Pretty simple outfit. One of those "RUREADYYETZOMG?!HURRYUPLADY" outfits.

This had to be posted. Solely because I look like a bunny. If Macs had Paint (anyone know how to download Paint on a Macbook?! Send me a link?!), then I would totally draw bunny ears on me.

Headband obsession continues. This one kind of looks like a diseased holly, and I enjoy it.

Love this ring. My sister has a similar one in mint green, so I must plot a way to steal it/ wear it/ own it, without her knowledge. I ponder how this will be accomplished.

(Blazer - Value Village $7, Dress - Vintage $15, Necklace - Aldo $10, Headband - Ophelie Hats, Ring - Pretty Chic)
- I strangely get along better and converse better with quiet people over loud people
- I get progressively boring after I meet someone. Like, I don't know what to say to you? This is awkward. I'm bored of you. You're probably bored of me. It's actually a rather unfortunate trait.
- At school dances (ha-ha, yeah. go spirit!), I often have to pretend I know the lyrics to the songs they're playing. I really need to gain knowledge about mainstream songs.
- I hate malls. Period.
- I love a good pun. Or a bad pun. Essentially all puns. Recently, my friend's jacket pocket broke and I called it a "RIP-OFF." Hahaha. Get it? I thought it was kind of hilarious. Kind of pleased with myself.
- I wish strangers would smile at me. Why are people so unfriendly these days ?
- I dislike American Apparel. I feel like I'm the only one.
- I secretly find Facebook notes incredibly fascinating. They give so much insight on people I don't even talk to. Is that weird? (Um, never mind. Don't answer that.)
- I get progressively boring after I meet someone. Like, I don't know what to say to you? This is awkward. I'm bored of you. You're probably bored of me. It's actually a rather unfortunate trait.
- At school dances (ha-ha, yeah. go spirit!), I often have to pretend I know the lyrics to the songs they're playing. I really need to gain knowledge about mainstream songs.
- I hate malls. Period.
- I love a good pun. Or a bad pun. Essentially all puns. Recently, my friend's jacket pocket broke and I called it a "RIP-OFF." Hahaha. Get it? I thought it was kind of hilarious. Kind of pleased with myself.
- I wish strangers would smile at me. Why are people so unfriendly these days ?
- I dislike American Apparel. I feel like I'm the only one.
- I secretly find Facebook notes incredibly fascinating. They give so much insight on people I don't even talk to. Is that weird? (Um, never mind. Don't answer that.)
Anything weird about you? A fun fact or two? What your kwurxzzzz? (aka, QUIRKS.)
Thanks so much to everyone stopping by! Big thanks to Style Fool for this supaaaa awesome featchaaaa. (Yes, I just created new blog slang). I'm so excited, thanks girl!
Happy ohmygosh-its-mid-January-already!
P.S. Nice to hear all of your thoughts on the last Haiti post. Regular posts are resuming (as you can tell), but still keep the victims on your mind.
Happy ohmygosh-its-mid-January-already!
P.S. Nice to hear all of your thoughts on the last Haiti post. Regular posts are resuming (as you can tell), but still keep the victims on your mind.
Love the purple jacketness! As for bunny ears: ? Haha.
And I am the queen of horrible pun making--to the point where my friends are like "shut up -_- you're embarrassing me" but in a good way of course!
Ohmigosh first of all I cannot stand malls either! I prefer standalone stores - like huge Forever 21 shops. They are so much more pleasant!
Second, I absolutely love your blazer - it looks just like the one on the Louis Vuitton runways. J'adore!! :)
like everyone else, looooove the purple blazer. :) and haha, i do the lyrics thing too. i'm actually quite goos at it. it's a skiiiiilllllllll....
i know! i like the's what makes things interesting... normal is sooo boring..:D
quirks about me..hhmmm, i hate the smell of orange peel... and i like the scars on my body as it reminds me of what i went through (mostly from being a kid..and playing flag football!)...:D
ps. love the close-up of the purple blazer..:D and the floral dress!
cool headband :)
thanks for dropping by
link u, hope u link me back
love your blazer. hate malls too. strangers smile and wave at each other SO much more in the south - which is why i love new orleans. i totally stalk ppl i dont know well through fb notes too, hehe, oops
-I also dislike malls
-i can't get enough of the colour seafoam green
-i have an undeniable love for my cat (please don't think i'm weird)
-the first thing i notice about people (sometimes the only thing) is their outfits
-i could seriously watch skins or glee all day long
-for me, a hot cup of tea makes every situation better
anyways,love the blazer. how many do you have?
