jeans that i folded out (twice), braces, madonna and the bedtime stores, lisa loeb, spice girls..and super platforms..LOL!
what i miss about my childhood was the street games that we played...there are lots of interesting filipino games i tell you..and yep, barbie and play dough...captain planet too!
ps. love the skirt!
Your shirt is so cute and you're a PRO for that skirt!! What do I miss? hmmmmm......Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego!! And chilling out with my awesome family of six!
I think this may be my absolute favorite look of yours thus far, Lexy! It is too divine for words!
What I miss from childhood...staying up late and reading under the blankets with a flashlight. Oh, and spying on my neighbors during my years of believing I was Harriet the Spy!! And naptime, of course!! :)
i love this look! xxxxx
Arthur! Loot Bags! Lizzie McGuire! I loved all of these things (although I was totally too old for Lizzie McGuire, but I watched it anyway because I was cool). I love your do-it-yourself stuff, but patterns and dressforms are helpful. I'm taking a fashion design course right now (but it was super expensive, but I'm learning lots about drafting patterns and stuff. And your shirt is so dang cute!
What I miss most from my childhood? The no-worry attitude... I know that I'm being taken cared of and I don't have to worry about anything.
Miss you Lexy... that skirt you made is so fabulous. I love the design. xoxo
oh my I love your style lexy :)
and I'm so missing you...
oh and..., that skirt is so fab ;)
Hy, I enjoyed this post very much. First because I'm 22 and I have an even bigger experience of watching technology take over our live and second because you write so nice. I'm sure that I'd love you in real life!
And the skirt is so pretty and well done!Can't believe is home made!
Thanks for your sweet comments :)
very nice! i love the skirt :)
YOU ARE MORE THAN AMAZING - that skirt is divine. you need to open a shop immediately and start taking requests! (i'll be your first client, haha!) lovely skirt! that color is stunning.
i totally DO remember the sticker club! although technology has made our lives 'easier' receiving things by snail mail is like a gift now a days... its totally unexpected.
I dont even know how to sew.. nice smile tho, your orthodontist friends seem to have done you well.. hehehe
your right iPad is not worth all the fuss.. stay pweetty ^^
The ViXeN's LaiR
Wow, youv'e made an amazing skirt! Your style is really inspirational :)
What i miss about the 90s? Self recorded music tapes, new Michael Jackson music videos (ha, i remember dancing to "They don't care about us"), Spice Girls, Tamagochis (i was really cool in my kindergarden, since i had one that included 30 pets! :D), Barbie dolls and of course full-length Disney cartoons like "The lion King" and "Hercules" etc. Great times, deffinetly!
Love the voluminous shoulders and cute, swishy skirt!
heart the skirt, and kewl sweater :)
wow! love ur outfit dear~
especially our skirt! awesome~ :))
tenqiu for lovely comment in my blog :)
i've linked ur blog and followed :)
yudia aiiu
Thanks for leaving a comment @ my blog! u are right with mc donalds ;)
I visit u as soon as I can . Follow u
Greetings from Germany.Tzoules K.
Thanks for leaving a comment @ my blog! u are right with mc donalds ;)
I visit u as soon as I can . Follow u
Greetings from Germany.Tzoules K.
Your outfit is stunning!
& well, I miss the good tv/cartoons! The generation of today needs them!
Haha, lovely blog!
i love the blue skirt!
haha i remember watching arthur, barney, lizzie mcguire & zoom too. i miss just being able to play in the park everyday and run everywhere. and i loved painting (on everything!) when i was younger. lol
i totally agree with you on how fast time & technology & everything else seem to pass by. I also wonder, what the heck I'll be doing when I'm 80+ and what clothes id probably wear..would it be finally futuristic? hahaha.
I love how your DIY skirt turned out plus its BLUE..love it! :) i love how your whole outfit is put up! :D
and yess true, what happened to mailing letters. I actually enjoy writing letters to my friends. :) I also miss my childhood, the cute dresses, the toy kitchens, the excuse to just get anything, the crying, the laughter. :) sigh. :D the good old times. :D
I love your jacket! For some crazy reason it reminds me of 2 things. Michael Jackson and Minnie Mouse. I don't know why so don't ask. Lol! Your skirt is also very interesting and I love it! I agree with the whole thinking back into the past and seeing all the changes being done technologically. I love the changes! I also love the iPad! I respect your opinion on it, but I think it's definitely an advancement to our technologically consumed world! It allows us to now do so much more in a decent sized touch screen pad.
check out my trendy blog!
love the diy skirt!! im following!
Aww thank you so much for your lovely comment :)) And you write so funny :D That DYI skirt is to die for.
I was wondering if you'd be up for exchanging links? :))
Can't wait to hear from you <3
I love gray skies too!! I think that is considered a beautiful day as opposed to sunshine and clear skies.
visit my blogs!
The background of your first photo is absolutely amazing. Gray days are only okay with a hot mug of tea and a good book or movie. Otherwise, they shouldn't exist.
Lizzie McGuire and all those shows back in the day were the best. Now a days kids have Spongebob? No! Fail! Rugrats and Kablam and PB&J Otter and all the other amazing shows are irreplaceable.
Thank you for the comment! Yeah, I haven't really grown too much since I was little... but to be fair, it's a very stretchy leotard.
