This outfit may or may not have been influenced (like I actually don't know if it subconsciously was or not. I'm not teasing y'all.) by Zooey Deschanel via 500 Days of Summer. Eeek, she is so adorable.

Wore this outfit shopping with my cousins at - drum roll - VALUE VILLAGE. I definitely converted them into VVLovahzz (new club name, super exclusive) as they, too, came home with a bag full of stuff. Oh, awkward story. I saw someone I knew there. THIS NEVER HAPPENS. It's always old people I'll never see again. I said hi. Granted she was shopping for a costume party and I was shopping for daily clothes. But still. Go Value Village!

Two new loves: crazy hairbands and pastel nail polish.

Finally, Me and Daisy/ Daisy and I (I never get it right!) wish you all a fabulous week.

(Dress - Vintage $7, Cardigan - F21 $10, Belt - H&M $7, Headband - Le Chateau)
Ciao holidays! Come again soon, my dearest.
And that goes for you all too. Come again soon, that is! Because I rather enjoy all of you. A lot. But not in a creepy way. I'll visit your blogs asap, once time permits (a disadvantage of school). Have a stupendous (no, I never say that) week! :)
How has your week back to, well, whatever been?
i love this outfit..can u plz check out my blog and give me some feedback thanks a lot
Zooey Deschanel. Nice choice. And I didn't know you had a dog, who is one of the most adorable dogs I've seen.
I guess school's been okay. Being put into the advanced math group equals to more homework than needed in the first week of school.
oooh - the dress is so cute! Love the nails as well :)
You look awesome! I love Zooey Deschanel as do I love your outfit :)
Where do you live? It's always snowing, haha
awww this outfit is absolutely adorable. very summerish and colourful, even thought it's winter ;)
yeah, i love zooey deschanel! she's wonderful.
i adore zooey..and all the roles she portrays! :D
gorgeous the pearls on it!
Haha I've been hearing a lot about Zooey & 500 Days of Summer a LOT lately. Weird, considering that movie came out months ago :P Anyway, I love your dress! The design & colors are so cute :)
love the florals and I'm wearing the SAME colour nail polish as you right now!! pastels rule!
that dress is perfect with that belt you're wearing. this is such a cute outfit (and i have still yet to see 500 days of summer. i love zooey in that video you linked haha)
it's never fun to go back to school no matter what. luckily i still have a little over a week :)
What a lovely dress!! Love ur headband, too..
Hy! Your dress is lovely!
And trust me, you should enjoy your high school years ;) Anyway you will remember it as a great period of your life.
Your dog is a sweetie!
so how's school lexy? geez, i might sound like your mom, but you know what i can relate to you. although i don't go to school anymore, but still i hate to go back to work, and i can spend another week again without missing
so your outfit is just so adorable. i like how you put your outfit together, the pink cardigan and your flowery dress. and your bracelets kinda match your pearled cardigan? and i want that headband!
sassy rica ^_^
The headband is seriously cute, and I love the pearls. Pretty as hell! :)
& btw I feel that way half sometimes too, 'yeah...could have gone another week.' Eheeehheh, highschool was kinda boring!
cute dress and cardigan!
500 Days of Summer is SUCH a stylish film! I love the tea dresses, cardigans, cute pumps, dresses... in fact, EVERYTHING Zooey wears. And you pull it off so well! Gorgeous.
love your cardigan
and yeah i can never get that me/i thing right either...
i love that pearl-embellished cardigan and the headband and jewelry! very retro glam! =)
This outfit is adorable!
Lexy, this dress is so pretty! and your smile lights up my day. you are so sweet.
Zooey is one of my idols... nice choice of song :) The cardigan is just beyond adorable, and the belt is too cute!
School is the slowest when you've just returned from vacation! Hang in there! :)
Adorable dress and um a huge "yep yep yep" to the headbands/nail polish!
lovely outfit! and i l o v e zooey. shes beautiful. im a twin! and i also have twin brothers aswell. so yeah. xo
Lexy, I love your dress and that headband is so fab. Oh I wish I can have outfit posts in the snow like you do.
I love that dress. I wish we had a Value Village in Chicago, but we don't :(
i lover dress, perfect outfit!
Love your outfit lexy! And I love crazy headbands too!! So cute!
I hope school gets better, lovely!
such a cute outfit especially the dress:D ive been wanting to see 500 days of summer! i agree, zooey is just so adorable:) thank u for ur sweet comment and for dropping by my blog:D
