I miss doing DIYs. This headband is an ode to the summer of DIYs; I wear it all the time.

This necklace is an explosion of amazingness, kudos to the beautiful markets in Peru.

(Cardigan - Value Village $7, Dress - Pacific Mall $15, Tights - H&M $5, Shoes - Vintage $34, Belt - Vendor $5, Necklace - Peru $15, Hairband - DIY)
I love statement necklaces, but I have a problem with statement dresses. I can't do them! I consider this dress a "statement dress" because I'm sure it'd look great on its own. But my brain is wired so I can't wear it on its own. It's quite problematic, to be honest. But there's this wire in my brain that goes "Girl. You can't wear that by itself. Someone might be wearing it. Girl. You can't wear that by itself. Someone might be wearing it." Stupid brain. You get me?
Um. Anyways. Moving onto normalcy... I hope you guys have a wonderful week! And remember what I always say: its only 33 more days until Christmas. (Okay, I've never said this. I don't actually do a count down, but I just saw it on Facebook and I thought it'd be a fun fact). Yeah..
you are so cute, and I love that necklace :)
woot christmas!!! yayaya
Your colors rock! Just saying. I am so definitely loving the purple cardigan! Oh, by the way, talking about cardigans, no one in my school ever even knew about the word cardigan until I wore one to school freshman year and people asked, "what is THAT?!" Ignorance is not a good quality to have. I answered, "It's a cardigan!" I always make sure to remind them about the name cardigan and now everyone knows what a cardigan is and what it looks like! LOL! I love your shoes! Super vintage. Super cool! You are so daring with your colors. I am not as brave. I like to stick to more muted colors and pastel colors. Nothing too bright, but you amaze me with your outfits. I think I like your style so much because it's something I am not brace enough to do, but you do it instead of me and I get to view it! LOL! Hahahaha! But really. Thank you for your comments and suggestions! I will so take your idea into consideration. I have actually thought about it in the past, but thought not to do it due to no one really reading my blog and no one would probably want to do it for me. I will have to think about it.
check out my trendy blog!
Adore adore the purples in this outfit!
I really love your dress with those tights and shoesss too:)
Beautiful necklace you have. Ohhhh my,I don't know that Christmas is that close now.
I got to start preparing .
i love the colors in here :)
your blog is super cute!
i love all of the colors in your pictures, and i love your dress :]
i LOVE this, its so colorful. why did you change the name of your blog!???? its a really good new name!!! i feel like its so happy sounding just like your style!
i just found your blog and L.O.V.E. it!!! You are so talented and i seriously will from now on look for inspiration here on fashion! so unique and affordable too!
HaHa! I loved Chickadee Magazine! And I think you can wear that dress on it's own. But it's still really cute with the cardigan.
Thanks for commenting!
I adore the necklace. The dress looks fine with the accessories piled on! (:
I like how the colors in your outfit match the colors of the words in your layout :)
Gorgeous as always - you definitely rock the statement dress and i love how you've added even more colour! :)
The colors in this outfit are just lovely. Great sense of style.
Im definitely following your blog.
Love all the colors of your outfit!
OMG you are adorable ! Seriously that outfit is wicked ! So cool. Honestly, those colors together- wow ! and you r so cute
your look so cute i love the necklace
i have a question are you a fan of macr by marc jacobs? your so cool in the color
I love everything you wear! its always so colorful and cute :D
I am the same way. i cant wear a dress all alone! i always feel like it missing something or just putting it on is too easy
the necklace is so fun and SO you! and its from peru? even cooler. i always love reading your blog - you have the best entries girl. haha
you look awesome!
love this look from head to toe, so adorable
your blog is so quirky, flirty, and fun
im such a fan
thanks for sharing
and thanks for the sweet comments
check out my blog @
Yeeeah for the xmas countdown !
Thanks so much for dropping by my blog :)
Told ya that you always make clashing bold colors work !
This look is another proof for my theory ! (Am now sounding like my english teacher here..haha)
I aggree that bubble necklace is a work of art of the Peru-ans..
The necklace was the first to catch my attention :)
Have a great week !
One Love,
Love the DIY necklace :)
I definitely love what you wearing. The DIY is brill. I agree with the whole thing about a yellow chick. Or maybe one of those yellow rubber ducks, i love them
I love the print on your skirt, and the whole look.
I love your layered look! The colours are amazing. All your outfits are so bright and colourful, I love them. Anyway, this dress and Cardigan are gorgeous. Oh and your DIY headband is so lovely.xo
Great pattern on that dress, and I like the way its been paired with all those bright colours!
"Quirky Explosion" definitely describes this in my mind. (Quite a colour explosion I'd say..)
I also understand what you mean aout statement dresses.I have to make something totally my own by pairing it with something that no-one else would think of.
Thanks for the lovely comment. And I'd love to go to Central Saint Martns in London to study design when I'm older..
I think you look like a peacock! ;) Very beautiful. I love the contrast of colors and how vibrant they are. The necklace is so cute...
B* a la Moda
Amazing colors! Great necklace! Love it :D
Amazing color combinations once again !
I love that necklace, it's super cute. :D
I replied to your comment on my blog with this, just thought you'd like to know!
"@Lexy I actually had you in mind when I wrote #6, because you can and do wear lots of colors and it looks fantastic. =D"
hey darling,
you are tooooo awesome for word...... omg....... you are tooo colorful. I am blinded
love always, Val
ohmygosh your outfit is so colourful!! weeeeeee!!! and that necklace is actually quite simple,well through my perspective anyways, but sooo cute!! lovely really. "Girl. You can't wear that by itself. Someone might be wearing it. Girl. You can't wear that by itself. Someone might be wearing it." haha i never thought about that, but now its replaying in my head too, danggit!
IU don't like statement dresses either, I never get the statement and you can only wear them once!
Enter my Giveaway!
You are so adorable! And the title, really cool. :)
Thanks for the comment. You have helped with my decision. :)
It really amazes me how you can pull off some of the most colourful outfits and still look stunning. You are super cute, my dear. Your outfit is lovely, and I esp like the yellow skinny belt and the purple cardigan.
Thank you for the sweet comment about my pictures. I always appreciate it when you stop by :)
Love the colors!!!
Great colorful look and your hair looks in one word: PERFECT!
Thank you so much for stopping by!
love ur outfit ^^
what a vibrant color outfit - loveeee it so much, xx
This is definitely one of my favorite outfits of yours. The colors are GORGEOUS and look so frekaing good on you!! I am totally in love with your necklace as well. :)
I tagged you on my blog! Check it out!
You really have amazing ways with colors. Love it. It's inspiring.
xoxo, betz
i really like the blue tights and brown shoes
Duuude, you got a new blog! I was wondering what happened to you...
Yeah, I read Chickadee magazine all the time. And then I graduated up to reading Owl magazine once I got to old for Chickadee! Canadian kids FTW.
You are adorable.. and have such a fun and colorful wardrobe! I love it!! :)
Love & Aloha.
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