Oh, hi there. So do you remember how I possibly told you that I'd possibly post pictures of the play that I was possibly (definitely) designing costumes for? Possibly? (The use of the word "possibly" is a deliberate political move. In truth, I have no idea as to whether I possibly told you this or not. Thus, I'm channeling my inner politician and utilizing profound and manipulative rhetoric skillz. Hah!)
Um. So yeah. Last weekend (WOAH ONLY LAST WEEKEND SEEMS LIKE FOREVER AGO) was the play I was the costume designer for! I'm being technologically savvy and attempting a "click to read more" thing-majig (I'm a jack of all trades. A Renaissance Man, if you will.) (AH HISTORY ESSAY GO DIE IN A POT HOLE). So yeah. Continue if you want to be flooding with images of strangers in wack attire with black rectangles over their eyeballs...? I know. Intriguing...
Synopsis: Albeit being Shakespeare, the costumes were actually a significant part of the play. And supposed to be cool. WAIT WUT SIDE TRACK I KNOW. There's so much about a Shakespeare + fashion = equation cool that is seemingly incorrect. But, at last, life is full of wonderful surprises! Also, the play is hilarious (I KNOW ANOTHER SHOCKER CAN WE PLEASE GO CRAZY NOW) and it's basically about two sets of twins and mistaken identity dun dun dunnn.
So now that you're sufficiently intrigued/ confused... Enjoy...
CLICK THIS CRAFTILY ADDED BUTTON FOR MORE PHOTOS AND OTHER FUN STUFF! (woah, it's like a PUZZLE or a MAZE. Obviously, you will want to complete this labyrinth of fun stuff.)
The Dromios The servants/ twins. They are hilarious.

The "Antiphuli" (Fungus is to Fungi as Antiphulus is to Antiphuli. This is a witty science joke to illustrate both my "artsy-ness" and my scientific capabilities.) (JACK OF ALL TRADES, I TELL YA) (Hah, as if!) So yeah. They're the masters and the other the set of twins.

Adriana and Luciana (sisters) I think that they were my favourite! They're so adorable. At the end they courtsey together and it makes me coo every time. It's wonderful.

Some of the other minor characters! I was too lazy to sift through all six hundred billion photos, so here's a "taste" of what they may have been like.

Seriously, friends. This is possibly the most oh, I don't know, MIND BLOWING POST YOU'LL EVER WITNESS. Not for the costumes. But for the fact that WAIT WHAT I AM WEARING BLACK. This induced a lot of, "Lexy I -- oh wait, YOU'RE WEARING BLACK. I HAVE NEVER SEEN YOU IN BLACK." To which I would respond, "THAT'S BECAUSE I'VE NEVER WORN BLACK!" I'm assuming this conversation was very obnoxious for witnesses as all these capital letters are even hurting my eyes. Although, to be honest, I did feel very "sophisticated." Like I should be wearing red lipstick and speaking in French accents and being all, "oh zeee litttle peoplezz."
Black outfit #1

(Dress - Mum's, Vest - Peru $35 (!!! most expensive item of mine - fun fact!), Purse - Thrifted $10, Tights - Hong Kong, Jewelry - Assorted)
Black Outfit #2

(Shirt - Unknown, Pants - Winners, Blazer - Thrifted $10, Awesome Clown Broach - The Painted Lady)
Black Outfit #3

(Shirt - Thrifted $3, Blazer - Thrifted $10, Skirt - DIY, Tights - Hong Kong, Pink Necklace - Aldo, Silver Necklace - Thailand)
All in all, it has been an utterly crazy term. I've been salvaging sleep recently to make up for the lack of. But it was a lot of fun. I love being in creative atmosphere and dedicating so much time to creative endeavors... It makes me really ECSTATIC for the future. It was a lot of fun to work with so many awesome people (the make up, by the way, is beautiful! But for, you know, creeper reasons, I won't reveal faces because, um, imagine popping up on a random blog without your knowledge? Yeah, that.) (by the way, if cast members ever see this, I hope you don't mind that you're posted here! Pfft, who am I kidding? You're all so wonderful, so OF COURSE YOU DON'T MIND. Teehee. Hearts.)
This ended up being like another course on the side of all my schoolwork, but I definitely didn't mind it. In fact, I LOVED IT. I think that that's what important in life: when you don't mind working because it's fun for you and something that you love and something that challenges you. That, to me, is what life is about. Passion.

