Two words: TIME FLIES.
Now you may think that I'm being all nostalgic and all "ahh, it seems like just yesterday I was watching Miley Cyrus on MTV's 2009 New Year countdown" (yes, that is how I celebrated 2009. I'm telling ya, I'm a party animal who just doesn't stop!) and here I am, a year later. Ohhh, sigh, pity me. And while it does seem like the year has gone by fast (doesn't it always?), I feel like I've also accomplished a lot. But, you should know upfront, I'm kind of the Grinch of New Years in that I don't really take to much time to reflect or make resolutions. To me, it's more of "Here's to a great year and continue to grow in the future!" Tomorrow is just another day and I don't need to wait a whole year to make new goals. I really need to up my New Year spirit, I reckon.
The "time flies" reference was more alluded towards the face that I'LL BE HEADING BACK TO SCHOOL IN A FEW DAYS. Reminiscent flashback: It seems like it was just yesterday when I said I'd be able to post more frequently, sew more, and have more DIYs. Oh, sigh. No worries, I have a few more things yet to share, such as a line-up of outfits (I'm a little behind!). Here's one of them:

Fashionmatical (fashion + mathematical, ha-ha, get it?) equation of the day:
[(Lace leggings = Practically bare legs) + Winter] = (Bad Idea + Freezing)

Brooch was a birthday gift from my sister. It's kind of a long story actually; something along the lines of me falling in love with it, unwilling to spend any more money and her pretending to go to the bathroom costing her the dignity of being accused of having bladder issues and, um,... anyways, the point of the story is: I like it.

I have yet to share a close up picture of this fantastically awesome belt. I've wanted to a clear belt since I saw Lucy Liu's outfit in tabloids' "fashion face-offs" years ago. Granted, mine probably belonged to a child (given that it is tiny and has sparkles and crystals tackily embedded in it), but I still enjoy it.

Finally, here's my toast to the New Year!

