Urm. Anyways, stuff you might actually care about. Exhibition: my outfit.

The weather has been going crazy. I've decided that snow only has two purposes: 1) Christmas, and 2) snow days. Since Christmas has passed, I expect the snow to pass... unless it decides to grant us with a snow day. Otherwise... Snow, it was nice to be acquainted with you, but now it's time for us to move on.

It's kind of awkward, but that's why I love it. Don't they say that awkward things (me and the headband, that is) attract? No? Well they should.

(Blazer - Value Village $7, Dress - Value Village $7, Belt - Thrifted $1, Tights - H&M $5, Necklace - Aldo $10, Headband - Ophelie Hats, Shoes - Mum's)
For all of those who have fabulous memory/ are my stalker (either or is pretty flattering and awesome), you may recall this work in progress that I posted a few months back. I was being all mysterious and allusive about the details (because I'm just so mysterious and allusive), but here's the finished product of the entire project!

Woohoo! It's for the cover of a Canadian Teen Artsy Fartsy Magazine and what not, by the name of What If. I highly doubt any of y'all are die-hard readers of such magazine (but you know, props if you are), so I thought I'd share.
Here's me arrogantly posting my little biography thing-y they included. Please skip the following paragraph if you don't want to know more about me. (I won't be offended. I wouldn't want to know about me either. Just kidding. I'm awesome. Just kidding. (Kristen Wiig SNL reference. Ish.))
Lexy -----, 16, is a grade 11 student at -------- school, living in ------, Ontario. From a young age, Lexy has always loved art and creativity. She would annually host art themed birthday parties, though she would often find herself being the only one engrossed in the craft, while the rest of her friends ditched her for her dress-up box and Barbies bin. As she grew older, her passion for the arts continued to flourish, particularly in the field of fashion. She loves reading NYLON, musing over McQueen, and finding quirky vintage finds. Aside from art and fashion, she loves to fill her time with traveling, sewing, doodling, people-watching, biking, and daydreaming. She also enjoys Reeses Pieces blizzards, cracking her back, and colourful tights. She wishes that she had a passion for reading and writing, as she believes that it would contribute in making her sound “artsy.”
This cover is inspired by the idea of “go” and following your dreams. Lexy believes that, too often, people approach their future too conventionally, rather than doing what they really want. She hopes that this cover encourages people to follow their dreams and to just go for it!
( 1. ---- = personal information. Because apparently you might stalk me. According to.. me.
2. Yes, I did have to write my own biography. Very awkward, indeed.)
Anyways. That is all. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
I'll visit blogs ASAP. I would tonight, but I have to get up early tomorrow, so I'm just going to hit the sack!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
How do you see the world in 20-84? I'm very curious!
yay, first comment :)
can i just say that i think you have the cutest smile!
and at least you had snow :(
my friends and i were contemplating how it didnt feel like christmas because we had no snow on the west coast.
i love you creepy but damn girl.... i need u to judge my blog ... plzz visit it
ahh, i definitely believe in aliens too...or some sort of living being out there besides us. 2084, it's so far off it's kind of frightening to think about it.
love your outfit as usual, you're always so playful and lovely in your photos!! and that's awesome your illustration is on the cover of a magazine! :)
i agree with jen, i can't think of anything what our world would be in 2084. its like watching suspense horror movie, that's how scary it is. congrats with the article, they included you. that's a very good achievement. wish someone would also feature me.
i love all your sets of headbands, they are so cute and quirky, just love it. and your outfit is adorable!!
have a nice day!
sassy rica ^_^
Lexy, I really love your smile. It's a real day maker.
Hy! The cover is very very nice. You really have a very talented artistic side and you should continue doing stuff like this. In the mean time, the dress and the headband are awesome!
Have a nice day!
omg!! I love ur tights so much!!
I also love ur headband :)
I love that weird, giant orange thing you're sitting on. What is that? A cushion? An actual giant orange? Whatever, it's awesome!
I also loved finding out you're a fan of back cracking and colourful tights. What a combination!! :D
great outfit nice blog!! xoxo
I love your headband it's so darling!
Hey congrats! That's absolutely terrific! And your headband = fabulous.
I hope that the human race actually survives till 2084! (That was really depressing. But still.) Considering how messed up the earth is now, I don't have high hopes. But maybe we'll be able to live on other planets by then!
Congratulations on the feature! You absolutely have to be one of my favourite bloggers Lexy! Fabulous style accompanied by entertaining words :)
You're so adorable. Everything about you!
Oh, Canada! That would explain it! I live near the South in the U.S. so if we even get a centimeter of snow... it's a SNOW DAY! haha
hey girl! I've visited your blog a few times, but it won't let me comment :\ I don't know if you'll read this, but I've definitely been checkin' it out and it's very adorable! You just need to fix your comment box as no one can comment!
I'm subscribed to an art magazine, too. :D && I love your headband! I'd wear those if I could, but they just don't look good on me.
i fixed it thanks !!!! lexy >>>
i love that gossip girl blazer, great look!
I'm loving the blazer!! And your bio is so cute! Umm 2084? I'd say everyone will turn into tech-freaks.