Me quirk? I love talking in a British accent. Its just so much fun!
Is that weird? I suppose it is. ;)
Hy! Lexy, thanks for the comment. I enjoyed your post a lot, you're always so fresh. I bet you're a very fun person to be around to.
The ring needs to be stolen. Definitely ! :))
Have a fun weekend!
Lexy, I am so in love with your blazer. And you are so pretty as always. Love your smile.
I love this outfit so much!
And I totally agree with the facebook thing.
Your writing is so expressive - I can imagine you throwing your arms around and gesticulating a whole lot! :)
Love the blazer. Really, really love it!
love the ring and ur outfit ^^
Awww, i love, love, love that picture of you looking like a bunnny. Cutestuff. Hehe, hotstuff but as in cutestuff. Okay i'll stop being strangely odd. :) Odd. (LOVE THAT WORD. IT SOUNDS SO BRITISH. AND THAT's NOT A BAD THING.) Okaay, anywho. You have an awesome blog. <3
Love, Malou. Hehhe, I've never written such a LONNG comment. With so many CAPITALS. Love , Mallou.
If you want your sister's ring, all you've gotta do is take it then replace it with something similar, like an avocado. Mission accomplish'd.
I lovelovelove your blazer. *___* It's such an exciting color!
I really like single buttoned suit jackets. I think it's different and very simple. Like simple-elegance. I used to have a tan suit jacket which apparently I lost, but I really want it back because it would have been perfect to roll up the sleeves and wear. I like the idea of rolling up the suit jackets sleeves because it makes it look more casual than formal. Your dress is to die for! I love it so much! Your ring is wicked cool as well! By the way, I agree with your speech on how the quirk's of the world is what make this world interesting. I think I love them as much as you do. Well, maybe just a little bit less, but you get what I am saying...or maybe you don't.
check out my trendy blog!
I don't think I've ever seen a purple blazer before, haha. Your's is so pretty & for $7? That's a steal!
Love the look. you look so pretty!
-N + K
* we are donating $1 to Haitian earthquake relief efforts for every comment we receive on our latest post. Check it out!
that purple blazer is rad. i love this whole look. and i know what you mean about quirks. i also wish strangers would smile at me! i always feel so odd when i smile at strangers and they give me a blank stare as if saying, "why on earth would you dare smile at me.' i don't get it. & i also dislike american apparel- you are not the only one. i personally thinks its overrated. xx
your headband is so beautiful in your dark hair!
your headband is so beautiful in your dark hair!
your writing is amaazing, & your outfit too.
xx Birgit
i don't know anyone who can wear such bright colors as well as you do. that purple blazer is just fantastic! :) and my dad does that whole name corresponding to a letter thing haha. it's a little bit embarrassing but hilarious at the same time :P
I LOVE THAT BLAZER!!!! I want that blazer. It's absolutely perfect, from colour to texture to style. So amazing.
This whole outfit is gorgeous.
gorgeous look! love the floral and blazer, i needs some headbands in my life!
Gah! OMGAH I love the styling in these photos You look absolutely adorable!
Don't worry, you're not the only one who dislikes AA. I never go in. Another cute outfit. Let's hope I can see some bunny ears soon. :)
Thanks for your comments!
THAT ring is sooo lovely!
p.s I hate malls as well
the purple blazer is a hit ! i love it !
xx lue
I adore that blazer, amazing as ever.
Your post on Haiti was wonderful and I have the same two life goals as you - it's just too awful for words
thanks so much for your lovely comment, i'm so glad you enjoyed reading it as much I as I enjoyed writing it
Stay safe and chic darling,
English Rose x
Your ring is cute and I don't like AA either. Everything is expensive and never goes on sale and their models all look like scanks.
Anyways... I don't know what channel Project Runway is on (I realize this is after the fact, but whatevs). I just download it on my computer because I don't even think my tv is hooked up! Sorry!
So its currently raining where I live. And I'm pretty miserable because I have seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.) but this post totally lightened up my mood.
