Here are two projects that I'm currently working on...
1) Sewing this pink, ruffled skirt. It reminds me of a cupcake. (Ignore my drawing - I'm trying to be "professional" by doing "sketches/flats." I fail.)
2) Painting these $6 Old Navy (hooray for 50% off clearance sales!) skinny jeans. Each leg side has a different theme - city, space, underwater, sky. So much fun to make!
Stay tuned, as these little projects will be making bigger appearances very soon!
(Dress - Vintage $5, Black Bandage Skirt [underneath] - Winners $5, Belt - Dad's, Tights - H&M $5, Shoes - "Pacific Mall" $15, Jewellery - Assortment)
While my parents eagerly thought that I looked "very Asian" in my outfit (um, hello? I am Asian), I decided that the silhouette reminded me of the 60s. Therefore, I was singing "Welcome to the 60s" all day. Therefore, I had to pretend I was in a Broadway musical. Obviously, this is normal behaviour... Really, I swear I'm normal!
^ If I had photoshop, I would photoshop me into a stage with huge hair and big speech bubble that said, "Welcome to the 60sssss. Dooodoooodoodododoodooo." Please use your imagination.
Matching tights with shoes. I'm kind of pretending this is a trend right now, so I don't feel like a loser going out in matching tights and shoes. I think it looks kind of cool, but I'm also getting this feeling of "Hey! It's a flamingo."

hahaha. i suddenly feel like doing that photoshop job for you, i'll tell you if i ever do it! [: and by the way your jeans look terribly cool. is that a polka dotted octopus i see there?!
ps: i like, your tights.
I totally agree! I love the time but it goes by so fast for me.Such a cute dress! And I love what your doing with those jeans. I would totally do that but I'm really scared that I would mess up. Plus, I'm not a good drawer.
im such a noobish loser on here lol only joined a few days ago but i LOVE YOUR BLOG!
so the ID dilemma is in Canada too! We face the same thing with Blockbuster here in Aus as well , wat the heck?! and OMG your DIYs are amazing , and your outfit with the pink tights is simply stunning <3
those pants = EPIC. reminds me of a dress I saw a while back, where it came with multicoloured fabric markers so friends of the wearer and the wearer herself could just colour it in when they/she got bored. how cool is that?
Those pants are AMAZING. My friends and I were going to do something like that too, but with pantyhose because pantyhose amuse us. And also I love your outfit, it is very 60's.
thank you for the comment! sketching is great as well :) oh and i think that ruffly skirt will look awesome! :) <3
cant wait to see the end products :D
even thought they very cool atm :D
I've always wanted a skirt that is reminiscent of a cupcake with luscious whipped frosting. Yours is destined to be delicious!
You are the cutest thing ever...I can't believe how amazing that floral dress looks paired with bright pink tights - love it!
By the way, it's too sunny here as of late...I want rain! :)
thanks for your comments! your dress is so lovely.
The DIY jeans project looks completely amazing! You're really good at drawing.. (:
And your post made me smile.. I agree, your outfit is giving off a bit of a sixties vibe.
Love your projects! I also make things self, now I knit a scarf xD! And I make jewelry. And my parents give me for my birthday (december) a sewing :D! And it will be awesome if we were neighbors. Unfortunately you live in Canada and I in the Netherlands :(.
Bye! (K)
(sorry for my bad English! xD)
Omg your title is so true, I went to Blockbuster with a friend and they got angry at us because we didn't have any ID on us. So screwed, what is this world coming too? Anyway, can't wait to see your creations worn and love that 60's inspired outfit!
Those jeans are AWESOME!!!
Wow you are an inspiration, girlie! You are so creative with your clothing! it is soooo awesome!
I just love, love, love visiting this blog!
Aw, you look so good in your outfit! And I like the matching tights and shoes combination too, don't worry. And good luck on that skirt- I'm about to attempt making a tulle skirt, since you're right- summer allows for so many fun projects and things to do!
That dress has an amazing print! Your blog is fantastic. Good luck with the ruffled dress :]
Love the outfit. :)
I agree with your opinion about the whole summer-thing! It's just fabulous <3
Oh wow i cna't wait to see the outcome of your project! That skirt has got itself a purdy colour. I like!
ok honey i need you to paint me a t-shirt or something, i love the drawings on the pants! me a t-shirt pretty please? :)
love those adorable pink shoes
Just found your blog... I love it (: Your style = excellent. And your jazz hands are even more excellent.
i LOVE this look! great tights!
lol I love your outfit you look so cute!
I love your creativeness : )
those pants are awesome. i can't wait to see them in an outfit!
best color in the world
love those shoes
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