I have this weird need to talk about "awkwardness" in this post. Which is, in itself, a very awkward topic. I don't even know where this need derived from. I guess I've been having an awkward day. Do you ever have those? Like, when you just feel.. awkward?
*Awkward Pause*
Um, anyways, now that that's over with - I'm sorry I haven't been able to post! I would have loved to, but I don't have anything to post! *Evil glare at uniform* I'm kind of at loss of what to be posting besides outfit posts, and I thought I'd experiment by posting "art". (This isn't really what I'd qualify as art. Just summer projects..) So... enjoy? :)
1. I'm such a humanitarian that I joined the Human Rights Committee. Haha. But really. I'm pretty excited and we started watching a movie called "Darfur Now" which is really shocking and it really got me thinking. I did this "piece of 'art'"in the summer, but I might do more like this out of inspiration...
2. Flipping through old magazines. I was inspired.
Skin and bones is really attractive.. no?
3. Current project that I'm working on. It's a definite WIP (Work in Process, come on people! Get with the abbreviations!). It's based off the idea of "Go!" and following your dreams and so forth. I'm really excited about it and I'll give you more details about the actual project soon enough!
Work in Progress
So, I realize that this is a fashion blog and that my amateur "art" (those quotations are really, very, necessary) is probably not all that exciting!
But it's something that I enjoy! And if you, you know, had mild enjoyment scrolling through these three projects, then I'll happily post more of my other projects that I did this summer. Just say so!
Outfit posts, very soon, I hope! *fingers crossed*
What are your favourite hobbies? And, do you have any other ideas for my blog? I'm a little desperate, my friends! Oh, and I was serious when I was asking, do you ever just feel... awkward? Questions galore! I'm curious!