cute outfit. you look oh so happy in these photos. It put a smile on my face!
Question...could you possibly be any cuter? Answer...absolutely not! I absolutely adore you, Lexy - you are the cutest thing ever. And your little biography...love!! :)
I believe in aliens haha, I also believe there are such things as space ships & getting abducted lol. That's a great blazer!
Who would've thought that the weather was being uncooperative? You look none the worse ... you look fabulous as a matter of fact!
Hy Lexy! Thanks so much for your sweet comment!
Also, I forgot to say in the previous comment: I do believe that extraterrestrial life exists, I am sure of it. I can only hope to live the day when all the population of the Earth will have information about who is out there :)
I adore that blazer
Congrats for the cover od the magazine - its amazing and I love the biography thing
Too scary to think of the world in 2084!
Thanks so much for the lovely comment dearest - sorry for such a late reply!
Stay safe and chic darling
English Rose x
Aaaaawww, I really love your jacket!! Anyway, I believe in aliens, too. It's difficult to imagine that we're the only living creatures in this entire universe...
i noticed that you love this white blazer VERY much darling ! well i aint complaining or anything, but it looks super gorgeous on you !
and yesss.. awkward things attract :D
thanks for the comment you wrote on my blog .
keep posting more inspirations !
much love from .
glisters and blisters :D
you have a fantastic choice of clothes! great style
and featuring in a magazine is so cool, congrats :)
i am seriously always blown away by your amazing bargains and how well you put your outfits together. the shoulders on your jacket are amazing.
the world in 2084... well, the inverse of that question would put us at 1936... and what's happened since then? wars have been won and lost, world views have changed, technology has advanced... am guessing the same will be true in 2084... some things will have changed but it will basically still be the same... people just trying to make it from one day to the next the best the can.
good luck with the assignment!
you know what's the best part of your outfit Lexy? your smile! and you never fail to amaze me with your amazing bargain finds! you look so stunning! how do you do that really? and not just that, you're so talented too!
What a gorgeous outfit! I love it.
I desperately need a pair of tights in that colour. They are way too gorgeous.
I have no idea what will happen in 2084, maybe we'll meet some aliens?
Super adorable outfit, I love how you paired the blue tights with this and I am a big fan of that layered necklace! The blazer is also super fab and the headband - okay, the whole outfit is just magnificent! :)
I so envy your headbands!!Love them too actually I'm quite addicted but lately I couldn't find pretty ones and yours is so nice!I really enjoyed your biography I like this idea of writing it yourself it's like an analysis of you-and what can I say if life it's balck and white you color it!That's you in my view.
Am loving your outfit full of life and young spirit!!! Am in love with it!! And your hair accessory wow how classic and amazing is it!! I love the color and I love the way you smile it’s so cute!! The dress is amazing the print blows my mind away!!!
what a cute outfit! i love wearing stuff from my mom, haha. and yes, snow is just pointless after a certain amount of time. i mean, i LOVE snow and i'm so happy when it comes, but it's a wee bit cold today and it's getting kind of slushy, too...
amazing jacket! and i dont no if i believe in aliens... i dont want to say i dont because im scared its one of those things when you say you dont believe and they come after u! (like ghosts and stuff :)
Beautiful picture though! u are soooo talented!
Oh I am very scared for the future, technology scares me blogging ecspecially!
i love the touch of blue tights
and the poof on the white jacket's shoulders is awesome
thanks for sharing as always
and thanks for the lovely comments, i really appreciate it
i agree. should definitely move on from snow. cute outfit ! floral is a personal favourite of mine. the headband adds the finishing touch, cuuute
xx lue
Hey lexy..I'm your new follower now :)
I like your blazer soo much!! Iwanna have one like that!! :)
hmm..2084??honestly I never imagine what would happened on that year..it just toooo far awaaay..hahaha..
I'm just curious why would you pick that year?why must 2084?is there any specific reason? ;)
loving the jacket ^^
i'm loving your outfit as always. do you have a lookbook.nu account? Because you definitely should if you don't. & about your biography- i love, love Nylon & Reeses Pieces blizzards. :)
Lexy, you got a princess award from me :)..please check it on my latest post..thankss dear..
and i love your dress. yknow i have to write a descriptive essay wuite similar to yours, except i have to write about a fashion prediction for the 22nd century, any ideas?
Your dress is really cute!
By 2084 I think we will have nuclear bombed the crap out of each other and a few mutated survivors will be fighting for survival in a post-apocalyptic wasteland...
or things will be pretty much the same only with even tinier computers...
or computers in our heads!
Basically, I have no idea. Cute outfit though!
That jacket is amazing, and it looks great on you.
Thanks for your comment!
LOVE your white blazer!
your posts always make me smile... seeeee ------------> :)
... and my new motto is: " if you can dream it, you can do it!"
Another great outfit - one day I am so hiring you as a stylist!
Kate xx
aahw, you look so cute!
i love your headband, it looks like the Marc Jacobs - Lola campaign (also very cute)
cute outfit!! love the dress
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