(Blazer - Value Village $7, Shirt - Costa Blanca $3, Skirt - Homemade, Leggings - H&M $10, Shoes - Mums, Belt - Thrifted $1, Brooch - The Exhibition/ Gift, Jewelry - Assorted)
Thanks so much for stopping by!
How did you all spend the New Years? Any great resolutions you'd like to share?
Awesome brooch... and I love your outfit. And LOL on the fashionmatical thingy, you are right... lace leggings in winter = bad choice. But who cares, you look good in it.
Happy new year Lexy! xoxo
oh, those tights are so snazzyyy!! great detail and yum that jacket! the black accents make that jacket! :) adorable blog!
your white jacket and that brooch are fantastic. and i love your transparent belt, even with all the glitter and etc. :)
happy new year!!
I adore the blazer, skirt, brooch... pretty much everything you have on.
I don't think applying more than once for TV Snapshot Girl would be weird at all! I'd just send in different outfits each time.
But I love your lace tights :)
Though they might be not very practical.
Anyway, happy new year!
XO, lily
i totally understand about the whole tights thing, the other day i bought some "sweater" tights that had a pattern with little holes in it, which totally ruined the "keeping your legs warm" bit.
loving all ur pics:D what a fun brooch!:D happy new year to u!:D
Happy new years, you look amazing! :D I thought I'd send you the link to the blazer you said you liked!
Ohh Lexy I love your whole outfit , really ! Everything seems so great . And now I want to buy oink tights like yours . Haha . And the brooch is so unique :D
Happy new year sweetie! Love this look on you & a lovely gif tribute to the new year :)
Yesss! "Tomorrow is just another day and I don't need to wait a whole year to make new goals" I'm glad someone has the same views as me. I was planning on doing a DIY this break too, I thought I would have so much time that I've been procrastinating on it but it turns out I only have two full days left until school starts! Time really flies fast. I love your brooch, by the way!
I love the moving picture of you, Lexy - you are tres adorable! My New Year's carpe diem!!
Happy, Happy New Year my love!! :)
look whose talking? i'm the one who should envy your tights! geez, i would kill someone just to get it. and by "someone" means an ants or spider? yeah goodluck with that. anyway, i am so digging your brooch...hmmm you gave me an idea again, i should put brooch on my blazer..maybe one of these days i will buy one. i agree with you on not having a new year's resolution. i also don't have one, screw you look incredibly cute as always!!
belated happy new year from usa!
btw, i just posted a new blog post from new year, check it out :)
Hy Lexy! Thanks for the nice wishes! Your pink leggings are killing me! They are just fabulous! And it doesn't matter that it's winter. In our country their is a saying "The old lady suffers for beauty" and it means that all women do crazy thing to be beautiful ;)
Happy New Year to you too!
A, and yes, it sounds so strange to say "it was the year 10" :)))
Those tights are purely amazing!!
Happy New year!
Love your outfit, especially the tights! Happy New Year, dear..
yeah, what did happen to him?
i lurved art attack..he was a genius!
and, maybe you can say, "in the summer of "O-10?" hahahahaha! you're funny...:D
anyway, i love the jacket, the dress...the whole ensemble. i all the more loved how you're braving the cold.
happy new year! :D
I love that moving picture. Fab outfit, especially the leggings x
whoa your leggings are wicked!
happy new year lovely!
annabu :)
Amazing leggings & brooch. How can you stand the cold? I have to bundle up in a million layers just to go outside to walk my dog. (: Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog!
Your New Year's outfit is amazing. I love those pink tights. So gorgeous.
The tights and the brooch really make your outfit POP. Love it!!
love the belt and awesome pictures ^^
hey.. i am new to the blog but u have been my inspiration ... this outfit is just beautiful love the leggings ....and the coat...
hey lexy happy new year :)
luv ur tights and jacket
hihihi i really luv ur blog
xoxo BubblyMelz
you always trump in the colourful outfit competition, hahah. i loveee. hope you had yourself a great new yrs !
xx lue
Don't remind me on school, ah no way I can't go! Just wondering, how did you get that last photo to flash?
those leggings and brooch are rad lexy ! and i cant still get enough of ur value village blazer . you always get awesome finds in that shop !
and nice GIF image as well :D i think ur feet are starting to freeze in the snow there..
your blog is a good source for inspiration .
many thanks to the comment you left :D
visit / comment / follow me .
glisters and blisters
That brooch is incredible! I spent NYE in a little sick. But the hubs cooked me dinner and we watched an It's Always Sunny marathon, so it turned out to be a winner!
brooch and tights=amazing.
happy 2010!
I know what you mean about saying I would have more time to do things then I just can't seem to find the time to do anything! I love the outfit, very cute.
♥Stolen Stiletto
I can not like more your look today. You did a perfect mix of colors. I really like your style and personality. It is unique.
B* a la Moda
I love love love that blazer! It's incredible. Love how you teamed it up with the tights, uber fun!
Umm, I'm quite the Grinch for New Year's also. =/
... the best part of your outfit are your nails! lol :)...sometimes I have my nails like that too, but now I feel like I'm not alone :)
Oh I love this outfit. And yes perhaps lace leggings in the snow was a bad choice. But it added to the overall effect! I hope you have a wonderful 2010 miss Lexy! I cannot wait to read you blog this year :)
p.s. cute gif :)
Your lace leggings are the killer thing man! I really love them with your blazer and dress:)
Love the last photo too.
I love, love your pink tights & the last photograph is too cute for words. New Years isn't exactly one of my favorite days either. But I did spend it with family, playing board games, which was quite fun.
I love your pink leggings!
Nabila x
you're so adorable and your colorful outfits always perk any of my dull days up!
expect the unexpected now .
i love the pink leggigs!
i love the pink leggigs!
Love loveee the blazer doll!Oh and the electric blue skirt you made in a post before is divine- that makes me angry because I'm not good at sewing things.Wish I had a skirt like that!
so cute
those lace leggings are awesome! really love all your outfits!
happy new year!
To tell you the truth I don’t really meditate in what I didn’t accomplish or what I want to do, what’s always in my mind is take things slow have fun enjoy the ride or the road and follow your passion and do everything at your own ability don’t pressure yourself! I want to run free with my ideas and artistic needs and if I do that life just seem better!! And I love this outfit how do you do it how? So amazing!!
the pink leggings are amazing!! happy new yr lexy! why are you always so cute
your leggings are so gorgeous!!
and all your outfit looks great.
Thanks for your comment!
I LOOOOOVE your outfit!
It's amazing what you did with that skirt !
I adore the blazer and the brooch !
those pink tights are outta control, love the header on your blog as well!
omg, i loved that guy ;(
what the crap, i spent new year's last year with that stupid miley thing. when she had this fan and they made a concert...blah blah...I SWEAR this is weird. on how we're so the same.
and i'm going back to school tomorrow :( i don't want to.
if you like wearing that tights, then just wear another pair of tights underneath that pair. lessens the coldness.
I love the black skirt, it is gorgeous! Its so sad having to go back to school after holidays :( Happy new year!
Amazing outfit, love your leggings!!
I am so in love with this enitre look - those leggings are too immense for words
Thanks so much for the lovely comment
Happy New Year (I agree, summer of '10 sounds stupid beyond belief)!
Stay safe and chic darling
English Rose x
happy happy new year!!! amazing outfit!!! and adore the brooch!!!
Your leggings are amazing! I love them so much! I used to think that sort of pattern was for old people back in the day, but since I have spent more time studying and observing fashion, I think that pattern is super cool! Your brooch is so creative and unique it's not even funny. It's just a really cool accessory which definitely adds personality to the ensemble. I love your photos. Lovely. I feel like such a horrible friend. Why? Because you commented on my posts and I did not find the time to comment on your posts back! Also, thank you for viewing our live webcast which failed, but at least thank you for viewing our pathetic attempt at a webcast. LOL! Please forgive my terrible friendship skills or whatever.
check out my trendy blog!
omggggggggg too bad your jacket is vintage, because i totally LOVE LOVE LOVE it i love the contrasting black lapels way toooo awesome!!
I can not like more your look today. You did a perfect mix of colors. I really like your style and personality. It is unique. xoxo B* a la Moda
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