HEY THAR KIDS AND OOMPA LOOMPAS. (I have the tendency to have slightly abnormal greetings. I mean, uh, Hey.) (That was supposed to be a very sly Hey. Like a, "Heyyyyyyyy." Like, picture a coke commercial and after the boy has a fresh sip of the bubbly goodness he's all "Heyyyyy" to the hot chick. Whom he TOTALLY gets.) (I'm not actually being endorsed by coke. I don't even like coke. Sprite FTW. Sprite ENDORSE ME.) (And Value Village! And Kinder Surprise! And everyone else! Join in on the fun and give me free stuff! Please...)

I hope that you've all had a wonderful post-Christmas. (How much do you LOVE December? First it's "Happy Birthday" (this may only pertain to myself . And fellow Sagzzzz. Whedddup?), then it's "Happy Holidays," then it's "Merry Christmas," then it's "Happy New Year." NEVER ENDING GOODNESS LIKE A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN OF DELIGHT YUMMY.)

I've spent the awkward lull between the "Aw man, Christmas is over" and the "HOLY MOLY IT'Z 2011 LETZ GO CUHRAZY" with the famjam (both immediate and extended). It's been a lot of fun. We've been eating rice and doing calculus (for fun, obv) and rocking ping pong tournaments and playing majong and I don't even know why I'm endorsing untrue racial stereotypes. But really, it has been a blast. I will now link my lacklustre Twitter because for those who may go onto ask "What has been a blast?" you can get an idea HERE. Woah! Blast to the past much?!

This head piece is a fantastic gift from Santa. I feel like I'm a character from Dr. Seuss. Obviously I love it.

(Dress, worn as top - Value Village $14, Skirt - Homemade, Tights - Unknown, Belt - Dad's, Shoes - Value Village $7, Necklace/ Bracelet - Pretty Chic, Headband - House of Hsueh)

I hope that you've all had a wonderful post-Christmas. (How much do you LOVE December? First it's "Happy Birthday" (this may only pertain to myself . And fellow Sagzzzz. Whedddup?), then it's "Happy Holidays," then it's "Merry Christmas," then it's "Happy New Year." NEVER ENDING GOODNESS LIKE A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN OF DELIGHT YUMMY.)

I've spent the awkward lull between the "Aw man, Christmas is over" and the "HOLY MOLY IT'Z 2011 LETZ GO CUHRAZY" with the famjam (both immediate and extended). It's been a lot of fun. We've been eating rice and doing calculus (for fun, obv) and rocking ping pong tournaments and playing majong and I don't even know why I'm endorsing untrue racial stereotypes. But really, it has been a blast. I will now link my lacklustre Twitter because for those who may go onto ask "What has been a blast?" you can get an idea HERE. Woah! Blast to the past much?!

This head piece is a fantastic gift from Santa. I feel like I'm a character from Dr. Seuss. Obviously I love it.

(Dress, worn as top - Value Village $14, Skirt - Homemade, Tights - Unknown, Belt - Dad's, Shoes - Value Village $7, Necklace/ Bracelet - Pretty Chic, Headband - House of Hsueh)
2011 is just around the corner. But I think I will stay hipster and pretend that it's not even happening, at least for another day or two. Because, well, I'm hipster and I stand out and I'm unique and I'm special and la-dee-da-dee-daaaa and (mostly) OH MY WORD IT'S ALREADY 2011?! I'm becoming acutely aware of just how quickly life occurs and it's freaking me out. Day after day after year after decade after OH HEY IT'S TIME TO DIE. Life is so kooky.
(I'm really not pessimistic about life and I recognize that the time between birth and death cannot be summarized with the phrase "Day after day after year after decade" (WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING?) buuut... (OBVIOUSLY I AM TIRED AND THAT IS ALL) (GOOD NIGHT MY SUGAR PLUMS))
What has been the fondest time of your life?
Because the year's almost over and we're supposed to reflect on things like this. You're welcome for changing your life.
(I'm really not pessimistic about life and I recognize that the time between birth and death cannot be summarized with the phrase "Day after day after year after decade" (WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING?) buuut... (OBVIOUSLY I AM TIRED AND THAT IS ALL) (GOOD NIGHT MY SUGAR PLUMS))
What has been the fondest time of your life?
Because the year's almost over and we're supposed to reflect on things like this. You're welcome for changing your life.