(Denim Shirt - Dress up box, Pink Lace Top - H&M $15, Denim Shorts - Value Village $3, Tights - Mum's, Jewelry - Assortment)
Oh yeah, I got bangs.. Like them? Yes, No? Hmm... well I already got them, so if you say "no", there's not much I can do! So, um, just pretend you like them... Deal?
(Black Belt - Thrifted $1, Pink Bow Belt - H&M $Gift)
Okay, so "denim-on-denim" is supposed to be a major "no-no." But my style rule is that there are no style rules! C'mon people... Be rebellious.. Be courageous.. Don't follow them rules!*
*Obviously, I mean fashion rules... I don't want to be held responsible for any other breakage of rules.. But fashion? Let's not take fashion too seriously, okay now?
Today I did a bit of shopping with my mum and sister in a nearby small-town. It's really quaint and lovely, with a lot of fun vintage/antique shops! I totally lucked out and found myself at this great thrift shop with a "bag sale." What does this mean? I got to stuff clothing in a plastic bag and get it all for... *drum roll* ... $7! Needless to say, I'm kind of really ecstatic to have a bag full of clothing, in which each piece of clothing equals to less than $1!! Yay! I haven't had this many successful deals since I found those $1 belts!
Anyways, weather's finally nice here so I've been outside a lot! *cringe, and I just jinxed it and tomorrow's weather's going to suck* .. Have a good day! :)
P.S. I haven't posted my "Thanks for all the comments" in, like, three whole posts so I will use this opportunity to say "Thanks!" Honestly, I'm so excited to be in the double digits for comments! So thanks so much to everyone whose been leaving nice comments, really! :) Okay, I'm off to check out all your wonderful blogs..