Hey guys! Did you see all those pictures? Guess what I'm currently working on? My prom dress! I know it's a little early, but I want to have at least eighty-five bow ties and an endless sea of cotton ruffles and --
[We interrupt this program to tell you that Lexy is currently rolling on the floor laughing out loud [ROTFLOL]]
Kidding! Can you imagine? A colourful, ruffly, obnoxious prom dress? Pffft, that'd be so -- oh, wait. You probably can imagine that. Um. Awkward pause as you secretly (and easily) picture Lexy in an oompa loompa prom dress. Um. Awkkkkward... (Edit. Note: These photos really AREN'T of my prom dress in progress - it's a sneak peek of the costumes. (read below) LOLZ.)
ANWYAYS. I am currently the CAWSTOOM DEZINER (sound it out, kids) for my school play! Yay. Comedy of Errors. Shakespeare. What? Fashion + Shakespeare? I know, this baffled my mind, too. But at last, costumes are actually, like, cool. Like, yeah.
The play is only a few weeks away, which is very daunting. We're working our way there. Here's a sneak peek of one of the costumes, the Duke of Ephesus. My sister isn't dramatic enough to be in the play so I forced, AHEM, she voluntarily dressed up. I also made her wear the costume for this 10 feet guy (by "10 feet" I mean "6 feet"). It was hilarious.
An illustration I did for fun to accompany this piece. Somehow, it led to me doing six more for the posters. By tomorrow. Eeek.
Busy, busy! Fun stuff! Hot stuff! Smooch! (I'm picturing those little Valentine cards you used to get in your youth from your classmates. (When you were given a class list of everyone's name and it was basically the equivalent of committing murder if you didn't send a Valentine to everyone.) In retrospect, I'm not sure "Love ya sweetie, mwah!" generic cards were entirely appropriate for, you know, the entire class. But I'm sure we didn't know what that even means. Love ya sweetie? Happy Valentine's day? Psh, SAMETHINGIWANTCANDY)
Anyways. Adieu!
When was the last time you cried from joy? Aw.
P.S. I finally got myself (reactivated) a tumblr. Let's be Tunds! (Tumblr+ friends = Tunds.) (Uh. Just follow me and make me feel worthy yeah yeah.)
(EDIT: the ridiculously colourful pictures above ARE NOT MY PROM DRESS. I don't have one (I'm too hipster). yayayay. Damn my attempts at being "funny." I will now resort to being a humorless fashion drone, amen.)
Ummm can't wait to see your prom dress! And I LOVE that costume! Way to be awesome. (;
i cant wait to see your prom dress as well! you are very talented! I am just getting a hang of my sewing abilities. but holy crap your work is like perfect! I love the combination of ruffles by the way. I have a dress very similar to the colours with ruffles as well. isnt colour fun? actually on my blog I posted an outfit where I wore somethings black for the first time ever.
you have cute outfits!
check me out!
PS; yay Canada ( im from Canada too)
and are you Filipino?
because if so, yay Filipinos! (im Filipino too :P)
hahahhaha silly readers, this isn't my prom dress. I KNEW no one actually reads what I write, unless I bold it obnoxiously.
It's okay. I still really, really like you.
I read what you write Lexy! You are so funny! I can't wait to see your prom dress when it is finally finished! I am sure it will be BAD ASS! Your costume is really cool and your illustration is rad to the maximum! You are basically the definition of way cooler than me! <3 <3
i love your illustrations , they are amazing !!!!!!!! and ill defo add you on tumblr loooool but if you add me you'll get bored of me loool i only bitch about life on it xoxo
your prom dress is going to be EPIC! I am already thrilled a few months in advance for you! its going to turn out ecstatically great! cawstoom deziner- woww! i only observe your work in silent aweee. gorgeous, clever, witty, big amazing!
wow the look for the duke is amazing! great job
Vi from Cali
You are so talented! Amazing.
Oh my gosh I absolutely love your illustrations. Are they pen and ink or watercolours? either way, they're soooo good.
Wow that costume looks great and that drawing is freaking amazing! you're so talented! Can we see more costumes:D?
Last time I cried of joy? hm.. I think that was friday. Cause me and my best friend drank a bit to much (hihi, yeah we're from Holland, you know how thing go there :P ) and we got a goodiebag, but the wind was blowing soo hard and then it catched my bf bag and took it with him and she started running after it, on her heels. Haha. It was really funny to see!
OMG!!!!! That illustration is so incredible!! I love it so much!
Ps. I honestly thought for a second that that was your prom dress. Btw, are you going to make yourself a prom dress anyways?
Oh and thanks for all the tips!!! I'm so excited for our fashion show, I hope it turns out incredible.
I actually believed that would be your prom dress. I wouldn't be suprised aharhar <3
&& actually no, I'm nto going to art school heheeeheee. WHAT ABBOUT YOU EH? Your pictures are freaka--deeking amazing. You gonna go to one? <3
that's awesome. i tried costume design once.........it was a fail. haha, but it was also a boring musical where people had to wear normal clothes, and yours looks AWESOME and you are so talented!
You crack me up!
Illustration are gorgeous!!! i'd love to see more of them on here..
Thanks for the kind words about my blog, means alot.:)
Not my for a while off (i'm just greedy) lol
sooo pretty darling!! love this alott:)
btwwwww i will think about the vlog thing haha;)
wow you are incredibly talented. will you draw me something ;) but seriously this is so cool!
You are so great at art!! <3
Really great! I love designin clothes as well. :)
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