(Blazer - Value Village $7, Lace Top - H&M $15, Skirt - Homemade, Tights - DIY)
I always feel so cool wearing homemade clothes. I hope it's not a sign that I'm an egomaniac, or anything..
I'm always wrapped up in my own bubble when class gets boring (which is, like, all the time!). I pretty much always pretend that I'm in NYC. Sometimes high school seems petty, which is probably a really rich statement for a high school student to say. But I think that it's just that I'm really excited for the future! There's so much that I want to do with my life!
For all you fashionista friends out there, what crazy dreams do you have? Anything that has to do with this crazy industry called "fashion"? I'm really interested in what kind of dreamers you guys are! :) Thanks for stopping by!
haha! i totally understand how you feel! i mainly have two dreams - one that i'm a high powered politician and the other is that i'm an event planner for the glitzy glamorous people. its a dream but worth having when you're having a good outfit day :)
love your skirt! its ADORABLE.
You are a rockstar! Like your outfit(L)
That skirt is so cool!
You are a rockstar girl! I love your skirt. It is rockin =)
i dream like that too! nice to know i'm not the only one.
i love your shirt, looks very vintagey.
I completely understand! I do the same exact thing.. I just always tell myself that I have to preserver through high school (which is most definitely petty) so that I can accomplish everything I want in the future. My dreams: either a fashion magazine editor, fashion stylist, or an actress :) Haha I guess I dream pretty big. Also I am in love with your outfit!
Thanks for the comment!
- laur @ neonmango
Love your outfit, especially that lace top... gorgeous:)!!
Trust me, youre not alone.
whenever I go downtown, or anything remotely special i derss as if the satorialist will snap me. Kind of embarassing, and i totally know what you mean, about the future. Its like, I reeealy wanna do soemthing in fashion, and dont want to end up in something i dont LOVVE. great post, love the skirt. :)
my dream is to get good grades XD
love the skirt :) and ur photographs
Cute photos! I love that skirt.
lovely top and necklaces :)
SO gorgeous, i love it darling
thanks for sharing, such a beautiful little skirt paired with the tights
love it!
thanks for sharing and thanks for the sweet comments!
check out my blog @
You're not the only one
I dream about living in new york/london amongst the beautiful people every day. my dream job is to be a buyer for holt renfrew
that top looks beautiful, i want to see more of it, lace?...
i assure that you lexy (insert surname) will be living in NY very soon because look at the way you dress and make your clothes! Its DEFS straight to NYC. hopefully i'll be there with you too :D and we'll go to bakeries and buy the best cupcakes and we'll visit our soho apartments. oh the future sounds so enchanting
Sweetie, you look so cute in the last picture. You look so happy when you're laughing. I can relate to your post. I remember what it was like to be in HS and have this desperate feeling to move forward in life. Don't worry; you'll get there. And once you're there, you'll still want to keep moving forward.
Lovely outfit! Love the pink, lace blouse and your necklace as well. Happy halloween, and I hope you have a good weekend.
Great outfit once again ! :) you look very happy and pretty :)
Wow you look amazing! <3 Love it!!!
Again, great outfit. And ya, I've had that dream many times but mine has more in it. I'm the new It Girl, partying with the hottest celebrities and wearing the new collection from Marc Jacobs that I got as a gift from him. :)
Lol, dear you are sooo not the only one! I totally space out in class also and dream about living in London, walking around the city in a lovely trenchcoat and boots and carrying a starbucks latte in my hands while I search around for inspiration for designs.
i love your skirt and your top!
haha i daydream all the time too. okay not really like that, cuz my closet totally ruins the mood like i sometimes i fall asleep in it...
i daydream about me being a part of the fashion industry. im a super awesome like young designer, and my name would be plastered on papers and magazines "ANDIE DOES IT AGAIN", okay well not exactly like that because thats probably in every film montage about some kid doing something extraordinary, but you get my point right? oh and then im off to my private jet to meet up with my super hot boyf who just adores me. dont know who though, maybe indio downey...OMG IF WE GET MARRIED THEN ROBERT DOWNEY JR. WILL BE MY FATHER IN LAW!!! SCORE!!!
oh but one time i was daydreaming in school and my teacher burst my bubble with "1 more minute left" *pop! looks to her desk* OMG I ONLY HAVE 1 MINUTE TO FISNISH THIS QUIZ AND THE ONLY THING IVE ANSWERED IS MY NAME!
dont let this happen to you
I totally stalk the Sartorialist too and only dream that I can look half as cool as the people there! So heh, you're not alone!
