I'm a winter baby. I'm a Canadian. I'm a part-time unicorn. (the latter may be somewhat of an exaggeration...) Sounds like a recipe for a WINTER LUVUHH (lover), RIGHT?! Actually, contrary to stereotypes, Winter makes me want to vomit sunshine and inhale blue skies. Yes, Winter, that's right. I ain't a fan.
However - yes, that all important HOWEVER makes its appearance - I was ridiculously excited when I awoke to a blanket of sparkles! The first snow fall is always, always the most magical. Especially when the weather has been freezing for years (okay days) and snowless. For all of those who aren't lucky enough to live in igloos and ride to school on polar bears, here's some winter-y photos for your enjoyment!
However - yes, that all important HOWEVER makes its appearance - I was ridiculously excited when I awoke to a blanket of sparkles! The first snow fall is always, always the most magical. Especially when the weather has been freezing for years (okay days) and snowless. For all of those who aren't lucky enough to live in igloos and ride to school on polar bears, here's some winter-y photos for your enjoyment!

Evidently, the sibling and I dorked out and took self-timers in our winter gear. This a real testament to our, uh, awesomeness?

I'm extremely aware that I'll be cursing the snow in, say, a day when my feet are inundated with wetness and my tights clash with my jacket. But for now, I'm thanking Mother Nature for her magic that falls from the sky (yes, I'm also aware that there's a science behind this "magic" but that is precisely why I dropped science. I happen to like magic)...

Here's to a sparkly winter, vintage layers and lots of hot coco! (Also, good marks on my midterms, but that will go in brackets to make me feel better for not studying yet. at all. ah ah ahh, freak out, think winter, yay.)
I absolutely love this season! Santa was at the mall and I was thisclose to getting a picture with him (THEY'RE FREE) but I refrained my inner-child and merely stared and smiled at all the ecstatic children like the creeper I am (not. that didn't happen...). Also, the sibling and I set up the tree on Saturday. It's fairly heinous. I don't think I'll post pictures. Let's just say sibling wanted "modern" and I wanted "traditional." We decided to compromise. Compromises aren't always the best solution. But whatever, it has heart. (And my rubber Santa toy as the star, YES.)
What are your plans for the holidays? Distract me with family traditions and OTHER FUN JAZZ so I have some hardy reading to do for procrastination.
I absolutely love this season! Santa was at the mall and I was thisclose to getting a picture with him (THEY'RE FREE) but I refrained my inner-child and merely stared and smiled at all the ecstatic children like the creeper I am (not. that didn't happen...). Also, the sibling and I set up the tree on Saturday. It's fairly heinous. I don't think I'll post pictures. Let's just say sibling wanted "modern" and I wanted "traditional." We decided to compromise. Compromises aren't always the best solution. But whatever, it has heart. (And my rubber Santa toy as the star, YES.)
What are your plans for the holidays? Distract me with family traditions and OTHER FUN JAZZ so I have some hardy reading to do for procrastination.