HOWDY PARTNERS! Ahem. Howdy? Partners? Seriously, Lexy? SERIOUSLY? Whatever, western is very 'in' and things and I JUST WANT TO BE A COW BOY GOSH DARNIT.
Ahem. Again. Well, this is sufficiently awkward as you now question whether my disappearance was due to being a bad blogger or, seemingly more likely, being placed in a scientific experiment that makes human beings stare at microwaves too long and, consequently, become insane (according to my mom. she's anal like that). Or something. Ahem. Again, again. Can we just *smooth transition* it over to the pictures? You all cheer an hallelujah and a hip hip hooray and we transition and SUCH A BEAUTIFUL MOMENT! We all share a collective sigh of relief, kind of like that moment when you're squatting over the toilet after copious amounts of pee-dancing and uncomfortable wiggling and seriously WHY AM I STILL TALKING?!
Ahem. Again. Well, this is sufficiently awkward as you now question whether my disappearance was due to being a bad blogger or, seemingly more likely, being placed in a scientific experiment that makes human beings stare at microwaves too long and, consequently, become insane (according to my mom. she's anal like that). Or something. Ahem. Again, again. Can we just *smooth transition* it over to the pictures? You all cheer an hallelujah and a hip hip hooray and we transition and SUCH A BEAUTIFUL MOMENT! We all share a collective sigh of relief, kind of like that moment when you're squatting over the toilet after copious amounts of pee-dancing and uncomfortable wiggling and seriously WHY AM I STILL TALKING?!

My family is a giant dork. I don't know if that sentence makes grammatical sense, but that is the best word to describe us: dorks. A euphemism might be "cute," but that's in the "aw, you guys are so dorky, but I want to be a kind soul, so I'll just say cute" sense. This theory could be proven with various events, such as family game nights and Thanksgiving hikes. I wouldn't have it any other way! DORKZ 4 LYF, BRAH.

Here is the sibling and I. The sibling looks like Where is Waldo. HAH! She always comes up with strange analogies for my outfits (namely, just raised eyebrows that say OH SO MUCH), so now I'm being the witty one here. Please laugh. Or nod. Or something.

And I know it's tradition to start off a post with apologies and excuses but HEY NOW! I'm a non-conformist! I go against the grain! Therefore, I will end my post with apologies and excuses and stuff because I turn things on their head LIKE THAT. HEAR ME ROARRRR. Bitchez.
Ahem. Yeah, so, I've been non-existent due to things such as 1) laziness and 2) being artsy and going to poetry slams. THAT'S RIGHT. This week is kind of a big deal over here so I've been committed to the ART. Aka I'm the biggest stalker/ groupie zomg it's scary. You know how there were always the cool kids in school and you wanted to be friends with them, but the closest you could ever get was being graced in their presence? (Hypothetically, of course. Because we're hipsters and non-conformists and things and this never occurred.) This is totally like that. You know what they say: If you can't join 'em... follow 'em (?). Sure.
I think the greatest things about poetry slams is the vibe. Everyone there is so freaking passionate and genuine and someone described the experience as "like watching a sportsgame" and it really is like that and zomg it's amazing. And the poetry is amazing, too, of course, because it's all "DANG, that's so what I was thinking, but wtf you say it so beautifully"-ish. I have this irrational fear of going up to poets and complimenting them due to the collision of contradictions being 1) my awkwardness and 2) the fact that they are extremely, extremely eloquent. So I will just watch from afar and hope one of them comes up to me in a "nice skirt/ thanks, it was my mom's in the 80s/ vintage, cute!" way. (Mean Girls reference, ANYONE?) It feels like all the poets there have found their niche and I'm all like THAT'S SO BEAUTIFUL AND WHERE IS MINE.

