Sorry for the lack of updates. I know that this is a terribly unoriginal way to start a post, but I have a legitimate excuse: I’ve been too busy being social!* And then recovering from being social!**
*By “being social,” I mean to say that I’ve spent a Friday night NOT, you know, listening to Wiretap online (any other Canadian fans? I love Howard zomg) whilst doing collages and the likes. This is shocking. I am, like, Lindsay Lohan on the PARTAY scale. That’s right. Partayyyyy. ONE WHOLE FRIDAY OF THE ENTIRE 2011 SPENT WITH PEOPLE. The sad thing is, I'm totally not being sarcastic lolz #ihavenolife.
**Recovering isn't code for "hungover" or anything. It's simply stating that a whole week + 5 hours of social activities = phew! Lexy needs an entire weekend of hermit-esque living styles to balance out her extreme social life. lolz #ireallyhavenolife
*By “being social,” I mean to say that I’ve spent a Friday night NOT, you know, listening to Wiretap online (any other Canadian fans? I love Howard zomg) whilst doing collages and the likes. This is shocking. I am, like, Lindsay Lohan on the PARTAY scale. That’s right. Partayyyyy. ONE WHOLE FRIDAY OF THE ENTIRE 2011 SPENT WITH PEOPLE. The sad thing is, I'm totally not being sarcastic lolz #ihavenolife.
**Recovering isn't code for "hungover" or anything. It's simply stating that a whole week + 5 hours of social activities = phew! Lexy needs an entire weekend of hermit-esque living styles to balance out her extreme social life. lolz #ireallyhavenolife
Wore this outfit sometime last week for my school’s “Civvies” day, i.e. “Dress down day”. (Yes, we’re weirdos.) It was my last EVER “Civvies” day at school, which was kind of, well... whatever. I was going to muster something up about being a cold-hearted bitch, but then I realized that that would make me sound like 1) a cold-hearted bitch and 2) a total and utter freak. Thus, I will leave you with a “whatever.” Because, really, that’s what it was.

It’s interesting to think about how my confidence regarding my style has increased. In grade 9, I was terribly awkward (nothing’s changed) and always wore eccentric colours (nothing's changed). However, I would go through the day with my head bent down and my feet tiptoeing about and becoming invisible and just kidding, I was never invisible. But still. You get it: scrawny child in bright colours mousing around, exuding awkward "I'mInBrightColoursAndLookDifferentFromYouAllButPleaseDontStareAtMeeeeIWantMyUniformBack."

Now? Now, I’m pleased to say that I’m totally happy to be wearing my granny clothes at a brand-whoring school, stompin' down the hallways like I PWN it. That’s right. Pwn. It's a blast. I want a disco party.

To me, that’s all that fashion/style is about. Having fun, wearing what you want, and wearing it like you’re a SUPERSTAR. It always strikes me as utterly ridiculous when people come up to me and they’re all like, “Woah! I could never pull that off.” Kids, YES YOU CAN. All you have to do is feel freaking awesome and BAMM! You will exude that freaking awesomeness. Am I calling myself awesome? Not going to lie, yeah, I’m reaching that level of awesomeness when I consider my own self awesome. Boo yeah for narcissism/ thinking I'm way cooler than I actually am.

It’s actually fun to stand out in clothes at my school. Personally, I don’t understand why you WOULDN’T want to. Like, 1) you can be totally boring and blend in with the crew or 2) you can have fun and be different and WE ARE ALL SPECIAL SO WHY NOT SHOW IT WAHHH.

It was fun wearing this outfit. I felt very 60s, like I should be protesting for girl power or something. KABAMPOW YOU KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING. People have gotten used to be coloruful antics to the point where comments have just gotten really sarcastic/ completely subsided. Or not. But now, I just find them way hilarious, rather than awkward/what will this person think/ why hasn't anyone said anything/ i feel stupid/ that's rude. It's fantastic to reach a point of wearing clothes just for the sake of my own pleasure. Because, really, it's FUN. Anyways. I diverted. Here’s one of my favourite comments from the day: “You look like a cartoon version of yourself. Like Lexy, BUT LARGER THAN NICE.” It was neat. I really wanted to become a Power Puff girl at that very moment.

