I like gray days. Perfect lazy days because you feel obligated to be lazy and therefore you don't feel guilty for being lazy. Win-win.
And on the note of technology and changes, what ever happened to mailing letters?! I used to be part of a sticker club (obviously, I was cool), where you'd send/ receive stickers to/ from your friends in the mail! The good ole' days. Now the only mail I get are magazine subscriptions and "Happy Birthday from your friends at the Orthodontist!" Real personal.
Oh, and um FINALLY, the skirt that I meant to post a billion years ago is now being posted! A pain to make, but I'm satisfied so yay. Next time: 1) buy a dress form, 2) buy a pattern. The whole "winging it, pinning pins on your body and a ton of stitchrippin'" thing doesn't work real swell.
Minus the sweater, I was basically a walking and talking DIY. So yay for self-promotion?

(Sweater - Value Village $3.50, Shirt - DIY, Skirt - Homemade, Belt - Dad's, Tights - H&M $6, Shoes - Mum's, Jewelry - Assorted)
So for the 1% of you who potentially read my actual words of ramblings (don't worry, I still like you if you don't care about me on the inside. You only care for me on the outside. *Weeeep.*), I guess the moral of my ramblings is that I miss some elements of childhood. This includes: Barbies, Arthur, Barney, ZOOM, Flat Stanley, Bernstein Bears, Lizzie McGuire, calling my and my bffs (at the time) "the Puppy Pals," playing school with my sister and our stuffed animals, making plastercine dolls, painting the bathtub, making up stupid poems, getting loot bags at birthday parties, etc.
What do you miss from childhood?
Sorry for the lack of posts. I've been BUSY LIKE A BEE (props to everyone that got it right in the last post! Geniuses.). And to add onto that, my computer literally has NO space (something to do with 8000 photos, perhaps?), so I'm trying to burn it, but my computer keeps on throwing up the DVDs I insert. This wasn't even planned, but totally an exemplar of why technology is a pain in the bum. But I still love it. I mean, I wouldn't have "met" you all without it? AWWW, mussshyyyy.
Thanks for stopping by!