I know that my blog is usually intended to be fun-loving: a happy little indulgence in your busy day. I had some fruitless thoughts prepared, some edited pictures to share, but those will just wait for a few days.
In my life, I really only have two basic goals:
1) To be successful doing something I love and
2) To help change the world into a better place, at least by a little bit.
Unless your completely ignorant, you must have heard about the Haiti earthquake. This strikes me as a real tragedy. Having done volunteer work in the developing areas of Peru, I can only imagine the magnitude of the effect that a natural disaster could have on such a poor country.

I urge you to do something to help: my family is donating money through the Red Cross and I urge you to do the same. It doesn't have to be a lot. It can even be just $10. Even if you are not going to donate, at least keep these victims in your thoughts. Remember: they are just like you. They have a family to take care of. They require the same basic needs to survive. They just don't have the same privileges as you.

An injured carries his dead daughter after an earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, January 13, 2010. Source.
I think that it is incredible how the world is all working together to get as much relief as possible for this tragedy. Sometimes, it takes something horrible to bring the world together. We must hope for the best and do our part in trying to help these victims.
Please, take a moment from our materialistic and consumerism lives (I, too, am guilty as charged) to think about this world that seems so far away. Watch the news, make a donation. These are real people. They need help. Our help.
Regular posts will resume this weekend, but I think that it is important to recognize this tragedy in the world.
Share any of your thoughts below. Do not feel obligated to do so; only if you want to.
Is it just me, or do the members of the tech-savvy world (blogosphere, twitter, Facebook) seem as though they were more saddened by the news of Micheal Jackson's and Brittany Murphy's death? While their deaths were undoubtedly sad, this is tens of thousands lives we are talking about. Think about that.
Please, take a moment from our materialistic and consumerism lives (I, too, am guilty as charged) to think about this world that seems so far away. Watch the news, make a donation. These are real people. They need help. Our help.
Regular posts will resume this weekend, but I think that it is important to recognize this tragedy in the world.
Share any of your thoughts below. Do not feel obligated to do so; only if you want to.
Is it just me, or do the members of the tech-savvy world (blogosphere, twitter, Facebook) seem as though they were more saddened by the news of Micheal Jackson's and Brittany Murphy's death? While their deaths were undoubtedly sad, this is tens of thousands lives we are talking about. Think about that.
this is really inspirational lexy...
yes, the haiti victims will be in my prayers...
well said lexy..
Oh I read about this in the paper. It's such a tragedy. My heart goes out to all the people.
Thank you for doing this. My family is donating to World Vision and i think its great that your family is helping out too!
It is indeed a terrible tragedy. You are a very sweet girl!
This is dramatically sad. I am so impressed. I encourage everyone to donate some money for these people. They need it.
B* a la Moda
It's truley terrible, I am going to donate too. War on Terror and War against Tragedy has started.
wow that's very sad. it reminds me of the typhoon victims in the philippines. it was very tragic like this. i just really pray that they will overcome this tragic situation.
Thanks for telling this to everybody, hopefully it will make a change. I saw other bloggers doing the same thing.
you're one generous girl, lexy
i kno that news from e!
dang, i was crying seeing the condition
cheers to you for giving this super news
tattoo freak
big hugs :))
really touched post!! I love it..
glad that you still care and wanna ask people too pay a little bit attention the the Haiti's victim..I know we're a fashion blogger, but we still have to care about what happened with humanity..rite? :)
I know that I can't give much to the victims..all I can do is send them my prayer and hope they will recover as soon as possible..this tragedy remind me of what happened in my hometown, Aceh, when tsunami hit this city in end of Dec 2004..hope everything will be okey and the world will be better soon :)
im very much touched with this post LExy . its great to see that bloggers not only care about their outfits but they are also globally active :D
touching post
lexy .. you should put up the ad from redcross on your blog ...everytime someone clicks on it ...some part of it gets donated ..its from red cross .. and well said ... <3
Thank you Lexy, regardless of the contrast between the attitudes of the blogosphere to this and the deaths of celebs I have been amazed at the number of online retailers who has offered support. Lady GaGa's store is offering 100% of proceeds today on all merchandise to helping victims & I thought that was truly touching.
I love you for posting this, Lexy - it is fabulous how you used Quirky Explosion as a forum to have your voice heard about the disaster in Haiti. I too am doing everything I can to help the cause. It is horrible to see people the victims of such devastation. :(
Hi Lexy . What a nice post ! Yes , I heard about the earthquake and that was horrible :( I can't imagine what it will be if all of my family die like that . So sad .
You are so right we must pray for them and keep them in our thoughts.What a tragedy and the photo with the man carrying his dead baby daughter made me cry.I can't say how sorry I am.
Thank you for posting this. It's very true. we all need to do something.
We are donating $1 to Haitian earthquake relief efforts for every comment we receive on our latest post.
all you have to do is comment. check it out!
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