(Blazer - Thrifted $1, Dress - Mum's (WTF, so random. She always wears black. She never wears this dress. Officially stealing it, boooom.), Tights - H&M, Shoes - Value Village $7, Bracelet - Gift, Ring - Thailand, Belts - Thrifted $1 each, Earrings - Thrifted $1)
I will only wear my uniform approximately 11 more times in my entire life OH MY GOSH WHAT IS THIS. That sentence was intended to smoothy transition me from talking about clothing to me freaking out about how I'm almost graduated. Yup, that's right. It's so surreal that I could go on for six point two paragraphs about how surreal it is. But, you know, I won't. AHHHHH.
In conclusion,
1) Stay beautiful and unique and funky fresh
2) I'm almost done school and let's freak out together, boo yeahhhh.
(3) this is going in brackets because I talk too much about the weather. But weather, if you're reading this, PLEASEEEE, anything besides 16 days of grey clouds/rain with one extremely hot and humid day intertwined would be appreciated. Just saying. xoxo)
How has your style/ style confidence/ confidence evolved?
(aw yeah, check out that evolution of thought.)

Have a beyond superb week, my pretties!

It’s interesting to think about how my confidence regarding my style has increased. In grade 9, I was terribly awkward (nothing’s changed) and always wore eccentric colours (nothing's changed). However, I would go through the day with my head bent down and my feet tiptoeing about and becoming invisible and just kidding, I was never invisible. But still. You get it: scrawny child in bright colours mousing around, exuding awkward "I'mInBrightColoursAndLookDifferentFromYouAllButPleaseDontStareAtMeeeeIWantMyUniformBack."

Now? Now, I’m pleased to say that I’m totally happy to be wearing my granny clothes at a brand-whoring school, stompin' down the hallways like I PWN it. That’s right. Pwn. It's a blast. I want a disco party.

To me, that’s all that fashion/style is about. Having fun, wearing what you want, and wearing it like you’re a SUPERSTAR. It always strikes me as utterly ridiculous when people come up to me and they’re all like, “Woah! I could never pull that off.” Kids, YES YOU CAN. All you have to do is feel freaking awesome and BAMM! You will exude that freaking awesomeness. Am I calling myself awesome? Not going to lie, yeah, I’m reaching that level of awesomeness when I consider my own self awesome. Boo yeah for narcissism/ thinking I'm way cooler than I actually am.

It’s actually fun to stand out in clothes at my school. Personally, I don’t understand why you WOULDN’T want to. Like, 1) you can be totally boring and blend in with the crew or 2) you can have fun and be different and WE ARE ALL SPECIAL SO WHY NOT SHOW IT WAHHH.

It was fun wearing this outfit. I felt very 60s, like I should be protesting for girl power or something. KABAMPOW YOU KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING. People have gotten used to be coloruful antics to the point where comments have just gotten really sarcastic/ completely subsided. Or not. But now, I just find them way hilarious, rather than awkward/what will this person think/ why hasn't anyone said anything/ i feel stupid/ that's rude. It's fantastic to reach a point of wearing clothes just for the sake of my own pleasure. Because, really, it's FUN. Anyways. I diverted. Here’s one of my favourite comments from the day: “You look like a cartoon version of yourself. Like Lexy, BUT LARGER THAN NICE.” It was neat. I really wanted to become a Power Puff girl at that very moment.

(Blazer - Thrifted $1, Dress - Mum's (WTF, so random. She always wears black. She never wears this dress. Officially stealing it, boooom.), Tights - H&M, Shoes - Value Village $7, Bracelet - Gift, Ring - Thailand, Belts - Thrifted $1 each, Earrings - Thrifted $1)
I will only wear my uniform approximately 11 more times in my entire life OH MY GOSH WHAT IS THIS. That sentence was intended to smoothy transition me from talking about clothing to me freaking out about how I'm almost graduated. Yup, that's right. It's so surreal that I could go on for six point two paragraphs about how surreal it is. But, you know, I won't. AHHHHH.
In conclusion,
1) Stay beautiful and unique and funky fresh
2) I'm almost done school and let's freak out together, boo yeahhhh.
(3) this is going in brackets because I talk too much about the weather. But weather, if you're reading this, PLEASEEEE, anything besides 16 days of grey clouds/rain with one extremely hot and humid day intertwined would be appreciated. Just saying. xoxo)
How has your style/ style confidence/ confidence evolved?
(aw yeah, check out that evolution of thought.)

Have a beyond superb week, my pretties!