Love the outfit, of course- the skirt is incredible!
these have to be some of my favourite photos you've posted. i LOVE the first two. your bright outfit looks so great contrasted against the grey background. you have such an awesome sense of style.
oh man... miss from childhood? the simplicity. and my family... i live far away from them now. xx
i love the skirt ^^
it looks really professional ^^
So I am in love with your skirt, you are truly amazing at DIYs.
I love this skirt! SO cute! And I must admit that i love grey skies too! There is something cozy about a grey day every one in a while!
I can't believe you made that, it looks amazing. The ruffle is brilliant and cobalt blue is my favorite color to wear.
I'm not sure I miss too much from my childhood to be honest! I love my life right now. I suppose I miss huge girly sleepovers, but I can still do that today...
that skirt is so so pretty, I love the outfit!
lovelove, M.
I miss making tents with a bunch of blankets in my living room and playing house underneath, and I miss rolling down the stairs in laundry baskets and landing in 938974345 pillows at the end with my siblings :) Your skirt is really cool, by the way!
I miss watch cartoons instead of do homework.
I love your skirt, specailly the color.
Thanks for your comment!
i love how you are able to pull off these strong, bold pieces without looking ridiculous or out of place. you did such an amazing job with that skirt and i love the ruffles! it fits you perfectly!!! :)
i definitely miss playing with toys. but then again i guess we all still play with toys to some extent...they just might be more electronic haha :P
i love how u combined primary colors together lexy ! the ruffles on the skirt and those black stuff on the jacket look AMAZZZIIINNNGGG !
like u, i have been a busy bee as well.. so much school work but yet we still wanna blog right ? hahha
thanks so much for dropping by my blog and the lovely comments :D
hope you've had a great weekend..
of course, i miss barbies. i miss polly pockets and little mermaid shirts, too. i love the bold colors of your outfit!!!
thanks for stopping by me and genny's blog <3
you're so talented!!! love your DIY clothes!!!
dude the ipad seems so useless. and i love lizzie mcguire (its the only role hilary duff can really play...) and powerpuff girls and pokemon! but now theyre super sucky shows :(
oh and i really miss legends of the hidden temple and all those wicked game shows on nickelodeon, why cant they do stuff like that nowadays *sigh*
awesome outfit btw! your cardigan is so cool and your skirt is so electric blueeeeeeeeeeee <3
the snow here is melting already, but it did started to hail! just when i come home from school :( haha!
this outfit is so cute! such a funny tee!
I think this is my favorite outfit of all time!!! I can't believe it's 75% DIY - amazing!
From my childhood? I miss slumber parties - staying up late and gossiping about boys, it's just not the same when you're an adult and you own a house and have a husband.
i am OBSESSED with the outfit. ahhh it's fantastic.
That sweater is INSANE - what a great find! You always look like you have so much fun
Dude all of your childhood elements are the same as mine - I have so many freakouts about the future too!
Thanks so much for your wonderful comment =]
Stay safe and chic darling,
English Rose x
Lexy, your skirt is so beautiful! you look adorable as always. Sometimes it's nice to be a child again. OMG, you reminded me of Arthur. I also watch Flinstones every morning. And little Lulu too. How i miss those days when the only problem is how to evade nap time.
i love this outfit ! the texture is so versatile. AND great choice of colours - blue and red combos are a personal favourite of mine too ; ) that tee is really cute ps !
xx lue
I hate technology, and blogging already goes against all my beliefs, I doubt the future. And love your skirt and read everything you write - I find you quite amusing!
I love love love this outfit. The colour combination is beautiful. So gorgeous.
My friends and I were talking about tv shows we used to watch today. I miss childhood.
girl, i love your style a lot a lot a lot.
oh my geez your ruffle skirt is really make me envy. So nice!
woah that skirt is insanely brilliant. and smashing blog by the way!
This is so lovely. Love the skirt espesh, you always have such good outfits. YOUR COOL
Panda xx
Oh and thanks for your sweet comment!
i love that skirt but i really loooove that shirt its so cute.
omg ZOOM! i miss that show so dang much my favorite person was zoe (allergic to latex). I miss playing house and making mixtapes from the radio
Vi from Cali
That sweater is so cool!
hmm from childhood I miss the whole I dont care about anything attitude.. mostly because there really was nothing to worry about except what did mom pack me for lunch this time haha
love the skirt cute i dont know what i miss from my childhood mmhmm barbie
I am in love with the whole outfit. every bit of it. I wish I knew how to sew and actually have time for it too!! What did you use to make the shirt btw?
Looking forward in reading more!!
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Oh yeah i forgot to include what I miss about childhood.. well, just being carefree =) I miss not having problems and good long hours of sleep. And yeah, spice girls!! barbie boots and all the boy bands.
visit and follow
love this so much !! the color is sick!
every now and then i'll see a wonderful piece on a fashion blog, frantically scroll to the bottom of the post to check the credits, and it will have come from value village. these are the times when i wish i lived in canada.
this is one of those times.. THAT SWEATER. wow.
also, : ""Oh man, it seems like it was just yesterday, I was frolicking in the gardens picking up rosebuds."
laughed out loud.
I love ur outerwear, so niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I've just discovered your blog and I love it! You've a great style!
If you want, check out my blog and leave a comment. Thanks a lot!
i just found your blog and im totally loving it and your QUIRKY style :) this outfit in particular amazed me to the bones! the diy shirt is super cute and i would want one for myself! the skirt is also super adorable. i can't believe you got that amazing red cardi from VV. i'm also unlucky when it comes to thrift shopping :(
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