I was so excited to finally find someone to go trick-or-treating with me. It's always been an event I look forward to. I wish I took a picture of my organization of candy (okay, every little kid sorts their candy into piles!), but I guess that's a little embarrassing.
I literally was out, door-to-door, until the last possible minute!
I love candy so much that, last year, I decorated my laptop with candy wrappers! Yummy!

I feel like this post is on the verge of embarrassing, but I don't have any shame. Halloween is probably one of my guilty pleasures. I was pretty let down this year by the lack of dressing up (ahem, wearing a mask with your regular clothes is not a costume!) and the lack of trick-or-treaters. I hope that Halloween isn't a dying holiday. I love it! And I love all your comments (har-har, I'm so sneaky at concluding). Posting will be slow this week, just as a heads up. So, boo-hoo (har-har, get it?! like, a ghost? Um..) Thanks so much for stopping by!
How was your Halloween? Post links to any pictures!
haha, love your laptop. i never understood why anyone would ever give up the chance to dress up... people these days. ;) and unfortunately, i wasn't feeling too great, so no stick-or-treating for me... i got to hand out candy. (which is nearly as much fun, if you've ever seen the kids in the neighborhood.)
I love your costume! So funny !! :D
loving your header!! did you draw that?
loving your header!! did you draw that?
I love your costume. Very hilarious!
I love halloween as well, didn't have much money and time to go out and purchase some things for the costume I was making, I wanted to be a girl version of tim burton's Mad Hatter. But instead I just put something together out of the things in my closet.
I also really like what you did with your candy wrappers.
owhh ,so lotta cute photos :))
haha - you are so adorable - great costume! :)
Be sure to check out my fashion giveaway: http://www.friendinfashion.blogspot.com
Awww,girl !! I love love your Halloween costume and that belly is so so adorable:)
And you came all prepared with your map,fanny pack and walkie talkie. hehehe
Love love your bright oversized tee and your polaroid camera tooo<3
Wowww,you got so many candies! and lvoe what you did with your laptop. Great idea<3
big hugssss
Oh my goodness I love your halloween costume, its so good! And i'm so jealous that you could go trick or treating, where I lived growing up no one goes so I have never been trick or treating! I have posted pictures of my halloween costume on my blog. I'm a big halloween fan too!xo
LMAO. You're awesome. Why have any shame? :D
Your costume is pure genius! I'm much more of a lurker on your blog but that costume alone had to make me drop a few lines.
And the candy wrappers as a laptop cover? Cute. I hope for some of the wrappers, you licked off the crumbs/chocolate before placing it on the laptop? lol.
Anywho, since I'm here, let me continue: For being only 15years old, you have so much style & creativity beyond your years. It's awe-inspiring, really. Take care. :o)
aww what a cute costume of yours ! so super creative ! who would think of fat tourist ? haha . thanks for sharing !
I love the costume!
Great costume! Very original idea! I LOVE IT!
what an utterly fantastic costume!
my halloween was great :d
and original costume :3
and i love the idea of decorating ur laptop in sweet wrappers one of my friends did a collage like tht XD
your costume is AMAZING! you really captured the look of a dad-tourist. love the fannypack, haha! i'm jealous that you got to trick or treat... trick or treating around here was when i was in class or else i would have gone :(
OMG that's got to be the beeeeeesst costume i've ever heard of!!!!!!!
hey i gave u an award on my blog :)
SUCH a cool costume!
Haha that is such a creative costume! Halloween is the best holiday, its the one day when you can dress however you want and no one can say anything. haha.
Your such a dork :) (I hope that didn't have any offense since you called yourself a dork) Good idea with the fat tourist and that laptop cover :D I hope that Halloween doesn't die, I love it too much
haha you're rocking your Halloween costume
haha this is such a cute post! i have some pictures of my halloween on my blog :) check it out!
LOL this is too cute for words
i'm loving your belly btw
Wow class laptop cover!! :) Loving the costume
oh my goodness, i LOVE your costume. so freaking cute!!
love the costume!! i gave you a blogger award come check it out! x
hey babe!!!
hows it been going!!!! haven't heard from you for a while!!! you loook super cute by the way!!! love it!
Ah you look so cute!
omgggg you are the cutest tourist ever!!!! alsooooo, i've been so bad at visiting blogs, soooo busy with work, but i'm following you now!!! that way i won't miss anything even if i'm in a rush!!!
Ah you're so so cute :)
cool!!! your laptop is wicked! and OMG YOU WERE REALLY A FAT TOURIST!! THATS SO FUNNY HHAHAHAHAHA!!! (seriously laughing btw, im not saying lol because i think that lol is gay, sorry)
i wish i got good candies like those, all of the good ones were gone by the time i went trick or treating, actually ALL OF THE CANDIES were gone by the time i went. sucks
you have amazing style!
and we have the same name :)
great blog, love love love the laptop cover.
so creative.
omg, i also trick or treat too! i'm probably too old (16), but i do it anyways. i can't turn down free chocolate.
love it darling
glad you dont have shame, thanks for sharing
and thanks for the sweet comments
check out my blog @
Omgosh your costume is hilarious! I love it! It's quite ingenious and unique :)
Oh youre so sweet, thank uu !! ^^
And Oooo LOOVE your custume !! Genious ! :D
My halloween was awesome too! Walked the streets of San Francisco- it was cool :P
I love your costume so much !!
Your costume is the best! I love it, hope you got lots of treats as a result of your efforts :)
Great blog btw, it's a great read!
Really original! You don't know how many people I've seen as a zombie or dead bride :P
haha, next year i'm also a fat tourist. Very original
Awww. Your halloween costume is adorable, sweetie. You look so cute. And you definitely did an excellent job of portraying a "fat tourist." hehehe so cute!
You should try to watch Orphan. Some parts are disturbing but when you've finished it, you realized how funny it was and laugh.
hahaha you're funny :D suhweet halloween costume btw!! i love the belly. did you put pillows or something?
i think your laptop looks awesome with all them candy wrappers! i bet it smells all sweet and candy like now, yuuuuuum.
ohmygosh i love your blog!! this was such a great halloween costume!! (: (: and i loved the cheetah tights/blue skirt/blazer outfit in your earlier post....
You are so cool.
Your costume is totally creative! I absolutely love it. =)
And your laptop is awesome. I sure do hope Halloween isn't a dying holiday, same thing happened here, not enough trick or treaters and almost no one with costumes. =/
haha that looks very cool! i like your blog:)
LOL loving your costume, you pulled off the look well, and WHOA at the amount of candy you accumulated ?!
Love your costume! Too funny!!
love your costume! xo
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