What creative projects or thoughts have been recently dancing in your mind? Your last creative endeavor?
wow what fun photos! you did an absolutely amazing job! i bet it was so rewarding to watch your work. i'm a major shakespeare geek so thoroughly enjoyed this post! x
The costumes turned out so great! Awesome! And I love your black outfits- especially the third one!
crazy good. all of it. whoa. i am so impressed with what you created. the cooky hats with springs are so coool. the wacky combinations even more so. whoa man. I am just in awe. and black, i could never contrive you owning this much black! you do black like nobodies business! that skirt is amaizng.
YOU ARE SO SO SO CREATIVE!!! I don't think I could have EVER done such a good job doing the costumes for a play. I am not as colorful and playful when it comes to pattern mixing and color mixing. I am trying to work on that BUT you certainly pull it off like a PRO! My style is more like your three black looks. What I like about monotonous ensembles is that I MUST pay more attention to the details of it. For example rather than looking at patterns and colors I must look harder to figure out what makes the ensemble so special. Instead I look for textures and accessories and individual pieces. I LOVE BLACK! It literally IS and has been for the longest time ever my favorite color. I don't know where my love for this color came about BUT it is my favorite color. Thank you for your comments by the way. As always they make me smile...like a lot.
Check out my trendy blog!
Oh wow they're amazing, you have a talent for sure! It must've been a really great show, I don't think my school ever tried that hard with the costumes, unfortunately.
My latest creative endeavor has involved a lot of dyeing, boiling vegetables & searching my house for strange brightly coloured things. Ah doing textile art...
You crack me up! I love reading your posts, i always end up sitting here giggling to myself :D
The costumes turned out amazing! So much work you must have put into them...
Also loving Black oufit2 on you...you look like your channeling a lil Kelly Cutrone maybe? hehe Loves it!
omg you are soo talented! love all these clothes!!
Aww woww! Your costumes are wonderful! That must've been such a big job getting them all done but they all look great, sure they worked amazingly on stage!
My favourites are the ones your did for the sisters, those big skirts looks cute :)
Love the black outfits too, the clown brooch one is really cool.
Lexy, Lexy, Lexy I am so incredibly proud of you! Designing costumes - ah, so exciting!! :)
Great photos - you did such an amazing job!
xoxo ~ Courtney
These are insanely cool!
OH MY GOSH LEXI, YOU ARE SO FREAKING TALENTED! I cannot believe you designed costumes for a whole freaking play! :O Oh gosh you talented girl, I seriously can't wait to see what you're going to do next. You're just always surprising us with bigger and better things!
Those costumes are AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I love the one second to far left with the pink trim, so cool!!!!!!
woow O_O the costumes by you :D
That's amazing. And they all look so great. that must have cost you a lot of time รถ
But it was probably worth it :)
my eyes went O-O when i read the Comedy of Errors coz i remembered re writing a script for that particular story... awwww good times.
im new to your blog and i really like your bubbly personality.. im following you.
Wow! Congrats! they look awesome!!
Even though I am just an audience I would know that the styles and dress were styled by you!!! it is an epic play but then again, the costume says it all...it took all the boredom away because of the color combination involve...
YOU are really getting into the right path my dear and yes!!! possibly...you will be awesome :D
wow such amazing pieces of work :p i just posted how ive lost my mojo for sewing XD and u look amazing in black :p
This is so amazing, you have an unbelievable talent! I'm seriously in awe, you are meant for something great!
CONGRATULATIONS! What an amazing achievement! Looks like a great show. xo style, she wrote
YOU are so incredible. It is time for you to make a whole line and show at NYFW!!!
Oh my gosh! BAM your career is on its way! Must have been the funnest time ever, and hey, nothing's more stylish than Shakespeare. Actually. ;)
oh my goodness lexi this is too amazing! so wonderful i'm happy for you
i just love your outfits
Wow!! Designing a whole play's worth of costumes is quite impressive, well done!!
Interesting to see you in all black, you still look as quirky & fun as ever though!
Lexy. I love you. ALL OF THESE OUTFITS ARE SCREAMING "LEXY", IT IS SO AWESOME AND YOU ARE SO INSPIRING (already! I mean, who knows what 'Future' might bring! You're going to be one of the world's most celebrated fashion-designers some day. Fuck yeah. You're awesome!) (!!!!) (......!!!!!!!!!) (<- those exclamation marks are indicating that I am very (VERY) enthusiastic)
Okay, enough idolism. No wait, I like the $ on your hand in the black outfit #2 :)
But okay, my creative endeavor? I think it's a bad sign that I have to think about that. :/
UGH I HATE YOU. why do you have to be so talented. I love them SO SO MUCH! The costumes are so wickedly awesome, and they're so YOU! (well you did design them..) They are definitely a ton of quirky explosions. (see what i did there). Even though I don't know you.. I feel .. REALLY PROUD OF YOU. (is the creepy-ish?) Haha, fabulous blog! always one of my favorites :)
xoxo Tami at Tamijam.blogspot.com
i can't wait to see everything! ahh i can't beleive you made this all! it's amazing!
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