hiiii i love your hair piece and your puppy is sooooooo cute. i can't believe its snowing!!! that looks like so much fun!
Oh, Zooey Deschanel is a favorite of mine, as well - she's so adorable! Your style does remind me a bit of hers! Love it!! :)
Oh my gosh, I love your dress! I really need to see 500 days of summer!
Thanks for the sweet comment :D
Have a lovely day,
gorgeous darling
love it, beautiful inspiration
i really love your blog, keep it up
thanks for sharing as always
and thanks for the sweet comments
i love your headband and the dress is so cute!
haha ive wondered what it'd be like having a twin as well. love the photos ! the floral is cute and so is your puppy !
xx lue
flowers in the snow!LOVEEEE
gorgeous colors hun, love the outfit - and cute nail polish too!
are you back at school already? =/ winter breaks always fly by huh
i love your dress!
I am Denise Katipunera
you look soo cute! I love your outfit, esp the pink pastel cardi :)
and the headpiece is sooo stunning!! really adore it :D
i love Zooey! i'm a crazy fan of 500 days of summer! beautiful dress, dear <33
You look super cute! The dress is so youthful! I absolutely LOVE that headband!
Love the cardigan is so feminine!I must confess I've developed an obsession for hairbands and headbands and yours it's lovely!I've awarded you on my blog-So check it out!Goodluck for school!
haha that was a cute awkward story. also, i read your old blog post about why you changed your name and puffy was the first rapper who changed his name a lot that i thought of.
and that belt is awesome.
ohh goodness your so funny i wish i was your best freind!
I love it It looking like some Zooey would wear! your dog is cute
Yay Zooey Deschanel, so very vintagey cute. I am an advid vv shopper, and I buy costumes to live in. :)
Well hello my quirky friend love this post hands down!and we all feel like that sometimes don't worry!! i love this post( wait i said that already) but it's true it has a fantastic outfit the perfect print and love the tights and love the hair accessory and i love Daisy!! what more can i wish for oh yes your dress hahahah! no am only joking have a brilliant day darling! oh and thanks for the lovely comment and for visiting!
absolutely adorable outfit. & i, too, love funky hairbands. i'm addicted, in fact.
but its not the only cute thing in the photo, you look cute as well Lexy ! i love that you're wearing florals in winter . its sooo beautiful..
thanks for the sweet comments dear :D
loved this post very much .
thanks for sharing..
visit / comment / follow me back at..
this outfit is so perfect! the fabric on the dress reminds me of the brady bunch but you made it look so modern! you should definitely be a stylist! i am always amazing how you transform items (that most of us would probably wouldn't know what to do with) into amazing outfits. love it, as always! xx
Love your dress and your hair accesorie.
Great outfit.
thanks for your comment!
really love this outfit! so pretty :)
Lovely photos! Cute dress !
I wish I owned this outfit. It's gorgeous.
haha, high school, I don't miss anyone from high school.
everything here is so soft and sweet. bravo!
omgosh lexy, you know how i always wanted to go shopping in value village because you always find amazing stufffffff, well we've got here too but its called 'savers' AHAHAHAHA
enjoy school missy, youth is like the best time of your life
Wow Lexy that dress is beautiful ! Also love the cardigan and headband too ! In love with any kind of headbands right now x) Your puppy is so cute awwww ! Have a nice weekend !
I totally thought your dog was a scarf for a minute there. I wanted that scarf, if so! XD
I love your headband and your dress ! :)
Have a great weekend !
okay lexy, yes, i think we've both kind of established the fact that we might've been twins in the past life. but having a sister 11 months younger than you is kind of the same as having a twin, AND IT IS ABSOLUTE HELL...well, not all the time :)
and like i said, i ADMIRE how you can withstand snow. i did it for the first time, AND I DON'T THINK I'LL DO IT AGAIN!
your dog and your hair is lovely. i wish i can curl my hair.
kay, i'll stop now, before i go on again. til next post!
i love your dress, and your blog AMAZING!!
I totally love this outfit! So romantic and sweet! The cardigan..the dress..everything! I just don't know how you manage to create such great outfits with a low're amazing!
Have a great week !
omg i got similiar colour nails varnish ^^
so fun and flirty!
i especially love the nail color :)!!
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