I love this post to learn about you is fascinating really!! Ok first I love the outfit it’s completely mind blowing and your hair accessory is sooooo chic am in love!! I have this bubbly face right now really!!! Ok something strange about me mmmmm!
1)I hate new music I think I will listen to some new indie bands but that’s it I hate new music!!!
2) Am stuck in the 60’s and 90’s no joke the music the style the artist of that era like Andy warhol he was crazy but I loved the view he had on life very whimsical!!
3) am to smiley like I smile all the time, not only with friends or family everyone I just meet you and I smile no-stop it’s a bit annoying sometimes hahahah!! Well thanks for visiting and I love this post have a brilliant day!!
i feel the same about facebook notes lexy. weird fact about me? i can watch wizards of waverly place over and over and still laugh at max russo. lol.
and oh, i'm in love with your blazer!!!
purple blazer, how cool can you get!?!
amazing outfit
you looks so cute, like always !:)
You hate malls ????? I love them, haha :D i also wish that stangers would smile at me ! No, you are not the only one, I dislike American Apparel too !
first of all, love the ring. secondly, let me know if you figure out how to download paint on a mac! that's one of the things i miss most about a pc. i also can't use picasa on a mac, either =/
hey lexi awesome outfit, the necklace and headpiece are way too friggen great.
sorry to get back to u so late, but my medium is pantone markers and marker paper, pastel, colored pencils and sometimes watercolor! so happy u like my drawings
The quirks are why we have so much amazing stuff that we have today! If everyone followed nothing would ever be new & fashion would not be as fun - haha!
I don't like American Appareal either, I hate the ads.
Love your blazer!! and your ring.
Thanks for your comment!
That ring is epic! I love the colours you wore.
I tagged you in a post, check it out if you've got the time.
this outfit is epic i love it! the blazer is brilliant too
i tagged u ^^
hey gurl hey. honestly, i was quite disappointed with your post title because it irks me and i don't like american's okay because you are my soul sister so i forgive you.
and i havent been quite updated with your other posts, but i really like them. specially the one with haiti :(
2 weird things:
1) i'm obsessed with asians
and 2) i can't eat any kind of pasta without rice. so yeah, til later!
i adore this purple blazer
and the headpiece is gorgeous
thanks for sharing as always
and thanks for your lovely comments, i appreciate it
I get progessively boring, I run out of witty remarks. I hate malls, they are depressing. I always pretend I know the songs at dances, and american apparel is nothing special in my book.
i really, really like you too :D hahaha
I adore the outfit, I think Im gonna wanna go find a purple blazer now. The headband is cute, I wish I could pull it off. :| Boohoo. But anyways, love love. :)
I added you on my blogroll cause I adore you n your blog! :D
love love love you and your outfit! esp your purple blazer!!
just wondering . why do u hate american apparel ? hahaha..
i love the color of ur purple blazer dear :D
i think i should be doing a post on the weird facts on me too . thanks for the inspiration .
and yeshhh.. you got the first comment spot ! woot for you !!
its always great to look at LONG comments (like the ones u usually give me) really shows that my readers are putting attention on the posts im writing. haha
ohh and there's no paint on Mac . but u cn use photoshop or try finding some paint-like app at at the software/downloads sections . there's a lot of freebies there !
thanks for the wonderful comments dear..
visit, comment , follow me at .
blazer is hot and i love how you always look really excited in all your photos:)
Nabila xo
you are adorable, bunny face and all, haha. i love this look, very eighties without feeling overdone. you should try smiling at strangers first, i do it sometimes when i'm in a decent mood, and the results are usually pleasant!
Hi there, just found your blog and am in love! I'll definitely be following now.
Oh gosh I couldn't imagine my life without the ability to amateurishly alter my photos on paint (there's a quirk for you). Your outfit still looks awesome though, even without the bunny ears! x
Lexy, I left an award for you on my blog!
cute cute hair piece and outfit!
love, Patty Ann
Girl, you are adorable! I love your blazer. and your comment made me smile.
AND I have almost that same ring! Mines a poppi ring.
wahh, you're so adorable!
do u wanna exchange link with my blog?
.a little princess.
Lexy, you're such a cuuuuuuuuutie! You look adorable.. and my headband obsession continues too.. I love to make them too. :)
Check out my fun little giveaway.. :)
Love & Aloha,
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