What is your "niche"? Super duper curious - DO LET ME IN ON IT! (lexy's definition of "niche": place/ time/ scenario where you feel most happy/ most like yourself/ most alive)
Have a splendid day!
you look great! I love the pictures of the trees it is beautiful.
Your hiking gear is fresh to death. That jacket is amazing. Your posts are always so inspiring-- you just have the best style. And Pop Tarts are the best.
I love you. You inspire me. I want to be you. And I know you don't like those words because they make one sound, quote on quote, "creepy," but maybe you'll take my creepishness as a compliment.
okay. this adorableness needs to come to an end. it's too much to handle.
you're so pretty, and your jacket is great, so 90s. That scenery is stunning!
i love pop tarts! especially un-toasted...num!
my niche...the sculpture room at my school! or anthropologie *le sigh*.
p.s. the tree pics are gorgeous :)
OMG these photos are beautiful!!!
Great jacket!
GORGEOUS PHOTOS. looking fresh to death in that crazy denim jacket. xx
Love those fall foliage photos! They're gorgeous.
As for my niche... I think it might be in a dance class. It just feels right. Or maybe in the woods...
Your skirt is so happy! ^^
Holy crap, those last 2 photos are stunning! I haven't done as much hiking this year as I'd like ...
Your westerny jacket is awesome. You never cease to crack me up (with your writing, that is). ;)
Hey! It's been a long time, Lexy!
Wow.. your outfit is definitely quirky! LOOVEE..(:
Lovely pics too. I love to see the different colors of the trees. Never see them here ):
My "niche" is when the weather is fresh, no sunshine, air breezes so cool. That makes my day!
Dreamy Princess
Gah!! You look super cute in that outfit! How do you always manage pull off those looks? Can't say I'm not jealous. :-)
Well hello there cutie-patootie! I'm likin' that color combo. Yes, pop tarts are delicious. That is a profoundly true statement. I really don't think I have a niche.
You write the way I think - I love it! Hahahha ;)
I love the fall colors of nature and your outfit - well done my dear :)
Oh and my niche.... hmmmm... that's a most excellent question loves. Here I am 29 years old, and I couldn't tell ya. I suppose my secret niche is making up songs in my car, singing at the top of my lungs :) I LOVE introducing people to others who can benefit from each other mutually in one way or another, whether it's business, friendship, ideas, romance, etc.
Dirty Pink Cardigan
Beautiful outfit. Seriously I think this is my fave one so far, but then I am partial to polka dots.
That's cool that you're enjoying poetry slams. I've always stayed away from the ones in NYC unless dragged by a friend because I think people take them a little too seriously. I mean they are fiercely competitive and sometimes people leave embarrassed and for me that spoils it. Plus I'm a crap poet so I'd feel inadequate.
Also--I'd love to be where you guys are right now, with all those beautiful trees. It's like an autumnal dream in these pics.
There's something super about looking up at a mighty tree. tis the beauty of nature, the place looks wonderful so too does your retro looking outfit!
Love your skirt
~from catherine a.k.a the style fairy~
amazin look
am in love with ur denim jacket
greaaaaaaaat blog too
kiss rouli
You look gorgeous!
Love your skirt!!
I love you. You are the most precious thing on earth. The name of your blog alone made me fall in blog love with you! I am dying to go to a poetry slam and now I'm dying-er to go to one. Pretty photos of tree <3 <3 <3
Girl the weather there looks amazing!!!! The photos of course, as always are gorgeous!
Your jacket and it's rumple dog texture intrigues me!
Bright Green Laces
You do look great, and all the trees in the background are stunning.
Also, I completely support the poetry slam thing. they're more important than blogging. After all, you need inspiration, right? :)
I love the pics of nature, fall paradise (it this exist,lol)! Plus your lovely skirt and blouse are so complementary to all!! Adore your long and shiny hair!:)
Jelena (
I don't feel like I really have a niche. Is that bad? Maybe I do, and I just don't know it. I guess fashion photography and blogging is a niche. I'm pretty good at it, if I do say so myself.
Oh, and I can speak in a really good "Jersey Shore" accent. That counts, too.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
You look super cute babe :) xx
ahhhh your outfits are always toooo goood, soo amazing, I love every single thing you are wearing! and lovely the pretty fall colours!!
Nerds. Probably. And maybe competitive speaking competitions, haha.
Paint your nails to match out outfits. It'd be amazing and you know it.
Get outa town. that jean jacket is too friggin amazing for words. I cant.. I cant even. ahhh. too much goodness happening there. you are amazing and you inspire me SO much every time I read your blog. <3 I am your groupie haha. The fall colors are amazing in your photos.. I loooove Fall leaves and trees.. eee! You and your sister look alike, cuuuute ^-^
As for my niche.. I guess I would say I feel most comfortable with either my family (blahh boring..) or in a bellydance class full of women with the music really loud going across the floor with some step. I feel so right, and so alive in that situation.. it is indescribable.
you are a superstar <3
I love your skirts! and so much color on this post..from the leaves your outfit! I love coming here in your much color you give to my boring days:)
such a beautiful scene! i love your outfit as always :)
I don't know my niche. I think i'm like you... i go places that seem really cool and has a good vibe and everyone seems to just know that they belong there and i'm just kind of...watching... as they enjoy themselves. I guess i'm still struggling to find my niche too.
Anyway! poetry slams sound cool!i've always wanted to go to one but...i don't know where they are :D
Great post!
Great photos
Always following
The Dolls Factory make me laugh with your silly words Lexy..I love it! You and your dorky cute family should have a would probably be a huge hit! I say the same about my big boisterous Italian family. They are straight out of Everyone Loves Raymond (if you have ever seen it). Anyhow, I am jealous over the scenery and color of your trees...only one of my blog has started to change. Darn hot weather. Loving your whole outfit and that green polka dot skirt...too freaking cute!! My niche is in Philadelphia...the city where I went to school. I am always so happy when I go there.
Awe be nice to your sibling. LOL!!! Who am I kidding? I am the oldest and cruelest of four. hehe. I think my niche is my obsession for perfection. I'm so OCD that I think it's borderline "Monk"
As always, your style never disappoints and having you visit my site is such a blast!!!
Lovely colors and pattern mixing! Fall is looking so pretty in these pictures.
PS: We are all dorks in a way ;)
gahhhhhh your just so adorable with your ramblings. Well Canda looks very nice and i love love love your jacket and skirt . SO CUTE
my niche is my grandparents house with my family
(totally dorky but true)
I just came across your blog - I absolutely adore it! Your bright colored looks just make me happy :'3
such beautiful colors! i am envious of where you in LA, the colors are brown, light brown and olive green :(
Lexy, your brilliant. I love your outfit, although I have always detested the specific colour your skirt is in, I love the skirt. I really like how you combined it too. And those coloured trees look unreal. So pretty!
Poetry slam? What a cool thing to do!! I know what you mean, I always picture my meeting with people I 'admire' by a 'wah I love you way to dress' heyhey
BTW you are so lovely on those pictures!
So beautiful and creative, indeed!
Like a real fashionista!
hugs and kisses by Mani.
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