This is the first time I'm stopping by, but Imma bookmark you! :)
M from frockingaround.blogspot.com
great outfit,
and no...your not the only one ;)
Lovely photos!
I really like the lace top ! x
rock style!
i love it
i really like your top! it's so cool. when i'm at school i sometimes just wish the people around me could be a little bit more expressive with their clothes! i also like to pretend i live in paris haha. xoxo!
Your blog is very very cool! My dream is to be happy really :) and for the future to turn out alright. I hope all our dreams come true! :)
Niiice !
you've got beautiful hair btw ! :)
that skirt is absolutely amazing! it's like sexy and trendy at the same time.
I love love this look of yours !!
Beautiful blazer with that gorgeous lace top and I really love the handmade skirt you did:)
Ripped tights always add a different touch to any outfit<3
Looking chic as always.
Crazy dreams ! To be a designer for Vivienne Westwood or Betsey Johnson:)
Or helping or interning in a fashion company in NYC ! Ahhhhhh
Firstly, might I saw that I love that look of yours. The top is gorgeous, I have a think of pale lacey looking pieces.
Sometimes when I'm walking home I like to pretend I'm walking along 5th Avenue to my apartment...dreams a free!
Girlfriend, it is only a matter of time before you have that fabulous life!! You are so cute and smart you will definitely get the glamorous life you seek. Except, as someone who does live in NYC, you with prolly get sick of Times Square really quickly lol!
Have a GREAT day!
Oh dearie I do just the same thing, can't wait for it to be a reality!
sooooooooooooooo amazing. i love the skirt and it suits you perfectly!
Love the lace top and jacket!
x, fashion-nerdic.
well i love whole ur outfits gurl :))
cool tights,fabulous shoes adorable ur shirt <3333
you look so much like Katie Leung in the last 2 pictures !!
the whole outfit combo is perfect here dear .
i love the girly meets biker vibe of this look . and love the way you opened the top zip up..
may I ask, how did you make the tights ripped sideways like that ? i've been trying to do that, but always failed !
love this look, wearable and vintage. Denim with soft fabric it's great
I don't think it's a sign you're an egomaniac. I just think it has to do with the fact that you're thrilled to know that you are wearing something original - you won't spot anyone else donning the same thing as you! :)
The only crazy dream I can think of is about over the knee boots. I kept saying to everyone that I was too short to wear them; then I'd go to bed and have these wonderful dreams about wearing a pair of black suede ones. Needless to say, I finally broke down and bought a pair - and I adore them! :)
I wish my life was like that... I live in NYC and for me it's pretty much just about working, paying rent and once in a while meeting up with other friends who are just as overworked and stressed out as me. I'm dreaming about a VACATION.
love the look x
This is great, you look so cute! Really love your hair too, it looks like silk! <3
Oh I love this outfit. The tights are amazing, loving the ripped leg! And that blazer is gorgeous too. Oh its so nice to be back and to be able to see all your lovely outfits! xo
i love your skirt!
and yeah, i know what you mean about pretending you are in NYC. I'm in a really college type environment and i absolutely hate it. but like you said- just be excited for the future! there are so many things you can do :D
adore your skirt!
totally LOVING the tights and the patched skirt!!! i want the skirt!!!
Love the skirt and the tights! Great outfit!
yo i do that too! even though my friends thinks that i wont become anyone cool.. i still have hope and believe that one day i will be cool and live near trump's tower. ha.
i think your skirt is suhweet! what a crazy denim combinationg (the colours). is the zipper suppose to be slightly unzipped at the top?
love this outfit!!
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